
Active Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2022
Alright, So Ive like the spider girl Elyia very much. Shes very intersting in design and I do love the way she talks.
You know, I really needed to hear this because I frequently wonder if it's cringy that I add a little bit of Archaic to her speech. Thank you ♥

And after we defeat the demon god, there was something that stood out as ... strange. She offers to serve you out of nowhere and so soon, Just because her friend did ?
More specifically, it's because you saved her friend, which was the only memory she was able to hang onto to keep her relatively sane as she was forced to do horrific things to other humans. Her friend was basically the last shred of humanity for Elyria. Or at least this is how it worked in my head, but unlike a novel writer who has to write an entire book, go back and re-read it, edit it, re-read again, edit again, etc. I've only got a general outline to follow before I release each new bit of story.

In short, I make mistakes. So this one wasn't a mistake, but perhaps you picked up on something I'm still missing.

There has to be more too this.
A bit, but It has more to do with Seraphina than Elyria. However, there is something that I'm not willing to spoil, even after hiding in a spoiler tag. ;)

- Calling her Evil is such a misguided word for this spider IMO. I think cruel suits her better. Spiders are cruel by nature.
I'm pretty sure I mentioned this specifically in my writing, right? That was what I was trying to get at. Put it this way. I'm not a big LotR fan (I do enjoy some of it), but one of my favorite parts is Shelob.
She's supposed to be an ancient evil who might be more powerful than Sauron. When in reality, according to The Silmarillion she was just a spider following her instincts. So she was called evil, but imo she was just eating.
I particularly loved her depiction in the middle earth games.
I admit, I HEAVILY based Elyria on her.

- According to the succubus magic Journal, she tells of a human she changed with a a spider. Proof that succubus have to ability to create monster girls (or boys). In a previous post, this is what I ment of a hidden potential succubus have ? The powerful ones at least. Elyria is proof they develop real monster power too.
- According to the writing on the wall, which is Elryias notes. She calls herself cursed as an experiment from a horned demon. Yet she is compelled to abid her orders.
!! :D
It makes me super happy that someone caught that. That said, it is a major spoiler so you should probably use a spoiler tag.
But to explain: Succubi magic is believed to be illusion magic only (aside from their innate charm, of course). Which results in most races thinking of them as weak. However some Succubi have become unnaturally powerful, and instead of simply creating an illusion, they create an illusion so powerful that reality itself believes it was always true.
I actually really enjoyed creating this magic and will probably use it again in a future game or story.

- After being abandoned by the Horned demon, she started to... lets just say go feral for easy word. She talks of starting to loose her memories and an increase in spider instincts appear to kick in. This is evident enough when she met her fiance. She ate him after an intimate moment. Couldnt help it, it seems. Very spider like.
- It seems Pseudinferis was able to forcefully control her and she hated him more than anything, To this, im not exacly sure how he did, Some demon nature control ? Not sure. Could he have hijacked a weaken succubus magic ?
I actually wrote a very lengthy explanation here, but it contained too many spoilers for still un-written content so I had to delete almost all of it. Still, what's left could still be a bit spoilery for players who haven't played somewhere around update 0.48 or later: Pseudinferis claims she was gifted to him, but you should remember that Pseudinferis is a liar. It's in his nature.

It's also worth noting that Elyria is one of the longest living creatures in this world. She had enough time and enough solitude to learn magic that was mostly unheard of and to become more powerful than any other being.

Anway, she starts remember things
I will admit, this is largely because she's returned home for the first time in thousands of years. I can't think of a way to comment on that further without spoilers though, so I'll stop there.

I wanna see him TF someone into one, and watch that painful transformation which is mentioned in the succbuss tome.
You actually predicted some upcoming content here. Evil aligned players will be able to do this in the future. But I don't think I will have an opportunity to do it in the story until chapter 4 at the earliest. Though there should be some fun scenes in the brothel coming soon. I was trying to write some of them today actually, but struggled to put words down. Though I'm trying to be a little better about not making every lewd scene super long, so I'm going to try to write a few shorter ones.

I have some ideas, I could share later if interested.
I welcome community ideas. I even have a channel on discord specifically for them!
But if you'd rather not use discord, you're more than welcome to send me private messages or post them here if they're not too spoilery.

Heard it get mentioned Elyrie can die
There are two possible ways, and honestly the first method was pretty difficult to come up with because she's practically an old God with the amount of power she has. She is also the only abyssal magic user in both the demon and human worlds.

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No Comment. :)
There are some scenes with Yuki in the last (patreon) update though. Only for players who didn't recruit her before.
Tbh, the last update I worked on was huge, but that's largely because I needed to write two different paths for players who had recruited Yuki and players who hadn't.

Then I also had to add some variations for players who were a bit more evil vs players who weren't.

If my updates seem small, it's likely because I'm often writing 4-ish variations of multiple scenes.
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Nov 2, 2017
AH-64E Read your review (not sure why I didn't see it before).
Been a while, so going by memory. Also, I haven't played the last month or so of patches yet. So apologies if I mention anything that has been improved since.

As for long narrated scenes, that is kind of intentional. I used Japanese visual novels as inspiration for that, they tend to have very long scenes...
I more meant the events that are both long and repeat. For example, all dreams.

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It's interesting to read things the first time, but every time thereafter having to scroll for quite a bit gets old. Understandably, if these events only fired once there would be a dearth of content. Understandably once again, one couldn't expect you (or anyone) to be able to write the amount of events it would take to alleviate this issue. I'm not sure what the solution here would be. Maybe a toggle for whether or not you will see already viewed events? That way those more immune to being inundated with writing they've read already can still choose to keep being shown those events. Seeing the same thing over and over and over in a row gets tiring. Seeing the same thing over and over and also having to scroll through six pages of text, more so. My issue wasn't that events were long, it was that events that were very lengthy repeated quite regularly.

As to choices in sex scenes... I have been adding more choices recently, and am intending to add more, but while trying to write interesting scenes they do tend to get long, and when they're long it's hard to write more options for them.
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More content in that vein would be fantastic. More so if your choices were remembered and logged for future encounters.

That said, and despite my critical review, I did find your game initially entertaining. It was just that it became less and less fun the more I played it. The first hour I played it was a pleasure, but by the tenth a chore. Mostly for the reasons mentioned in my review (and somewhat in this post). Little things like hoping to see an event with spiders so you can finish a quest and instead seeing an event about a shiny cave for the 64th time, is an exercise in frustration. There are many such frustrations, big and small, that add up to a less enjoyable experience over time.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2022
I more meant the events that are both long and repeat. For example, all dreams.
That's honestly pretty fair, I'll try and consider other ways to resolve this.

Maybe simply adding a button to the top that lets you skip if you've already seen the scene, so you don't have to scroll. I have been wanting to write / add more dream scenes. Not necessarily lewd ones, just fun ones.
I suppose I could add a dream variable that checks if you've seen this dream yet.

Regarding the length of some scenes... You weren't specifying lewd scenes, I am trying to teach myself that not every lewd scene needs to be long. I got into the habit which ends up making more lewd scenes such a daunting task and sometimes I get overwhelmed. On the other hand, it also takes me a long time to edit the art so if I worry a bit about doing short scenes without having images that stand out for them...

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More content in that vein would be fantastic. More so if your choices were remembered and logged for future encounters.
Thank you! There is another scene like that after the opening to chapter 3, but I hid the options if your corruption wasn't high enough or you didn't have the magic. I've debated on it back and forth, and personally I feel that hiding the options is better, but on the other hand that means a lot of players will be unaware that there were more choices they were locked out of. So I'm still debating on changing that.
Ideally I'd like to do more scenes like that. It does take a lot of work because not only am I writing 4/5 scenes for possible choices, but I'm also writing variations on them based on magic the player possesses or their level of corruption so they might respond a bit less empathic. Which, from the players perspective, could result in a very small update. When in reality, most of my updates are pretty big. (Next patron update might not be, kid had a fever and now I think I got it, haha).

That said, and despite my critical review, I did find your game initially entertaining. It was just that it became less and less fun the more I played it. The first hour I played it was a pleasure, but by the tenth a chore. Mostly for the reasons mentioned in my review (and somewhat in this post). Little things like hoping to see an event with spiders so you can finish a quest and instead seeing an event about a shiny cave for the 64th time, is an exercise in frustration. There are many such frustrations, big and small, that add up to a less enjoyable experience over time.
Thank you for the feedback, really. Even though I'd love to have all good reviews, without some critical reviews or negative feedback, I won't know what to fix. So all feedback is fair, as long as it's not the standard "Your entire game sucks because you're lazy and use AI art" type of response.

Anyways, regarding replay value. Since there are a lot of kinetic scenes in the game, and a lot of repetitive scenes, I totally get where you're coming from here. I can say that in the NEW brothel I added to the new area, I did add a little bit of player choice so you can choose a couple of options. I've been hoping to add several more scenes to it this month, but can't confidently say how many I'll get done.

I have also been intending to backtrack and add more options to old scenes as well, but feel a bit pressured to add new content so I'm not entirely sure when I'll manage that either. There are some optional scenes that will be added to the forest at the beginning of the game, too. These will add more branching paths to change some future scenes, but I'm not the one writing those.

That said, I am trying to get a bit better about branching paths in newer content to significantly change scenes without necessarily changing the overall story-path.

I'll take your feedback to heart and will consider ways to improve old content and newer content. It will take some time, but I am always open to suggestions on how to change some content or new content.


Active Member
Apr 15, 2022
t makes me super happy that someone caught that. That said, it is a major spoiler so you should probably use a spoiler tag.
But to explain: Succubi magic is believed to be illusion magic only (aside from their innate charm, of course). Which results in most races thinking of them as weak. However some Succubi have become unnaturally powerful, and instead of simply creating an illusion, they create an illusion so powerful that reality itself believes it was always true.
I actually really enjoyed creating this magic and will probably use it again in a future game or story.
Thats what I really like, find kinda neat. Succubus in general at not physically strong demons (but still have some good natural weapons like claws and tail), Stronger demons could just see them as weaker demons and illusion magic is like cheap tricks to them.. Also they fuck alot, which further degrades their credibility in their eyes. They just get called demon sluts, like the first demon god called him. Yet seeing succubus magic have the potential to TF and alter people beings. Turn into monster race and are bounded to serve. In heinsight, the powerful of succubi, this can make them easily demon lords no problems. MC immune to corruption, and getting powerful at an alarming rate. I saw it explained in the tomes how even normal succubus can learn a multitude of magic elements too. In this world at least.

You actually predicted some upcoming content here. Evil aligned players will be able to do this in the future. But I don't think I will have an opportunity to do it in the story until chapter 4 at the earliest. Though there should be some fun scenes in the brothel coming soon. I was trying to write some of them today actually, but struggled to put words down. Though I'm trying to be a little better about not making every lewd scene super long, so I'm going to try to write a few shorter ones.
Sounds good :). I sorta like the push the MC to develop into his new demonic nature. I call it a growth into a real demon. I sorta hoping, say if he were to ever see his friends again, they would recognize him, but at the same time wont. His way of thinking has changed with his new body over time as becoming more intune. But I dont think I've gotten on the evil path yet. Namely explained in my previous posts . (Maybe one or two mistakes I could improve on my next game). But will continue to push him that way ^_~ . Btw im not trying to say all demons are evil, but they are certainly chaotic by nature. From what I have observed from Rhelya, shes more a cautious demon, but her chaotic nature is still there. She kill when she needs to, and if someone hurts her. Shown when one of her pet girls was abused on her trust. Just what I observed so far.

Some of the bandit scenes have shown that MC feels he should be shocked he ripped someone throat open, but he just doesnt phase him. Guess thats what I remember at least? Goes to show the change drifting from just being a regular human.

There are some scenes with Yuki in the last (patreon) update though. Only for players who didn't recruit her before.
Tbh, the last update I worked on was huge, but that's largely because I needed to write two different paths for players who had recruited Yuki and players who hadn't.
Oh, yeah forgot about that... I wonder... If it be fine to go ahead and kill her master on our own initiative like I intended, and we just could pick her up in the story here. Thats if she was to follow us out of the village? Tho maybe I would miss those cute scenes she would follow us to the mountain beforehand <.< and be all worried or wanting to help. I'll think on it. Shes just too cute to wait for /shrugs
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May 12, 2022
Version 0.50 is up for patrons, but I don't have time to update my post here, so I'll update tomorrow.

You can download 0.49 for free from patreon or, or wait until I have time to update the top post. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2018
love the concept. Question, Can the MC go Evil....rather start to think and act more and more like a lustful Succubus and enjoy her new lustful side or does she retain her Humanity and her moral compass regardless?


Active Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2022
love the concept. Question, Can the MC go Evil....rather start to think and act more and more like a lustful Succubus and enjoy her new lustful side or does she retain her Humanity and her moral compass regardless?
Right now the MC going evil just opens up some dialogue changes and adds a few extra choices.

There are some scenes that are completely different based on the characters morality, especially in chapter 3.

The ending will change based on how evil you are, too.

However your morality is a hidden stat based on choices you've made in game so far.
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May 12, 2022
By the way, there are several bugs in version 0.49 (the current free version).

The game has gotten pretty large and it's difficult for me to test and find all the bugs myself, especially as the one who programmed it I may not necessarily think of ways people might do things differently and break it.

Most of those bugs have been fixed in 0.50

But, I am looking for a couple bug testers. If someone wants to bug test and helps out enough, I'm happy to give them the next version for free. Or if they're already a patron I'll consider something else as a bonus to thank them.

Autist Elias

New Member
Mar 20, 2023
First of all great game I absolutely love it. I wanted to ask if pregnancy is ever going to be added (I’m probably not the first person to ask so sorry to annoy you). Also can somebody drop a Save? I deleted all of mine on accident…
  • Red Heart
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2022
First of all great game I absolutely love it. I wanted to ask if pregnancy is ever going to be added (I’m probably not the first person to ask so sorry to annoy you). Also can somebody drop a Save? I deleted all of mine on accident…
Yeah,I have to admit I'm not really sure how to implement pregnancy into smut stuff. I have no experience with that.
But some of that content is coming up very soon. But not for the main character (well not that you'd notice right away anyways).

However someone volunteered to add a scene in regards to this so I'm waiting for him to write it. My own scene is coming up pretty soon though, so either way you'll have it.
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May 12, 2022
Version 0.5 is up on

I'll release the downloadable version on the 3rd as usual. :)
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Dec 30, 2020
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Jul 31, 2023
Request to add a Humor tag cause spoiler was pretty hilarious. Never mind i went two more pages in and i am sighing after every line.
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Dec 8, 2018
I've noticed that only black hair have all assets for nohorns\noears, others lack "none.webp" and white is named "white.webp" instead for nohorned only.
Is it normal or bug?


Active Member
Game Developer
May 12, 2022
Hey what Melek taus drop and is it important?
He doesn't drop anything but
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I've noticed that only black hair have all assets for nohorns\noears, others lack "none.webp" and white is named "white.webp" instead for nohorned only.
Is it normal or bug?
You're referring to the assets folder?

All the images are named after whatever color your hair is.
I went ahead and double checked and didn't notice anything.

Are you experiencing an error in game?

Request to add a Humor tag cause spoiler was pretty hilarious. Never mind i went two more pages in and i am sighing after every line.
Honestly that's pretty fair. I'll add it.
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Oct 16, 2018
I'm begging for help. English is a strange language for me and I don't really understand some things. I was stuck in the mountains. what's the deal with misty maze? how to go through it to find everything? and what to do with this barrier later? Help me, I'm begging you. So far I've been able to cope on my own. But now I'm stuck.
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