As a Dev for the game Despot Desires, We really are doing our best, we arent pros we really love our game and we are part timers, When people literally shit on us on this forum we get it. The game isnt perfect. The builds are a slow progress. We dont have a Huge following on Patreon and we arent triple AAA Devs. And yet we love our game. we love our small community and we like that we get to contribute to the game every month or so. No I don't live in India, Yes Gas prices are literally 6.89 cents ass Im typing this. Yes it is hard to pay my personal monthly bills. Yes my small team had a internal dispute that ended badly and affected the game, Yes Patreon did force us to make changes we didnt want to, to the game. Yes we are human and yes shitting on people that, make a game for free in hopes of making a living from it, for fun is messed up.*
To the actual critiques and people who are offering honest positive help and suggestions. Thank you!
We see them we answer those that come to our Discord and read through as many as we can online even if we can't answer back due to time.
What we promise: to listen to everyone who jumps into our discord and Dms, to keep things simple and fun, to try and tackle the changes and issues on the game, and to say thanks.
While they may be silent on this forum, alot of people understand our situation and really do love the game. And its those people we really are thankful for. Thank you guys.
Special note:
We rarely have missed a monthly release build. maybe 4 times in the over 33+ releases.
We do take feed back on our discord regularly.
We are open to Collaboration AND HELP! If you do want to work on the game with us PM me your skill or hoe you might help!
For now all I can do is humble myself and say thank you to everyone who is dming, supporting and even humble myself to the other team members for doing everything they can to have fun and make something kinda cool.
Thank you guys for even reading this. I hope the game made you smile or forget about the world if one for a little while
Stay Safe during Covid, this economic heavy shift, and the war.
- Thank you
I am hesitant to wade into this, but felt I'll put my two cents in as I know it can be disheartening when folks meme a passion project and 'shit on', from your perspective, work you care about.
I wanna preface this and say I was a patron of this and you when the first build came out, as I liked the premise and the design of the overlord. However I am no longer, withdrew my funding eons ago it feels that long. I will say you guys have some incredible perseverance and your post here does go someway to explain why the game is in the state it is in.
I withdrew my funding due to my frustration with the bugs, crashes, filler content and lack of focus on its selling points. Unfortunately, I think most of the points people are making on this forum are valid critiques. Despite them being a little meanspirited here and there but mostly humorous I'd say.
The game feels like it is 3 years old, and despite that we only have 4-5 h scenes in that is honestly shocking progress if you want to make your game be played on a h-scene basis. I will raise my hands and say I have not played this version, my last attempt was frustrating and buggy I gave up. Sadly whenever I see the changelog I do not really see anything that would draw me back in or give confidence to try another attempt.
I like the art style, I liked the branching paths of the Overlord whether you succumb to temptation, resist or abuse her. Yet all i am seeing is new costume try outs or progress on side characters I cared less about, it just all appears so directionless.
Again as I say, I admire you are still trying to stick with it, most would ditch and move on and abandon the work. However, if you truly want to keep this up; I do think you will need to reconsider, the playtesting of the game (better ironing out of errors before release), its limits (whether you are making that sandbox needlessly complex for yourselves), its direction (do an open poll here, find out what people want from a game of this premise) and probably most importantly how you release the game. I think so many updates are so menial they will not draw folks back in, including myself. If you are truly tapped for time to do anything further then updates have to be less or you will need consider what in life is holding you back or whether this commitment is truly worth it for you.
I'd like to see the game do well, I initially supported you guys after all, but nothing draws me back in. And you guys have an uphill climb if you want to try and do that again. Again, this is all my two cents