
Feb 28, 2020
Quite a middle of the pack ending by the standards of completely "out of pocket" endings to a vn we've had on this site, not the worst we've seen here. Some crybabies are just blowing it out of proportion just cause the dev doesn't give a fuck about how it is voiced here, a public forum. But meh everybody here things they're more important than what they are...
First of all congrats on getting it to an end, that's more that could be said for 97% of treads, I like the full circle completion even if it was unexpected and kinda sudden but I'd tell people to play by filtering by tag [completed], [VN], [ren'py] and realizedthis ended being an above average harem game with great moments and an average ending. So that's more than we can ask, thanks for the game
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Engaged Member
Jan 27, 2019
They're not telling you how to make your game, they're telling you they didn't like the ending and that it sucked. If you don't like that? Grow thicker skin? Get drunk? Smoke some weed?
While they were criticising the game's ending, they didn't do it very constructive manner. Which then caused the dev to respond in that way, since it wasn't the only one that was pretty unconstructive in it's criticism. It made the criticism sound more like "do the ending this way" demand than constructive criticism. Now i agree the ending wasn't great, though it wasn't that bad either, and there's plenty of there that could have been better. But how you word these things are important in how you get your point across. Best constructive criticism gives valid points on what was good and what didn't work and why, without coming across as something that makes the creator feel like they are attacked.

Also just telling someone to grow thicker skin, after they feel like they've received unfair treatment doesn't work. It's like saying to kid that is bullied in school, to just ignore/tolerate their bullies and what the do. I'm not saying that the dev feels all criticism is unfair, it's obvious they don't. But comments that just say the ending sucked, when dev has spent hours upon hours to create their product, will feel unfair attacks.

In worst case that kind of behaviour from the so called critics can lead devs even stopping their projects and never publishing anything again. I've seen it happen multiple times on this forum, where people bitching, not giving good criticism, about something they didn't like basically bully developer into leaving. And we all lose in those scenarios. Now i know there's people who say you can't be bullied online, but you can, it's when people basically drive others away from forums/sites with their constant negative comments.


Jun 20, 2017
How can it be called the end of the harem if the MC almost dies lol. I thought the MC would keep all the milfs he had fucked and marry them and get them pregnant in addition to the young girls XD. There was a milf missing that showed up and introduced us to Freya. I think the developer made a mistake with the shooting thing lol

It was supposed to be a happy ending (with an orgy):love:
3.90 star(s) 52 Votes