Thanks for the feedback! I really appreciate it.
You've definitely touched on things I would do differently if I could go back in time.
I started Devilish Business with very little practical experience in programming, and really only attempted my own game because Vren included the un-obfuscated source code with his game Lab Rats. I made my own small mod of Lab Rats as a personal project and found that I really enjoyed solving the coding problems I made for myself.
I took what I learned from that and started my own story, initially with zero plan to release it publicly. But once it reached about 100,000 words (enough for a sizeable novel) I decided that other people might want to try it out.
It was absolutely not ready for release. There was almost no art, no endings(!), very little polish, and I still hadn't figured out how to code some of the gameplay elements that would make it a worthwhile "game". It was (and remains) basically a decent "choose your own adventure" novel with superficial gameplay elements.
I had really lofty goals for it at the start: a morality/alignment system (there is actually some placeholder code for this in the game), magic/no magic routes, castable spells, random encounters, etc. But things got dropped along the way, either from my lack of coding skill, lack of time, loss of interest, or influence from early backers. I see now that releasing it without those gameplay elements already included forced me to rush to "complete" the game, which made me quick to chop off pieces that were slowing me down.
Now that the game has almost 300,000 words of story content, it's a very daunting task to tear it apart to add the gameplay elements it deserves, especially as I don't exactly have a ton of free time lately.
But maybe you've given me the kick in the ass needed to give it another look, so thanks for the valuable feedback!