Okay some feedback for the Dev:
- first of all - congratulations for the dev for the fact that MC is not some ugly bastard. Many devs try to make MC attractive/good looking dude and often ends up with some monstrosities;
- women renders are also very good;
- there are a lot of spelling mistakes, but it can be excused and worked out relatively easy. But the one that pained me is "Your welcome" due to fact that it has been used several times. It's "you're welcome";
- the loyalty/corruption meter is okay idea, but the implementation could use some more work. For the long time my only source of the corruption points were events only, because I did not know about the strip club. And even then it was 1 point only, up until I somehow completely accidentally unlocked VIP room. And then loyalty points went "poof". The required checks are also stupidly high sometimes - 25 corruption points, 95 loyalty points, 30 or 40 corruption points... It's basically all or nothing at this point;
- there are a lot of empty locations on the map that just exist for the sake of existing. They are often used for a single event, but are available at all times - university stadium for example. But some are not used for events at all - the "admin corridor" and the hall/anteroom at house are big offenders. They just exist to make you click several more times for some reason. Kinda irritating;
- there are a lot of girls. Too many in fact. And I don't want to be an asshole here, but by adding more and more women characters and each with their own route (for example the physics teacher or the other teacher lady) - you will easily burn yourself out Dev. Or end up in a situation where noone is happy because fans want the content for the X route, but you are working at Y route, but then there is Z route that haven't been touched in several updates at all and then there are A, B and C that haven't been touched since their introduction etc etc etc. I admire your drive, but seriously, scale down a little because it's gonna end up badly.
- VN portion of the game that was a prologue was honestly much better than the sandbox one. There were still some issues (one girl asking you to take her home, because she's afraid for the stalker, MC promising it to do once he is free, but then he drives to the grocery shop, returns home, helps his neighbour, goes too sleep, goes to teaching people once again aaaaannndddd he never took the girl home, whoops!);
- for the current sandbox portion - way too many events happen in the afternoon. I swear every single event is happening in the afternoon, when we are supposed to be working rather than at the neighbour/at home/at yoga club/on a date, while none happens in the afternoon or at night. Then there are some events with some more ridiculous requirements "visit this girl on the Monday Evening and only then, it can't be Tuesday or Saturday cause fuck you it has to be Monday". It's understandable for the weekends, but for the normal work week? Why?
- despite the ability to change the name of the MC, his office is always named after his default name;
All in all, the game is okay, has a promising start, but it needs some more work.