The full map is actually composed of 22 maps of 50 x 150 tiles
This will make the game openworld, and will make the experience more enjoyable, in fact I already have in mind to put hidden quests, secrets, easter egg, ect... So it will " force " the player to explore the map.
I even have in mind to expand the school, because it will also be a major part of the game in terms of side quests
I also worked in parallel on mini-game prototypes for mini-jobs and also for findable arcade mini-games playable directly in the arcade building
In the arcade, I wanted to test new things so, graphically, I thought it would be cool to change the graphic charter to play a game in a game (yes)
I plan to make simple arcade mini-games with several levels, there will be no developed story in it
But each machine will be a new game with a different graphic charter.
I'm already thinking of hero guitar rhythm games, mini-games inspired by the theme of the undertale combat system or many more
For example, the mini-games in Arcade will be presented in this view ( this is just a 3D draft, I made really fast on BLender to illustre my idea )
And For example here is the special spirte that I used for one of the mini-games on the arcade