Originally, the demons were originally going to more fleshed out characters but I trimmed their storylines down because again, I thought there'd be a lack of interest. I was going to have one or two of them be confidants for Lucas on the Liliah storyline. You guys are making me want to add that storyline back in. If I did, I'd have to cut the one I replaced it with, and it honestly might not bother many people.
As for the monstrous girls, I do have some plans. Some of those plans may be obvious, but I'm holding a few close to my chest. They won't be new characters, so don't worry about the character roster growing. Just as an example, no one knows who the wolf girl is yet. All guesses have been wrong so far
. Just give me time to unravel these threads in a satisfying way, rather than rushing all my secrets out.
How many times must a man say "No NTR and no sharing with other men" before people listen to him?
In all seriousness, it was sort of expected. I know some devs have been dirt bags in the past with trying to add NTR and then saying "Well, it's not really NTR". I hate that people like that have broken trust in devs, but it is what it is.