I believe the censorship comes from a certain shader file called "FX/Censor", located inside Data.unity3d
I found it with UnityStudio but for some reason I cannot remove/edit it with UABEA, it simply won't save the changes for some reason.
I tried exporting each file from the package but even importing them back, simply won't save changes, thus it's I can't remove the cens.
If someone is able to do it, I'd be very grateful if you would share how (if it's manually done though).
You are looking for:
File type: 'Shader'
Size: '5112'
Path ID: due to referencing it's has multiple values. But from unity studio: 4
In my experience many game allow direct removal of censor shader/other type of files.
You should know that there is another instance of the FX cens file in 魔剣インキュバス_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\StandaloneWindows64\add1_assets_all.bundle but that one is easy to remove.
By exporting the .asset file I was actually able to edit.
But the real censor shader file is the 5112 sized one in add1_assets_all.bundle
One problem though: If you edit the col mask to float = 0, it screws up the R-18 content. Somewhere there is a check up on the col mask values, probably. No idea how to progress from here.
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