anonymous04 - I just got up, or I'd have responded sooner, but I checked my Discord for bugs (back when this was the new release) and there was a report of this. We discovered it was happening because the player saved their game while on the hunt and was then loading their game. This knocked all the variables out of whack, and led me to an idea which is implemented in the new Patreon version, and will eventually be released when that version goes public.
In short, I had played so many games in the community over the years where in order to see the Bad Ends, aplayer had to lose. With D:BB probably having 50 or more Bad Ends, it dawned on me how flawed this designed was, so I designed a Bad End collection (like how my Character Unlocks work if you've played my finished projects). Now, there is no need for more than one save file and no need to lose on monster hunts because as of the "Sewers Hunt" version, if one succeeds in a hunt, all the Bad Ends unlock on a menu and one can watch them as many times as they like!
Anyway, I believe you likely saved and loaded your game which cannot be done on a monster hunt. Once you head out, you're in it to win it! (Or still lose it in this version!)