So I just started "The Secret of the House" and I gotta say man, your art is still top quality. I definitely think you guys need to get someone to go over the text though, I get what some of it is saying but BOY does it come of as MTL or something. Not to talk poorly of someone's skills or anything like that, it just seems like it's being typed by someone who doesn't natively speak English (which I'm assuming is the case). It's really the only complaint I have at the moment, but it makes it really hard to invest in a story oriented experience when the story doesn't make a lot of sense due to how its portrayed. Looking forward to future updates just the same
Edit: Okay NOW I've finished it. DEFINITELY needs someone to proof read the dialog, there are TONS of spelling errors and sentences that make no sense at all. As for the story, from what I could understand it seems to have potential and that's a good thing in my book. Gameplay wise there's barely a game at all so far, 90% of the content is coffee sandwiches and the store. I also don't understand why there are timed actions considering there is no clock to state that things are actually taking time. Don't get me wrong, I prefer not having a "time of day" mechanic, but having to wait while he studies, does the dishes, or cleans up dog piss is pretty unnecessary. On the other end of the spectrum the art is as always very high quality, the animations aren't perfect but for an independent team they're definitely passable. I'm making an assumption but I'm guessing more houses will fill into the neighborhood as they become relevant so I don't mind the town being kind of bare for now.
As another aside some of the names are out right bizarre. Beretalan? That's gotta be a different country thing, the closest actual name I could think of (as an English person mind you so this part is entirely perspective based) is Bertrand. If everyone calls David "Puffy" then there's no reason to show "David (Puffy)" in his name box, just show Puffy since so few characters will address him as David. Fred, Debra, and Liza are all fine as names, Grandma really doesn't need (Beretalan's Mother) in parenthesis, you could just give a little exposition to make it known and not leave it every time. The student's names in the class room don't really seem normal but if they stay super minor characters than it's pretty irrelevant, the only other weird one is Zoli, which I'm guessing again is a cultural thing.
TLDR: PLEASE get a proof reader, and have someone go through the dialog to make it make sense within the confines of your vision for the game. Names are pretty strange for some characters. Time mechanic for certain actions is unnecessary. There are more sandwiches and coffee and cleaning piss than actual content.
Looking forward to future updates just the same! I can definitely see potential if some of the core issues are fixed early enough! Thank you for the wonderful art as always