
Active Member
Jun 30, 2023
Don't know how people are going to take this because it's a very popular game but I can't be the only that feels like it has become a victim of its own success.
I say this because the pacing up until the older daughter (don't know her default name) comes back from the Zone was great and it felt like it was going somewhere. After that, feels like I'm playing one of those filler seasons of The Walking Dead, the difference being I've got to wait months for each episode to release.
It's just getting boring. I remember being excited at the time how the plot of the fight between the mutants and Zeta was going to play out and the role we would play in it (like we could side with the Queen, side with the mutants or even play both sides) and feels like it has been completely abandoned. You could say this new Queen chapters we've been getting are part of that story but are they really? Because they feel a bit self contained and the mutants side of the story hasn't been touched on in God knows how long so there's no dynamic us and the story itself can play off.

It's a shame because this was my favorite game but now feels like its success has led the dev to ditch their original plan for the story and it's now just getting bloated with side content that progresses nothing because the game is now way too profitable to end it. Ironically, kinda like The Walking Dead.
You quickly realized that a few people were not happy that you wrote this and the way you appreciate this game. I´m glad a few more took the time to actually engage with you like normal people.
As for what you said, I wished Walking Dead filler was as good as this lol.
You are kind of right with the update contents, it has been very focused on side quests and sex events, although I love the way they are done so much that I don´t really mind. But it seems the ideal update content should always have something relating to the main quest and then two/three things about side missions. As someone has pointed out, it seems the dev is going to start doing just that, starting with the next update.
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New Member
Aug 9, 2024
i like how every girl that got "raped" liked it lmao ,it feels like its just a rapeplay fetish...not that i mind it , but its just weird......and bet the dark lord worshipers like me Wouldve liked if it were more realistic
It's probably for monetization purposes that they have to like it or be into it.
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