As a sys admin I've blown drives away over and over. There are F5 load balancer SSDs that have survived testing that amounted to a complete rewrite of the drive every day for years. You can beat the shit out of a good drive. And if you're running windows, a reinstall from time to time is a good idea as the registry turns into a mess if you're installing and removing programs over a long period. The only environment where this doesn't apply is typically a server that gets set up once and left alone for years while it just does it's one function. I've seen windows servers with uptimes of over a year, but that's pretty atypical of a home user situation. So I say indulge and blow it away. Only next time copy your important stuff off to cloud storage or a USB stick.why on earth did you reformat? hdd should only be formatted 1 time... everytime you do that you're just eating away at the available writes table until eventually it will say invalid media...