You could post this message and change the subject (change "law doesn't happen like that" to "boobs don't get that big" or "they're never that gullible") for pretty much every game here..Essentially your saying why didn't you put more reality of our world in your make-believe game. I would think the answers is's a game and doesn't play by the rules of the world we live in. If your wanting more realism turn the computer off and go outside and live it, most of us here are here to escape it.
I had a college prof that got this one right. Unless IFM (It's fucking magic) ignoring reality will kill the readers experience.
We live in a universe of cause and effect. People with simpler minds require less consistency in the story than those with a higher perception for such details or a greater knowledge and expanse of knowledge.
In short the more a person knows and understands the more holes they will see in stories.
In all honesty I am going light as hell compared to me and some of my friends. We made it a drinking game when it comes to scifi shows and movies and ripping the shit out of the issues in them. We look at character, story, plot back story, technical, pseudo science of film vs reality, props and technology shown vs time line issues...
Because we live in a universe were cause and effect are related a lot of stuff goes hand in hand.
You can't simply ignore those types of facts and expect everyone not to notice.
To bad there isn't a way of indicating the target level of the audience the work is written to.