Let us smash the rest of the nuns and Maeve. Also the playable sections of stories (detective work during cases and creeping around the factory during Sage's quest) are the best parts of the game, looking forward to more. Also please finish the Spear of Longinus case soon, we've been stuck on that case for a while. I get it was because you wanted to invest time into other parts of the game to bring them up to par with the main quest and I have enjoyed those parts but man ending the case would be good.
I know you're changing things after 1.0, to be honest I haven't read much into your plans beyond 1.0 so I'll just ask a few things:
Are you going to change the way the game is structured? A lot of sandbox devs seem to hit this point in development where it means more work for them to integrate things. Have you run into similar issues and changing the game due to that?
I've seen that you plan on making more updates throughout the year. Are these updates going to be focused on certain parts of the game (if it remains in a similar way that it is now) e.g June is a case file update and the one after is a character (Mia/Sophia/someone else) update?
Will the game after 1.0 be a separate launcher - by this I mean like Being a Dik is split into chapters and each arc has different files to download - 3 or 4 at this point?
I know you intended big things for the levelling up and corruption of characters like Mia and Sophia and that's why their stories are currently not as *rewarding* as others so far. Are you still going to run with the corruption system moving forward?
That's all I've got for now, looking forward to 1.0 and beyond.
Yes. The nun case will signal the end of the season. All the arcs will be wrapped up as well in the next release. I am very close to getting season 1 done.
There is a review for this game by assassini, it is only two or three reviews down. Even though he only gave the game 3 stars (Hmph!) I think its the perfect review and he worded all the issues with the game better than I ever could. You guys should read it.
There are several problems with the game. Firstly, it is my first game and I never planned every detail of the mechanics. I only knew what story I wanted and how I wanted the game to be. I learnt everything on the fly. Also, I underestimated how players prefer playing each update vs having a good completed game. They simply do not think long term. It is impossible to develop a proper sandbox game with full mechanics. This is why you dont see many of them. This system rewards games that put out good updates, not good full games. I do not develop the game linearly.
Another big reason is that I cannot sell my game on steam.
If I could sell my game on steam, I seriously will not care and do what I want. I am always confident I can make a good game and try to bring my vision to reality. Look at hero harem guild, a game like that is now three years on and no second episode yet. But I believe when the game is done, it will be super worth it. Sadly, he cant sell his game on steam either. A game of that effort and quality deserves to have 5k patrons at least.
So I have no choice but to change many things and do a season 2.
In season two, all the issues will be fixed as I have planed out the mechanics and the game will be much more streamlined. Yes, it will still retain corruption system and I actually think you guys will enjoy it more. Even though it is no longer the game that I initially envisioned it to be.
Yes, Mia/Sophia are main characters. You just have to wait until they are lewded.