i wish my friend. i wish. while i have some scenes in my head, and would like to try doing some writing and scripting sometime, i am not Taboo, not even close to that talent and skill.
at best i am trying to port the RPGM portion over to renpy, to make it at least a part one. i feel like it might be more accessible to some if it was all in renpy. and on a long shot, maybe some renewed interest would be inspiring?
stretch goal, make saves also be able to go from port to current, or full integration, make a part 1 and merge to part 2, which kinda needs to be done backwards. this is where progress is currently at.
we will have to see. this is a first time attempt for me. i've edited and corrected (modded technically) renpy stuff before, but a full port is all new to me. so. this may take a while....