RPGM - Completed - Detective Girl of the Steam City [v2.01] [Clymenia/Kagura Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that stray away from it's premise but still one of the most enjoyable H-RPG in my library

    the story fall short after the first big case, at least it was good enough with the H-scene and dialogue

    H-scene is hit or miss depend on the player. I like how the girl is "dedicated dumb" kind of girl, so yeah most H-scene is accomodated by "dedicated dumb" personality, which I found as a great balance of humor and H scene.

    Artwork is really like really good, H-scene is potrayed nicely in the screen, no awkward tranparent male with floating p*nis or any sort of other lazy artwork.

    Combat is a chore and skill point is rather pointless because skills only affect specific scenario and you won't really get advantage for it.

    lots of "side-quest" which fulfill lots of H-fantasies (drugged, feel-sorry for you H-scene, I'm doing this because I'm "professional", tricked, actually lewd, etc.) and no compromise with the art too

    Actually adding a "virgin" dialogue difference. this is a small detail that need to be adopted by other H-games
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game was a big disapointment for me because i really was hoping this game would be great because the art looked pretty good and all, but the story is soo... bland? when you play as the police detective the game ends in a blink of an eye and the characters such as the ''phantom thief'' and the Blacksmith girl are basiclly NOTHING there's NOTHING to them almost no scenes and the ones that are in the game are pretty bad, the police officer and the Gang leader has more character to them than both girl. and the WORSE part is if you play as the gang fighter the game becomes HUGE of doing the same boring stuff: go to area X find the boss, defeat the boss, boss escapes, fo to area Y find the same boss but with minions, defeat the boss, he escapes again, repeat for more than 10 times and the scenes related to this part are pretty bad since the scene only progress to a new one if you have certain corruption points wich make the game worse overall, Huge disapointment.
  3. 2.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    Great potential, but a terrible game.

    If you are looking for a game short, with good graphics, interesting story and sex scenes that have absolutely nothing to do with that said interesting story, this is for you.

    My main complaint about this game is the lack of connection between the sex scenes with the main character. She wants to build a name for herself, acquire fame as a detective, that is her main goal and objective, and what kind of theme the sex scenes are? Exposition, public toilet, humiliation... Everything that goes directly against her personality, and she isn't even forced, or have a good reason to do it.

    The second big complaint is the length of the game, far too short, only three main missions, and only two to catch the phantom thief. It looks like they did that, and the money was running out, so instead of developing the story more, they simply added more sex scenes, without even care for how they would fit the story.

    That's my opinion. Many people are giving high scores for this game, but I guess they never played a good h-game yet. This one is just a mess.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a game that completely fails at its main premise while still managing to be pretty good.

    After a very well done introduction mission I was pretty hyped for a proper steampunk detective game, only to later find out that the main detective quest line where you actually investigate stuff for the police, lasts a total of four relatively short cases scattered throughout the game.
    Your main nemesis, the hyped up Phantom Thief shows up for just two of them before being arrested (and the main character doesn't even get a lesbian scene with her damnit!)

    The rest of the game is made up of one fairly lengthy (and repetitive) questline where you clear slums of gangsters in fairly standard simplistic turn-based RPGM combat, and various smaller cases you do for NPCs, where you mostly have to locate people and objects or do lewd stuff.
    While many of these do technically count as detective work (cheating spouses and missing persons and such) they usually hardly differ at all from your typical RPG fetchquest.

    The skill system was another disappointment. Of the six skills, four are only used in the combat missions, and three of those essentially do the same thing, allowing you to either convince, seduce or ambush basic enemies so you don't have to fight them. You can't even use seduction or eloquence to interrogate witnesses and such.
    One skill, observation allows you to gather more clues from the environment and is only needed in the police questline. Or rather, isn't needed because I accidentally did most of that questline before upgrading the skill, and was still able to finish it pretty much flawlessly.
    Only the last skill, lockpicking is used throughout most of the game, and that's mostly used to open hidden treasure chests and a few shortcuts in the slums.

    All in all, I would have really hoped for more detective work and steampunk in a game having both of those words in its title.

    However, even though the unique premise is ultimately just a skin-deep variation on the typical hentai-RPGM formula, the game still among the better hentai-RPGM games I've played.

    First off I absolutely love the MC. More spunky, tomboyish, self-assured detective girls please.
    Everything else is also pretty competently done.
    There are lots of unique assets, NPCs and their requests are quirky and varied, actual grinding is kept fairly low, and the hentai scenes are great.

    So yeah, the game gets a recommendation from me, just don't go into it with false expectations.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    To me this is a nice "come for the h, stay for the story" kind of game. It took me 11 hours to complete the story without actively "corrupting" the MC, but there is additional content to see, if you chose to lower your "reason" stat.

    At the the end of this game you're given the option to unlock all CG or to start a NG+ carrying over your stats. Some events have multiple outcomes depending on your "reason" stat.

    The story is set in an alternative world, where steampunk inventions made the British Empire keep its power to the point of wanting to reconquer the US.
    The main character of this game is Sophie, a quickwitted, sharptongued detective, mimicking a certain famous british detective. During the absence of her wellknown detective father, she solves small cases until she uncovers a grand plot of certain shady politicians and secret organisations.

    The story starts out strong and loses a bit towards the end, but is certainly enjoyable. Sophie is cute and charming (and flat is justice, literally, I guess).

    This game is split into two parts in terms of gameplay: Detective work and regular dungeon crawling.
    As a detective you travel across the town, talk to people and solve cases by looking for items or people and doing small "mini games". While these cases are interesting and quite variied, this game is a RPGM game at core and it has its limitations.
    The slums of London serve as regular dungeons. There are no random encounters, but if you touch the enemies, a fight might occur. You can bypass all but the bossfights by using eloquence, ambush or seduction. Grind is unnecessary, but if you do, you will end up oneshotting regular goons.
    Looking for treasure chests is decently awarding as for the majority of the game this is the only way to get materials to upgrade your gear.

    H and CG are mostly tied to story events and your detective cases. Losing battles will also trigger H scenes and you can grab yourself the "Give up" option in the recollection room.

    The main theme of this game and my biggest problem with this game is corruption. Sophie starts with 99 "reason" points and loses 3 for every sexual encounter. At 25 she will become the biggest slut London has ever seen. Masturbation also counts as sexual encounter. As result Sophie can go from "untouched virgin, who never masturbated before" to "cum dump, who forgets to dress up" within 25 rub outs.

    Other noteworthy kinks (that are usually tied to a single detective case) include prostituion, cum dump/piss drinking, adultery and sexual training.

    All in all this is a good game. But for me it missed its promised original purpose *cough*.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the good ones. Having both lewd scenes and normal gameplay. I love games that actually make you give a dam about the char. Not just mindesly mashing the buttong, til you get to a scene.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has an enjoyable story with meaningful choices and great scenes. Overall ability to choose what you want and don't want to do is great. Tons of nice different content helps replayabilty. And there's an option to just watch the scenes you don't want to work for
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great corruption game. Really enjoyed the game both ero-wise, and gameplay.

    a mission page.
    lack of CG.

    Great ero system
    great story
    never feel like "wasting time"

    I really hope to see more from this developer.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not a fan of petite body with small tits but I really like this game.

    Like said previously in the other evaluations, this is game is not only a h game, but an enjoyable RPG with good story and mechanics.

    You will enjoy playing, and enjoy fapping.

    What else can we ask for ?
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game as a game and not only as a hentai game. Interesting plot and very likeable main character. The title says it all, you are a detective girl in a steam city in which you can choose which path you choose with even diffrent endings and great replayability.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I think that one of the best praises one can give to the porn game is that it's actually doesn't need porn to be interesting. And I am happy to say that this game is worth playing even in "full pure mod". Interesting story, numerous possibilities to solve cases depending on protagonist skills and choices, driven (and sexy, but that is another matter) protagonist, exiting gameplay... I feel that even steampunk elements aren't really needed there for the compelling experience. Overall, for me, Detective Girl of the Steam City stands not only above any other Clymenia game I have seen so far, but above most porn games in general! Bravo, I am trully impressed!

    There are some problems, of course, but those are pretty minor and aren't worth mentioning, aside from two:

    1) Sadly, the game is rather short and not all skills are utilised to their full potential. I would be happy to see extensions with more cases, more plot and more uses for the existing skills.
    2) The porn element of the game is good, but doesn't really suited for this protagonist. What I mean is that all this degradation system is great for someone you want to degrade, but the protagonist of this game isn't one of them. And that means that the player have to either limit the scope of the porn content he is seeing or watch as this great character is spoiled. I think that it would be much better to let such protagonist perfom all those lewd acts without harming her sanity and reason.

    Despite all that, I feel not only that this game is great in itself, but that is, maybe, new and exiting direction for the Clymenia games or porn games in general waiting for us. And I, for one, am happy to greet this new direction.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Well balanced gameplay as long as YOU pay attention. You want to be doing both paths side by side until late in game when you chose fork. Please dont ignore the gang path until end then complain 8 dungeons in a row is to much...that is on you buddy.

    Characters, plot and interface are all great. Combat is simple but the pre combat skill choice a very nice touch. The translation is good.

    Was nice to have a small perky titted heroine for once. Was also nice that for once sex didn't kill brain cells and she doesn't become a braindead bimbo.

    Although renders nice there are nowhere near enough. Not are they reusing same renders within quest paths but in multiple paths with different dialogues. even when it doesn't suit occasion (getting fucked by two people yet only showing a couple). The laziness in renders also shows in the total lack of detail on males with basic outlines only.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's pretty good.police route is easier and less time consuming,on the other hand gang route is full of fights but nothing too hard.The story is ok ,classic stuff ,nothing spectacular there.Cg and the corruption feels ok, not too rushed or too slow.the environment and the music are great ,they build a nice atmosphere ,all the mechanics feel smooth.Def give it a try ,i mean its a clymenia game you will probably enjoy it.
    only sort of negative thing is you don't get to see a lot of the thief story and cgs .My guess is there will be a sequel with her as the protagonist but will see...
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is a solid 4 of 5. Great translation, wonderful art, refreshing setting. I am so absolutely burned out on Japanese set adult RPG games. This one has no sans, no kuns, and no silly demons or succubi. The MC is a tomboy with a tight body and small tits, another very refreshing change of pace!

    The story starts out strong, and you can get into the filth fairly fast, especially if you select a high number of previous masturbations on the intro. I wish the game would be more clear that you're basically selecting your starting "purity" level, but it's ok. Masturbate before you sleep and you can get the number where you need it to unlock the filthy scenes soon enough.

    This game has a bunch of side quests, although it wasn't until a bit into it that I realized I had to go to my desk at the office and wait for them. So when I suddenly started getting the side quests coming in, I got an overwhelming number of them at once. If the pacing was a bit more spread out on the side missions, the ending probably wouldn't have felt so dull.

    Once you finish the side quests and the sex scenes, all that's left is a very repetitive grind of clearing out basic dungeon slums over and over again until you meet the final boss. Again, with a few tweaks to the pacing of the game, this could have been avoided. During your adventure you upgrade your weapon and tools, and by the time you get to the bosses, you'll most likely overpower them very easily. Nothing wrong with that, but if you're playing this game for the sexual content, the last battles are quite a snooze.

    Typical of a Kagura game, the art that you get is great. You only want more of it. And also typical of a Kagura game, it starts out strong but ends a bit flat. Translation was great, setting was wonderful. I only wanted to see Sophie get wrecked even more, and the repeated scenes got stale very quickly. Lack of depth is what kept this one from a 5 star rating, but it's still much better than most. Give it a try if you like the genre.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Unlike some here, I enjoyed this game a lot. It has some flaws like dispensing of an interesting antagonist too soon and arguably being too easy, but I loved the change of art style from the usual, and liked that the protagonist could be gradually (and completely) corrupted without her “losing” herself or failing her quest. I also prefer games where a sexually active female MC is not denigrated and treated with disgust, and while the MC in this game becomes more and more sexual it is relatively light on abuse...mostly implying that she is choosing her erotic path.
    I think that many games on this site oddly treat females as bad or dirty if they become proactive or succumb to erotic urges. I appreciate games like this one where the girl can “descend” into debauchery and have a good time doing it.
    Not a great game but I enjoyed it for the art style, just enough story, and the relatively light treatment of the corruption aspect.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    3.5/5 would be more precise.

    First the important stuff, the sex scenes. Nice amount but with some reused scenes, still a good variety despite that flaw. Great reward vs grind. The art is great. The scenes are good. There are few kinks, thing that doesn't add nor take imo. It has a GALLERY, and it's a good one.

    Story, it's ok but the setting is pretty cool so that adds a bit more.

    Gameplay, it's ok. It's not tedious and it's fun enough to move the plot. It has some puzzles.

    Overrall: Good h-scenes with an average gameplay and an OK plot with an interesting setting. It's not tedious nor grindy, it feels rewarding. I recommend it for people that likes RPGs or steampunk settings... or if you like to fap, lol.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a serious step down from previous games.

    Paths of progression are completely obscure. Foreplay is completely removed. Hardcore kinks like monster sex are nonexistent. And because of a desire to create two separate play paths, neither are fun.

    Do not listen to the Clymenia fanboys that praise this game unconditionally. The truth is, its bad. Its less than mediocre. It is not worth your time.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    1. Good story, content and lots of optional fetishes
    2. Not too tedious and grindy, not confusing
    3. The technical miracle of a working RPGM (first in my life)

    All in all, just awesome, addictive, funny and a source of great many wanks
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Oh my, I held off writing my final thoughts on this game a full day after finishing it. I just wanted to give it some time to sink in and make sure my hype for this game didn't influence/bias me.

    Ok, I'll start off simple. This game is... lacking, but by no means it is bad. It feels like Clymenia is trying to do a culmination of all their games into this one, but it ended up to be lesser than each of their own. I don't usually scrutinize a h-game for more than just a couple of angles, but this is Clymenia and I love them.

    First of all, the hand-drawn art is top notch as expected from them. We have an added bonus of them being uncensored for the first time ever which tops the cake. Characters are so meticulously designed with minute details, even though there are only barely 3 of them that gets illustrated. Scenes are hot and aplenty, but half of them are reused with with minor variations and different flavoured text. And, that's pretty much the extent of their focus in visuals. The world design and everything else are uninspired at best. London never feels alive, so much I'd even say it felt dead. Custom character sprites are okay at best, but I don't feel like they are necessary if you aren't going to see them do more than just being props in the game world. No other playable characters and no costume swaps.

    Now, I am one that relies heavily on context to get me into the mood. I want good reason and good build-up for MC's eventual corruption. Well, this game fails kinda hard at that. They went for a more open-ended quest design this time around but I think they did a poor job at gating/pacing its tier. For example, you're able to have the MC
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    before she's even engaged in any sex. You're able to have her allow
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    before she's even seen a dick. Most events are tiered and tied to your corruption level but not all of them feels well-earned. There's post-game, but it's nothing more than just a way to finish up the side activities that you might have missed. Thing is, they've done this before and did it well in "XIV Liz of the tower". It's quite abit more linear but it's well paced, and it's also the reason why it's my favourite game from them.

    Let's get to the gamey part of this. It's all over the place. For a "Detective" themed game, it doesn't even have a core gameplay that's "detective-ish". The game started of having you do detective work, and couple of them are indeed quite interesting, but after a while, you'll start realizing it's nothing more than just clicking on highlighted objects. There's very little deductions that you need to do. There's also combat, but it's just levels and levels of dungeon navigation to get to a boss. Collect materials from boxes to upgrade your weapon to do better. There are options for you to choose how you'd want to engage an enemy. You can do a first strike to get them weak or engage directly for a typical turn-based combat. After a while you unlock the ability to talk them out of the combat, or fuck them off, literally. I feel like it's wasted potential for something more in-depth, maybe like something from one of those Scale Garden games. It's just simply shallow, there's just not much to work towards to combat-wise since you can unlock majority of the scenes in town without even advancing the dungeon.

    Sorry for the wall of text. I really wanted this game to be the best of Clymenia yet, but it fell quite short on many ends. Perhaps the best thing I got from this is that they are now working closely with Kagura Games to get their games out in English AND uncensored. I'll just have to look forward to the next one.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A solid game, though ultimately a little light on content and it uses padding by way of mazes and the like to get more play time. It also, by nature of using a published tileset for its specific setting, does start to get a bit samey and repetitive, but it doesn't outstay it's welcome.

    No whacky British accents, though there is a car chase at least.