Oh so going from a raging abuser to kind and loving within seconds is normal. I guess my claim is just "narcissist is broadly used term by people to describe someone who they dislike"
Got it, thanks.
Note to self: i really need to learn to never criticize (even though it wasn't criticism of this great game, but more theorizing) anything about any game unless it's universally accepted on this forum.
frist off, i never said anything that you ought to or not to do anything, this is a completely self made notion.
but i'd say criticise all you want, i personally have no problem with you stating your opinion.
maybe just try to think about "how" to do so, that it makes sense and isn't just feelings, especially when judging a person character.
also be ready to get criticised yourself, judging from your misconception about my reply : where i only stated that narcissist and psychopath are terms abused by the masses to label others without the proper knowledge on what those terms actually mean and how rare it is for such people to actually exists.
and then your reaction to it, it might be something you can work on ,especially for a online platform like this.
making misconceptions then instantly playing the "victim card" might get you a like or two but it also makes you look weak and easily to manipulate for "entertainment'' purposes
Maulis47 got the right idea i was making.
you going from abusive parent to " Hopefully you never have a narcissist gf " is a statement that doesn't make sense
to which i simply replied "its unlikely because common people don't have the knowledge and skillset to actually diagnose those character type's but they still use them, usually with intend to slander someone who they believe wronged them."
i'd say corporal punishment isn't the way to go with parenting,but it can work if done right.
it isn't normal (mainly revers to socially acceptable when talking about what people should/shouldn't do) to do/use anymore but it was quite common.