
Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
The game is good, but there is something strange about the quality of the images. they always look a little blurry or of low quality.
I don't know if it is to make everything lighter for the download, but, there is something strange about the images
I don't know how to do it. I've done the best I can do. I respect the recommendations of renpy 1280 x 720 and I don't put any effect on my scenes, when I work the characters with the background scenes I don't do any compression and I put the quality at 100%. I don't know what to do to make it look better. If you have any advice, I'll take it, because for me it's impossible to do better.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
This is not a version 1.0 game nor is it completed. It's maybe a 0.1 alpha (possibly 0.1 beta, if all planned game mechanisms are in place). Should get that changed in OP, as the OP is very misleading.
It was a mistake, I corrected it, thank you.
I had reversed 0.1 with 1.0 which made the staff think it was a complete version.
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

If Santirosa isn't on hold then you need to let the staff know that the game is abandoned. On hold = DEV plans to come back to the game later abandoned = DEV isn't coming back to the game.
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Deleted member 65497

Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
I don't know how to do it. I've done the best I can do. I respect the recommendations of renpy 1280 x 720 and I don't put any effect on my scenes, when I work the characters with the background scenes I don't do any compression and I put the quality at 100%. I don't know what to do to make it look better. If you have any advice, I'll take it, because for me it's impossible to do better.
I don't know if I'm right, but, as you don't use the scenarios of the Illusion game, where you got these girls from, I believe you put them in the potion you want, on a neutral color background I imagine, and then cut and put them them in the scenario you want, right?
I think that's what makes them strange, maybe it's the lighting issue where they don't seem to be in the same color and tone.
I believe that is it.

Do I have any suggestions? Maybe I think it's cool for you to talk to other developers and see if they give you tips on how to improve the quality of the images, leaving them in full HD or higher.
Maybe you can make the images bigger, with a resolution above 1280 x 720 and then compress them.
I think that's what I can say
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Aug 1, 2018
I don't know if I'm right, but, as you don't use the scenarios of the Illusion game, where you got these girls from, I believe you put them in the potion you want, on a neutral color background I imagine, and then cut and put them them in the scenario you want, right?
I think that's what makes them strange, maybe it's the lighting issue where they don't seem to be in the same color and tone.
I believe that is it.
doidera You're right about the figures not matching the lighting and tone of the backgrounds. The clearest example is the second image sample in the OP. The jungle has a soft overhead diffused light source while the character images are using a harder source with much less diffusion from the right and slightly up from the viewer position. Most of the sample images have similar lighting differences.

The tools for this are probably in whatever studio software you're using. It's a skill that isn't difficult, but it does take time both to learn and practice. I've seen similar issues in games by more experienced developers.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
I don't know if I'm right, but, as you don't use the scenarios of the Illusion game, where you got these girls from, I believe you put them in the potion you want, on a neutral color background I imagine, and then cut and put them them in the scenario you want, right?
I think that's what makes them strange, maybe it's the lighting issue where they don't seem to be in the same color and tone.
I believe that is it.

Do I have any suggestions? Maybe I think it's cool for you to talk to other developers and see if they give you tips on how to improve the quality of the images, leaving them in full HD or higher.
Maybe you can make the images bigger, with a resolution above 1280 x 720 and then compress them.
I think that's what I can say

doidera You're right about the figures not matching the lighting and tone of the backgrounds. The clearest example is the second image sample in the OP. The jungle has a soft overhead diffused light source while the character images are using a harder source with much less diffusion from the right and slightly up from the viewer position. Most of the sample images have similar lighting differences.

The tools for this are probably in whatever studio software you're using. It's a skill that isn't difficult, but it does take time both to learn and practice. I've seen similar issues in games by more experienced developers.
I use an alpha shot now to take the avatars, it saves me from cutting myself, I save time and quality.
I can't use the objects in the studio because there are too few of them and it's too limited for a game like mine.
You seem to agree on the lighting problems and I can see that I agree with you.
I have sometimes tried to change the lighting but only on the darker or colored areas like at the strip club or in the room at night.
But I need a lot of learning to achieve something good and I think that the contrast problems from my screen to some other screens must be very bad for the quality of the images.
I can't find the right balance, too much contrast is bad but not enough is also bad.

Thank you very much for your good advice.
For the size of the pictures I could go to 1920 x 1080 but then the people who have 2400 screens will tell me the same thing, I can't do that.
I will work on improving the lighting for my scene.
Besides, my software to make the scenes has very good lighting unlike the shadows which are very bad.

Deleted member 65497

Active Member
Jun 11, 2017
Talk to the developers here. They can give you tips. or see if you find Illusion game scenario mods there that you are using.
Or maybe, look in other Illusion games for the scenarios you want, you may find something that fits, and then, it already comes in almost the same lighting and color tone. It's an idea
I made this criticism to help. I hope you are not upset.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
Talk to the developers here. They can give you tips. or see if you find Illusion game scenario mods there that you are using.
Or maybe, look in other Illusion games for the scenarios you want, you may find something that fits, and then, it already comes in almost the same lighting and color tone. It's an idea
I made this criticism to help. I hope you are not upset.
No, I'm not upset. I appreciate your help.
I've already downloaded a lot of illusion maps and I also have a lot of clothes created by the community.
But even with all the illusion maps it's very little, I prefer to try to improve on the locks even if it will never be perfect.
I chose to use Neo Studio because Daz Studio is too much to use, we always see the same characters and the same maps, I wanted to do something original, so if I have to use neo to make the same maps as everyone else then I'd rather not work with daz because the rendering will always look better with daz.

There's also the legality issue, I think it's illegal to use honey select or any other illusion game to make my game, I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to use NEO studio.

I need to improve.
I chose to work like this to have something original, now a lot of problems come with my choice, I've been working on Santirosa for a year now and I've done more bad than good.
I have to stick to my plan, because the maps I made with sketchup and 3D home, I like them a lot and this original aspect is very important to me, so I have to work.
I'm going to ask the other developers for help, I already did it in 2019 and thanks to their info I redid some images, now I redid all the images (almost) but now I have to work on the lighting, I hope you'll continue to play my game and I hope very much for your opinion and the one of the others on this subject for the future updates.


Aug 26, 2018
What is the point of allowing us to choose for Elpidia to be a lesbian when she's still willing to have sex with men? Either block the content or don't offer the option. like if you want everyone to have access to everything just say she's bi, it's fine.

if people are selecting lesbian they most likely do not want sexual encounters involving men of any type.

I just started so haven't dug into it yet. so if by 'hetero encounters' just means talking to men or what ever then I apologize as this was a problem with Santirosa, but if that was the case then you have to make that more clear


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
What is the point of allowing us to choose for Elpidia to be a lesbian when she's still willing to have sex with men? Either block the content or don't offer the option. like if you want everyone to have access to everything just say she's bi, it's fine.

if people are selecting lesbian they most likely do not want sexual encounters involving men of any type.

I just started so haven't dug into it yet. so if by 'hetero encounters' just means talking to men or what ever then I apologize as this was a problem with Santirosa, but if that was the case then you have to make that more clear
No, the choice between lesbian and bi changes certain areas of the game, for example: the first scene in Amelia routine is necessarily different if you chose lesbian or if you chose Bi.

But if you chose lesbian you have access to some heterosexual content but you will never be forced to make sex with a guy, except in the Rape areas.
They're rare and predictable.
For example: you can go to work at diego's bar even if you're a lesbian if you refuse the men's advances.
I don't make a fantasy game where men don't exist, I make a realistic game in which, as in reality, lesbians are confronted with men.
if you hate men and can't stand to see them then you shouldn't play Diaba Doa.
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Engaged Member
Dec 16, 2019
When you talk about a BDSM route, is it femdom or maledom. I prefer the former, and just wanna know, thanks.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
On the route to the office it is 100% femdom, Elpidia can be submissive or mistress and she can also be both, a hierachic system is installed.

On the Enola route, Elpidia has the choice between femdom on female and/or male and she can also be submissive by male or female or both.

The Angela route is a femdom only and Elpidia is compulsorily submissive.

Another BDSM trash hard route is under development, Surprise, I can just say it's in a very hardcore, cyberpunk universe.


Jul 18, 2017
i enter a name and press enter and then the game goes on to introduce the hero named elpidia, so are we naming a non-existant character and simply playing another character, cause i see no refence to the name i chose


Mar 9, 2019
Well I played your game up until it started spazzin out. I have to say that you have really put a lot of thought into the content such as the history lessons and such. You and I think a lot alike in that regard. And I have no problems with the images on my windows pc. They look fine to me. So here is the bug report and critique. For the critique, lack of choices. And I must give you credit that there are many choices in your game that other devs don't give us in other games. But I still found myself frustrated to not have certain choices. Why do I HAVE TO go to the principal the 2nd time after "yelling" in the hall for instance? I want nothing to do with that bitch! Go check out jobs and I find myself reloading and not even showing up for the first time at all because they lead me down roads I don't want to go. I want to pursue the kid I met in language class. Why do we HAVE to be a slut that doesn't want a relationship? Ok, maybe confused during the game beginnings and work yourself up to relationship toward the end. IDK, game isn't finished yet and no idea where it is leading so can't knock that too much. Going home for the night guarantees a "consensual" love scene with a roommate? And no other choices for sleep? Maybe I don't want to be a lesbian. But that's not a choice. Only bi is the other option. Sure, the forced scenes of either gender in certain situations I understand. And it is good that you don't, like other games, guarantee that these forced situations makes you automatically fall in love with your rapist or become addicted to pussy or dick all of sudden. So that is good. And I like how you give us the options on jobs. Go or don't go. But there are no options for non slut. Well, the only jobs I have been able to keep are the bar as long as you don't get involved with the guy in the bathroom I can handle a little groping to earn cash for survival. And then the job at the surfshop are the only two jobs I have. Quit going to the maid job and never showed up to the other job offers. Chose the pay with cash option on the car. No options even if they are harder to get, do, and find for a non slut playthrough. I have nothing against having slut playthroughs. But what do you have against non slut playthroughs? LOL. I will play a slut when the games alow me to choose sometimes. It depends on what mood I am in and I like to try seeing things from different angles. Playthroughs where you are a totally committed slut or one that gets caught up in it but still has her head about her enough to go save the world or fix her life. There are a few games out there that are like that. They give you options. I understand it must be very difficult to write these games so I don't judge your game as a bad game. Even if it was easy and it was just your choice to make a game that way I still do not judge your game as a bad game. But I might judge a game as a game that is not suited for me and not play it. Or sometimes not endorse it. This game of yours I would have to endorse either way. There are too many aspects of the game that I have been impressed with. Even if in the end when the game is complete and it turns out to be a game that is not suitable to my tastes, this is already an impressive work. But now for the bug report. I think it was on December 14th in the game on Tuesday. I skipped computer class to avoid the bitch next to me so I don't go to that class anymore. Then I went to language class and in the middle of class it switched to science class the next day I find myself in. And I don't go to that class either because I was avoiding what I know happens when the accident occurs and run to the bathroom because I went through it and it pissed me off so I went back on the save and started skipping the class from then on, but here I find myself in the class. Then when the weekend came, it was after the old roommate had hooked up with Chloe and moved out and I didn't have a choice to go see the one person that I am actually interested in because of this forced scene that I understand needs to happen for the story but was disappointed that I got fucked out of getting fucked by the kid from language class and do surfing afterwards. But anyway, after she moved in and I went to my next day, I came back home and the old roommate was waiting for me and it was back to being the night before Chloe shows up and they hook up and she moves out and I find myself stuck in "Groundhog Day" living in an endless loop. So that was when I had to shut it down. But I love where this game is going. I hope my bug reports are useful in the development and I hope that you consider my recommendations as well, but this is your game so you do what you want. Life consists of us humans having to deal with what life has dealt us on most occasions. That include video games as well. If I was smart enough, I would love to create my own game. Not sure that is in my hand of cards though. Good job on everything! Can't wait to see this progress further.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
i enter a name and press enter and then the game goes on to introduce the hero named elpidia, so are we naming a non-existant character and simply playing another character, cause i see no refence to the name i chose
The name you have chosen is your name, not that of the hero, sometimes elpidia will address you and she will name you by the name you have entered.


Active Member
Game Developer
Sep 8, 2019
Well I played your game up until it started spazzin out. I have to say that you have really put a lot of thought into the content such as the history lessons and such. You and I think a lot alike in that regard. And I have no problems with the images on my windows pc. They look fine to me. So here is the bug report and critique. For the critique, lack of choices. And I must give you credit that there are many choices in your game that other devs don't give us in other games. But I still found myself frustrated to not have certain choices. Why do I HAVE TO go to the principal the 2nd time after "yelling" in the hall for instance? I want nothing to do with that bitch! Go check out jobs and I find myself reloading and not even showing up for the first time at all because they lead me down roads I don't want to go. I want to pursue the kid I met in language class. Why do we HAVE to be a slut that doesn't want a relationship? Ok, maybe confused during the game beginnings and work yourself up to relationship toward the end. IDK, game isn't finished yet and no idea where it is leading so can't knock that too much. Going home for the night guarantees a "consensual" love scene with a roommate? And no other choices for sleep? Maybe I don't want to be a lesbian. But that's not a choice. Only bi is the other option. Sure, the forced scenes of either gender in certain situations I understand. And it is good that you don't, like other games, guarantee that these forced situations makes you automatically fall in love with your rapist or become addicted to pussy or dick all of sudden. So that is good. And I like how you give us the options on jobs. Go or don't go. But there are no options for non slut. Well, the only jobs I have been able to keep are the bar as long as you don't get involved with the guy in the bathroom I can handle a little groping to earn cash for survival. And then the job at the surfshop are the only two jobs I have. Quit going to the maid job and never showed up to the other job offers. Chose the pay with cash option on the car. No options even if they are harder to get, do, and find for a non slut playthrough. I have nothing against having slut playthroughs. But what do you have against non slut playthroughs? LOL. I will play a slut when the games alow me to choose sometimes. It depends on what mood I am in and I like to try seeing things from different angles. Playthroughs where you are a totally committed slut or one that gets caught up in it but still has her head about her enough to go save the world or fix her life. There are a few games out there that are like that. They give you options. I understand it must be very difficult to write these games so I don't judge your game as a bad game. Even if it was easy and it was just your choice to make a game that way I still do not judge your game as a bad game. But I might judge a game as a game that is not suited for me and not play it. Or sometimes not endorse it. This game of yours I would have to endorse either way. There are too many aspects of the game that I have been impressed with. Even if in the end when the game is complete and it turns out to be a game that is not suitable to my tastes, this is already an impressive work. But now for the bug report. I think it was on December 14th in the game on Tuesday. I skipped computer class to avoid the bitch next to me so I don't go to that class anymore. Then I went to language class and in the middle of class it switched to science class the next day I find myself in. And I don't go to that class either because I was avoiding what I know happens when the accident occurs and run to the bathroom because I went through it and it pissed me off so I went back on the save and started skipping the class from then on, but here I find myself in the class. Then when the weekend came, it was after the old roommate had hooked up with Chloe and moved out and I didn't have a choice to go see the one person that I am actually interested in because of this forced scene that I understand needs to happen for the story but was disappointed that I got fucked out of getting fucked by the kid from language class and do surfing afterwards. But anyway, after she moved in and I went to my next day, I came back home and the old roommate was waiting for me and it was back to being the night before Chloe shows up and they hook up and she moves out and I find myself stuck in "Groundhog Day" living in an endless loop. So that was when I had to shut it down. But I love where this game is going. I hope my bug reports are useful in the development and I hope that you consider my recommendations as well, but this is your game so you do what you want. Life consists of us humans having to deal with what life has dealt us on most occasions. That include video games as well. If I was smart enough, I would love to create my own game. Not sure that is in my hand of cards though. Good job on everything! Can't wait to see this progress further.
Your message tells me only one thing.


The only thing I can do today is give up.
All the games on F95 are kinetic novel because even if it offers some choices it always comes back to the main road and if the other devs don't offer a game like mine it's because creating a game like this goes beyond human capabilities.

Thousands of choices, thousands of too many for my abilities and not enough according to your desire and you're not the only one.

The bug you report is impossible to fix and I'm not even going to try... on December 14th you've already played 2 months and made hundreds of choices and any of those choices could have caused this bug.
I can't find it.
And I can't test everything, the billions of different combinations based on every possible choice in the game... it would take me months to test everything and it wouldn't be possible, not even a machine could do it.

Now I understand why the other devs don't get into this kind of game, it's just not possible.

I would like to try to fix this bug but it will end up like Santirosa, fixing the bug will create other bugs and the bug machine is launched and will end up preventing the game from working, that's what will inevitably happen to Diaba Doa.

For the job you can go to the office every night, you don't have to have sex there.

So all I can answer your message is... Sorry.
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Mar 9, 2019
Your message tells me only one thing.


The only thing I can do today is give up.
All the games on F95 are kinetic novel because even if it offers some choices it always comes back to the main road and if the other devs don't offer a game like mine it's because creating a game like this goes beyond human capabilities.

Thousands of choices, thousands of too many for my abilities and not enough according to your desire and you're not the only one.

The bug you report is impossible to fix and I'm not even going to try... on December 14th you've already played 2 months and made hundreds of choices and any of those choices could have caused this bug.
I can't find it.
And I can't test everything, the billions of different combinations based on every possible choice in the game... it would take me months to test everything and it wouldn't be possible, not even a machine could do it.

Now I understand why the other devs don't get into this kind of game, it's just not possible.

I would like to try to fix this bug but it will end up like Santirosa, fixing the bug will create other bugs and the bug machine is launched and will end up preventing the game from working, that's what will inevitably happen to Diaba Doa.

For the job you can go to the office every night, you don't have to have sex there.

So all I can answer your message is... Sorry.
I had hoped I said it in a way to let you know that even if the finished project was not my cup of tea that I still see an excellent game. My frustrations shouldn't be your concern for your project unless it might be something doable. And personally, with the content the way it is, I could have quite a bit of fun with your game. I just think that it would be more enjoyable with more choices. If this means starting from scratch to make it happen then please don't. It's not worth it just to make 1 fan happy. And thank you for the info about the office work. I will dive deeper into that now. But as far as the bugs are concerned I don't really know what to say. I cannot play the game if I get stuck in a continuous loop and you cannot find the issue to fix it. Maybe the answer will present itself eventually. Not sure why links to the next frame are getting messed up or how. I have begun to think that computers can be moody. If there is something that you could explain to me in detail that I can do on my end to help you run tests on my windows system I would gladly contribute. I like you. I like your responses. I am not trying to be a dictatorship or anything here. All I meant to do is be honest with my experience. What you do with it is your free choice. Please don't stress over it. I am not worth stressing over. Trust me. LOL.
2.80 star(s) 6 Votes