VN Ren'Py Abandoned Deviant Desires [v0.5] [PingPanda]

2.30 star(s) 17 Votes



Progression Update #6 - All The Coding!!
Patrons only
Sep 21 at 12:18pm
It's been a while since I last did a progression update but you'll be pleased to know we're almost there.
I just need to finish up the coding which I would normally say wouldn't take to long, but I've literally been at it for 3 days now and only managed to get Christine's coding done 0.0 this is partially due to getting stuck and also due to some personal issues a friend has been having which took my focus a little.

But, I'm not back on track and in the middle of coding Sarah's weekend event.

The biggest thing that annoys me when it comes to coding is I always find new things that I should add into a certain area but don't actually have time to due it so have to wait till the following update, then once I get to that update I've found other things that need doing and never get round to it xD I think working on some kind of work schedule would be a good idea for me.

But anyway, back to the update, I've coded all of Christine's story, halfway through Sarah's then need to code Amy's and Amanda's.

I also still need to render a few things for Amy but that's not a big issue, I can just do it tonight while I sleep :p


Game Developer
Aug 17, 2017
i have to ask in the future are there going to be these fetishes and graphics the reason why i ask is because alot of people were fan of them from your old game
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All the old fetishes will be coming over to DD.

I've actually been planning on implementing the enable/disable feature in DD as well, plan to add it in v0.3



Progression Update #7 - Almost There...
Patrons only
Sep 25 at 7:13pm
Whew...this coding is really kicking my ass, lol, really need to think of an easier way of doing things and actually stick to it coz this rendering it all then coding it all at once is killing me, lol.

But, I'm getting closer to the end now, just have 2 more characters to code and the hint system then it'll all be done, will just need to test it and ship it on out to you guys.

I would say, expect the release sometime this week, provided no more shit comes up as I've been having issues with a close friend, long story short, he was feeling suicidal, said he was going doing it and now nobody has heard from him in 4 days sooo...kinda going through some shitty stuff, but I'm pushing through and getting shit done.


Also, once the DD v0.2 has been released I'll be taking a couple of days off to do the $20 comic, then once that's done I'll be taking another week off to get started on the FM Reboot.

I've decided to turn that into more of a mini game as apposed to an actual full game simply because I wouldn't have the time to do that full time and DD full time.


Also, with DD I'll be drastically changing the way things are done in v0.3.

At the moment I put way to much work into one section which really doesn't reflect well for the game, it makes it seem like there's not much there when really there is just one long ass story for 1 character and not much else for anyone else.

Which is why in v0.3 I've decided to take a little stroll back to the beginning of the game and just re-go over everything to make sure it all blends smooth and such.

Don't take this as me restarting the game though, I'm not changing any renders, codes or anything, just simply adjusting a little bit of the coding to blending it all.

Also will be adding in an enable/disable feature to pick which route you want to take ( love or dom ), simply because the mix of the 2 is making the story a lot harder to do and I'm finding it harder to write the middle bit with each update.

Also, as you may know, at the moment the game doesn't really offer to much in terms of a "dom" story, which is why in v0.3 I'll be adding in a full on dom side of the story, it'll basically be like having 2 games in one.

And I know people like the option of not knowing which route they're going down, but having that option is wrecking the actual story and it's kind of annoying me not getting the story told that I want to tell simply because of the middle ground.


Also, I've decided that in v0.3 I'll be doing a total rework of the points system.

I've touched on this before but I planned on removing it completely last time, but now I've decided to simply change it a little.

It'll work more like how MOTH's used to work ( or still does, not played it in a while :p ).

Basically you'll earn points as you do now, but, you'll get to say 10 points and you'll get an "event_trigger" point, which means once that is hit you'll activate an event.

I'm not 100% sure how I'll work it yet but I do know it'll be different to MOTH's


Which did/do you prefer?....
Sep 26 at 11:08pm
Soooo basically I was just wondering which game did/do you prefer? DD or FM?

The only reason I ask is because I see games that started at the same time as being doing a lot better and I can't help but wonder if I'd be better off if I'd never have abandoned the original FM.

Like I said above though, this isn't me thinking about quitting DD and going back to FM, I'm simply trying to find out what I should do with the FM reboot.

Originally I was thinking about doing 5 days a week on DD and then 2 on FM, just as a little side project, I'd be able to get a lot more done with FM as the biggest thing that holds me back with DD is the coding, where as FM's coding is simple as balls.

So yeah, basically just trying to gather info on if I should make DD and the FM reboot equals, simply release smaller and quicker updates for DD and the same for FM.

Tis tough for me to figure this shit out as I know there are a lot of FM fans that would prefer I spent more time on that and show it the love it deserves, where as there are also some that have never played it and would prefer me to just stick full time on DD.

Oh, and please don't comment shit like "Oh shit, he's abandoning another game" or "Dude don't got a clue what he's doing...ohhh sheeet."

I'm simply gathering info for DD and they'll be no abandonment of DD.


Keep in mind, the FM reboot with be a lot higher quality than the original.
I preferred FM! 55
I prefer DD! 24
79 votes total
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Reactions: bobbo69 and VI487


Respected User
Aug 5, 2017
Which did/do you prefer?....
Sep 26 at 11:08pm
Soooo basically I was just wondering which game did/do you prefer? DD or FM?

The only reason I ask is because I see games that started at the same time as being doing a lot better and I can't help but wonder if I'd be better off if I'd never have abandoned the original FM.

Like I said above though, this isn't me thinking about quitting DD and going back to FM, I'm simply trying to find out what I should do with the FM reboot.

Originally I was thinking about doing 5 days a week on DD and then 2 on FM, just as a little side project, I'd be able to get a lot more done with FM as the biggest thing that holds me back with DD is the coding, where as FM's coding is simple as balls.

So yeah, basically just trying to gather info on if I should make DD and the FM reboot equals, simply release smaller and quicker updates for DD and the same for FM.

Tis tough for me to figure this shit out as I know there are a lot of FM fans that would prefer I spent more time on that and show it the love it deserves, where as there are also some that have never played it and would prefer me to just stick full time on DD.

Oh, and please don't comment shit like "Oh shit, he's abandoning another game" or "Dude don't got a clue what he's doing...ohhh sheeet."

I'm simply gathering info for DD and they'll be no abandonment of DD.


Keep in mind, the FM reboot with be a lot higher quality than the original.
I preferred FM! 55
I prefer DD! 24
79 votes total
Again? :eek:penedeyewink:
And once again FM in the lead, why im not surprised... XD
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Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2017
Again? :eek:penedeyewink:
And once again FM in the lead, why im not surprised... XD
Don't know what to say anymore too. Well, since I'm not a pledger, I have one more reason to avoid posting a negative comment :)
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Reason for the delay.
Sep 29 at 12:30pm
I just wanted to quickly pop on and give everyone an update as to what's taking so long and why the release isn't out yet.
If I'm completely honest, I had it marked down that this month's release would be on the 20th and I planned to have everything done by that date.

I wasn't over stretching myself and it would have been an easy release.

However, a couple of weeks back a close friend was going through some shit and need consoling so I stepped away from the game for a couple days to help him out.

I was hoping all this would do is delay the game by a couple of days as I figured he's be fine.

However, he wasn't fine, he infact attempted to take his own life which ( not to sound selfish ), cut me up inside.

He did however fail to take his life and was in hospital for a couple days, the doctors refused to release him as he was a threat to his own life, which is understandable given what he did, but, as the doctors couldn't find anything mentally wrong with him, they were unable to keep him in for a prolonged amount of time.

After 3 days in the hospital he claimed he was feeling better and just wanted to go home, the doctors believed him and released him.

I met him at the hospital and took him home and spent the night with him, just to make sure he was all good before leaving him alone.

However, I woke in the middle of the night to find him gone, wasn't in his bed and his front door was wide open.

I went out looking for him but there was no sign of him.

Anyway, long story short, it's now 8 days later and nobody has heard from him, he's been missing for over a week and it's been really hard to work with that hanging over my head.

I also don't want people thinking this is just an excuse as to why I've not been working, I have been working, just really struggling to concentrate with all that's going on and it's slowed me down quite a lot.

Over the past week I really couldn't be bothered doing anything as my mind was constantly racing.

However, I've finally at a stage where I can concentrate again and my mind isn't racing so much.

I just want him back :(


Release Note.
Patrons only
Sep 29 at 4:59pm
Just wanted to do a quick update as to when the update will be.
I still hope to get a release this month, even though there is only 2 days left :p

I hope to have all Amanda's done today and get started on Amy tomorrow or tonight.

I'm on the 2nd to last section of Amanda now but the last section is pretty easy, shouldn't take no more than an hour to get that done.

Once that's done I just need to do Amy which is 2 sections ( which compared to Amanda's 14 sections, should be easy enough ).

I also need to add Amy into the dinner scene and add her into her bed which both are pretty simple and shouldn't take no longer than an hour each.

So I should get the both done tomorrow and then I just need to test it all.

I've decided to speed things up I'm probably going to leave the hint system out, unless, i can get it done while my tester test's the game.

So keep an eye out for it in the coming days.



Play by Play #1 - Starting The Day
Patrons only
Sep 30 at 12:04pm
Alright so it's currently 12:02pm and I'm kicking off with the day, I've gotten all my daily tasks done so I'm free all day till midnight to get the game done.
Last night I finished off Amanda's story, although, turns out I missed 1 section which is an easy one so will start off with that.

I also came across a small issue with Amanda's scene which causing it to repeat and not move onto the next stage so will have to check that out and see what's causing that.

I'll check back in at 2pm for the 2nd play by play and then hourly from there.
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Play by Play #3 - Had Some Food :p
Patrons only
Sep 30 at 4:05pm
Not really to much to report this hour, I popped to Tesco and hate some food...
I also finished around 50% of Amanda and will be moving onto Amy soon.


Mini Update + Some May Not Like This...
Patrons only
Sep 30 at 5:15pm
I'll start with the part I don't think people will like, that is, some will, some won't.
Basically while I've been coding the game I've noticed I've favoured the domination side more than the love side, it just feels like the domination has double the content of the love, which I know some will hate as most of you like the love route :p

There is still a good amount of love stuff but still...kind favoured the dom :p

Also, the mini update is that the last bits of work is taking a lot longer than I would like it to and the release may not make it out till tomorrow, which again people won't like, but the good side of that is that if it does get pushed till tomorrow then you'll be getting 2 releases in October, the DD release and the FM reboot release...sooo ya :p

I'm of course still going to try my best to get it out today but it's looking tricky.

Luckily most of you are from the US and you're like 5 hours behind me, so what will be a tomorrow release for you might still be a today release for you...possibly :p

Luckily I'm past all the hard bits and it's all easy from here on out, the only issue is there is a damn lot of it and is taking a lot more time that I initially gave myself.

BUT!!..if it's not today it'll 100000% be tomorrow, that's my personal guarantee or your money back!
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100% for sure...+ GREAT NEWS!
Patrons only
Sep 30 at 7:20pm
I'll start with the 100% shit first, as much as I've tried legit tried, never fucking worked so hard in my life, I don't think it'll be possible to get the release out today, simply because it's been 3 hours since my last play and play and I'm still working on Amanda's story.
This shit is a lot bigger than I thought it was and the only reason it's taking sooooo long is because of the multiple options, she's has quite a few and each ones get's it's own outcome and story which is annoying...

Soooo yeah, 100% will be release tomorrow.

But in a way, that's good because you'll also be getting the FM Reboot release in October too so I guess that's one way of looking at it.


Also, they GREAT NEWS...which won't to much affect you guys, but, I just got a message from Chris xD

For those who don't know, Chris is a close close friend of mine that was feeling suicidal and nobody has heard from in over a week.

Turns out he's been down in Norwich, which is weird because he doesn't know anyone down there o.0

But, he apparently admitted himself to a hospital to get treated and he claims to be feeling a shit ton better xD soooo YAY!


Play by Play #3...4, 5, 6...
Patrons only
Sep 30 at 9:57pm
Was supposed to be doing play by plays every 2 hours but if I'm being honest, it would have been pointless, I've been stuck on Amanda's literally all day, but finally got it done and she's finally finished.
I now just need to do Amy in her bed, Amy at dinner and the start of Amy's story.

The 1st 2 are easy and I have a feeling the 3rd will be rather easy to, if not then medium at best.

Since I'm now going for a tomorrow release I'm also going to squeeze the hint system in as well.

Also had my dinner and a bath so that took up some time.
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Jun 15, 2017
I don’t mind him making DD and FM Reboot at the same time but what confuses me is I always thought DD was a FM remake. So can anyone tell me the difference between DD and the FM reboot?
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Tis a big one...
Patrons only
Oct 1 at 1:54pm
So I found a little issue with the game but I've now fixed that and rebuilding it...but-ermm, I've noticed another issue.
In v0.1 I managed to compress the images down but I've totally forgot how I did it and don't have time to figure it out.

So this release is going to be 2+gb :p

Which is an issue for some but not for others.

I will figure out how I compressed them and try to get a patch out in the coming days but for now, I'm afraid it's gonna be a 2gb download.

Also, Kyle is online so he's gonna test it before I release it, just gonna upload it now.

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Building it now...
Patrons only
Oct 1 at 1:19pm
Sadly Kyle ( who normally tests the game ) isn't online right now and I can't wait any longer to get the game out.
I've tested it as much as I can and can't find any game breaking problems but I haven't had time to test every single aspect of it.

So, I'm going to build the game now and release it for the $20 patrons within the hour.

Hopefully nobody finds any massive issues.

You'll for sure find spelling issues, I'm shit at spell checking :p
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Reactions: bobbo69
2.30 star(s) 17 Votes