
Jan 10, 2019
Okay I'm willing to have a conversation not about my state of mind though, I'd much rather you give your thoughts on this dev process. Create bigger update > Will take longer than normal updates > Create shitty side game to give people content while they wait > Cut scenes from main game update > Scrap side game > Delay main game. Thoughts about that? I think it's a far more interesting topic than you pretending to care about my state of mind.
Honestly shit time management on the devs part.
When I first read that they were making a side game I thought they had like an entire different team working on it or that they would try and devide the time they had between the two games to make them consistent.
Guess what my reaction was when THAT WASN'T the case.


Feb 22, 2020
Okay I'm willing to have a conversation not about my state of mind though, I'd much rather you give your thoughts on this dev process. Create bigger update > Will take longer than normal updates > Create shitty side game to give people content while they wait > Cut scenes from main game update > Scrap side game > Delay main game. Thoughts about that? I think it's a far more interesting topic than you pretending to care about my state of mind.
You're misinterpreting me. What I meant by being curious about your state of mind, is understanding what drives people to get angry at porn games. How does someone validate complaining about a PORN game? AAAAA THIS VIRTUAL SPACE ON MY COMPUTER DIDN'T GET MY DICK HARD FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU DIE DEV. It's crazy to me. Now...... if you paid for a product that doesn't live up to it's expectations, that's a different story. I suppose the dev screwed up with his announced plans, but life doesn't always work out the way we expect it to. These devs are mostly your average but creative horny individuals who work on their projects by themselves, with no sort of team behind them like in normal games. If situations arise in their lives that require their priority, their porn game projects will be the least of their worries and no colleague will be there to pick up the work. This specific dev tried to compensate for this happening (which is something we can applaud compared to other devs), but it seems something else fucked that plan and screwed his compensation up. Yes, now we're piling shit on shit. It's getting stinky, but at the end of the day, this really just is what it is. What's gonna change about this fact by being angry on the internet? Those who mindlessly do that only add on to the shitpile. If you don't agree with a dev's work flow, you unsubscribe, get a refund or whatever you gotta do to cut yourself loose from them and keep it moving. And sure, it's within anybody's rights to criticize, as long as you keep it ethical and realistic. That's my opinion and you don't have to do shit with that.


Oct 31, 2018
I never said this I said "I legit despise these fucking "coders" acting as if writing code for a visual novel is like creating a triple a game from scratch, they can suck my dick." Quite a big difference dickhead.
Now...... if you paid for a product that doesn't live up to it's expectations, that's a different story
I paid but again I don't care about the money I paid, I care about calling out devs when they start making shitty decisions.
If situations arise in their lives that require their priority, their porn game projects will be the least of their worries and no colleague will be there to pick up the work
I don't know where you're getting this from, I don't think this is what happened with this dev. And if this is true they should just say that and not give fake progress updates.
If you don't agree with a dev's work flow, you unsubscribe, get a refund or whatever you gotta do to cut yourself loose from them and keep it moving. And sure, it's within anybody's rights to criticize, as long as you keep it ethical and realistic. That's my opinion and you don't have to do shit with that.
Yeah and my opinion is to call that shit out and you don't have to do shit with that. Fuckoff trying to high-road me.
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Feb 22, 2020
I never said this I said "I legit despise these fucking "coders" acting as if writing code for a visual novel is like creating a triple a game from scratch, they can suck my dick." Quite a big difference dickhead.

I paid but again I don't care about the money I paid, I care about calling out devs when they start making shitty decisions.

I don't know where you're getting this from, I don't think this is what happened with this dev. And if this is true they should just say that and not give fake progress updates.

Yeah and my opinion is to call that shit out and you don't have to do shit with that. Fuckoff trying to high-road me.
Your fragile ego is written all over your words and only now do I "care" enough about specifically your state of mind, to hope that you grow out of this mindset and drop the need to read any form of diminishment there where it's not needed. I haven't got a single clue what makes you think I'm trying to high road u. I'm literally just stating my perspective based on a generalization on negative idiots, that I made from reading various hate comments on games on this forum.

wasn't a satirical display of what you were saying. It was me pointing at those mindless people being toxic for the hell of it. In the sentence right after that, I stated: "Now...... if you paid for a product that doesn't live up to it's expectations, that's a different story." In other words, YOUR situation. I immediately made sure you wouldn't feel targeted by my ridiculing. For reasons only you know, it still managed to get to you.

I don't know where you're getting this from, I don't think this is what happened with this dev. And if this is true they should just say that and not give fake progress updates.
You're admitting yourself that you don't have a clue as to what's going on with the dev, yet you still feel validated to lash out in distasteful manners. If you couldn't give 2 shits about being respectful towards others, then that's just you being you. I'm just here to put a mirror in front of that and who knows, maybe you'll see reason. I've given you my reasoned point of view, that should in no way be perceived as a personal attack. If having a discussion with intent to acknowledge anothers' perspective isn't something you're able/willing to do, then let's drop this.


Oct 31, 2018
Your fragile ego is written all over your words and only now do I "care" enough about specifically your state of mind, to hope that you grow out of this mindset and drop the need to read any form of diminishment there where it's not needed.
Again stop pretending to care about me to get some moral highground in your argument, let's just argue the points instead dumbass

I haven't got a single clue what makes you think I'm trying to high road u. I'm literally just stating my perspective based on a generalization on negative idiots, that I made from reading various hate comments on games on this forum.
Yeah you're totally not high-roading me.

wasn't a satirical display of what you were saying. It was me pointing at those mindless people being toxic for the hell of it. In the sentence right after that, I stated: "Now...... if you paid for a product that doesn't live up to it's expectations, that's a different story." In other words, YOUR situation. I immediately made sure you wouldn't feel targeted by my ridiculing. For reasons only you know, it still managed to get to you.
Okay then dickhead then why are you responding to my comment with that it has nothing to do about my comment. Oh it's totally not you trying to lump me in with people telling devs to kill themself like fuckoff with that. Don't pretend to be in some good faith caring about mental states etc while doing that shit fuckoff.

You're admitting yourself that you don't have a clue as to what's going on with the dev, yet you still feel validated to lash out in distasteful manners.
No I am not again you're reframing my words to make me look bad. What i am saying is that if the dev is going through some personal issues then they should have just wrote that on the patreon updates that I am subscribed to instead of giving updates saying "hey we're on schedule, release will be in october/november". But again I don't know if they had personal issues or you're just making that shit up as with all your other points to make me look bad. + I am not angry at the dev I am angry at you. Like sure lets drop this after you lump me in with people telling devs to kill themselves and reframe every single word I said
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Engaged Member
Feb 19, 2019
Again stop pretending to care about me to get some moral highground in your argument, let's just argue the points instead dumbass

Yeah you're totally not high-roading me.

Okay then dickhead then why are you responding to my comment with that it has nothing to do about my comment. Oh it's totally not you trying to lump me in with people telling devs to kill themself like fuckoff with that. Don't pretend to be in some good faith caring about mental states etc while doing that shit fuckoff.

No I am not again you're reframing my words to make me look bad. What i am saying is that if the dev is going through some personal issues then they should have just wrote that on the patreon updates that I am subscribed to instead of giving updates saying "hey we're on schedule, release will be in october/november". But again I don't know if they had personal issues or you're just making that shit up as with all your other points to make me look bad. + I am not angry at the dev I am angry at you. Like sure lets drop this after you lump me in with people telling devs to kill themselves and reframe every single word I said
He might be high-roading you, but then again you make it easy by being such a total boor. Is it even possible for you to talk to people without using insults I wonder ? Or does that happen only when you're behind a keyboard.
But don't bother replying. It's already very clear that basic common courtesy is something utterly alien to you.


New Member
Jul 7, 2021
It's a visual novel with barely any branching paths, I think it's just a combo of bad work ethic and being fucking retarded with priorities/decision making. Like okay you realise in June that this update is a bit bigger and will take longer to complete than previous updates with an eta around october/november so you get the brilliant idea of creating a shitty sidegame based on a sub exploding so people can get some "content" oh gee what a surprise the sidegame is nowhere to be seen and the main game update is delayed even further and will have some scenes cut from it. I don't know maybe it's from my hate of Koda but I legit despise these fucking "coders" acting as if writing code for a visual novel is like creating a triple a game from scratch, they can suck my dick.

The idiots who think that coding a VN is simple because they're a rotten game and who complain on a pirate forum because they don't get there quickly frankly have an IQ of 3.

This game is patreon only for a good reason. It's made by a micro team like many of the games here. It's certainly ambitious 2d animated and qualitative artwork and takes a while. But that's exactly why I'm following this project more than others, I've never been disappointed so far. It's making progress and the information is always there. That's all that matters to me. If you don't understand how the patreon project works, and craetive works, there's nothing we can do for you.
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Feb 22, 2020
Again stop pretending to care about me to get some moral highground in your argument, let's just argue the points instead dumbass

Yeah you're totally not high-roading me.

Okay then dickhead then why are you responding to my comment with that it has nothing to do about my comment. Oh it's totally not you trying to lump me in with people telling devs to kill themself like fuckoff with that. Don't pretend to be in some good faith caring about mental states etc while doing that shit fuckoff.

No I am not again you're reframing my words to make me look bad. What i am saying is that if the dev is going through some personal issues then they should have just wrote that on the patreon updates that I am subscribed to instead of giving updates saying "hey we're on schedule, release will be in october/november". But again I don't know if they had personal issues or you're just making that shit up as with all your other points to make me look bad. + I am not angry at the dev I am angry at you. Like sure lets drop this after you lump me in with people telling devs to kill themselves and reframe every single word I said
It's very ironic that your interpretation of what I'm saying is exactly what you yourself are doing. You're telling me I'm twisting your words, meanwhile you're getting heated at your own made up intentions that you're projecting onto me, EVEN if I explained what I meant with my words. This is my last attempt at making you understand my perspective. If this isn't enough for you, you're just too illiterate to have a genuine discussion with.

I put quotation marks around the word care, to make you understand that I don't literally care about your state of mind. Somehow you're still taking it literal and using that as an example of how I'm trying to high road you... If anything, it was supposed to portray that I recognize ignorance in your statements and that I'm feeling inclined to make you aware of it. It's almost as if your mind only picks up on words targeted to your person and completely ignores any other arguments made before or afterwards, hence stating you having a fragile ego. I perfectly explained my usage of: "AAAAA THIS VIRTUAL SPACE ON MY COMPUTER DIDN'T GET MY DICK HARD FUCK YOU I HOPE YOU DIE DEV." and you're still choosing to believe that I targeted you with it. What do you think I gain from lying about the usage of my words? If I'd earn money by lying on the internet, I'd be gaslighting the living hell out of you. Sadly, that's not the case, so I'm just going to keep it real.

No I am not again you're reframing my words to make me look bad.
I don't know where you're getting this from, I don't think this is what happened with this dev.
You're quite literally saying that you don't know what's going on in the dev's life by saying that you "don't THINK" what I was saying was true. I haven't reframed your words whatsoever, instead used them to make you see that you potentially could be acting hurtful to someone who doesn't deserve it. Imagine a dev being in the worst possible situation they'll ever face in their life. They value their privacy, so they don't let you in on what's going on. The project is delayed, which bothers you to the point of feeling the need to act like a major dick on a forum. Without properly knowing their situation, it's unjust to create your own conclusions and act hateful because of it.

The reason I'm taking the time to potentially make you see reason, is because there's simply too much ignorance in the world causing deep hate for no valid reasons. The state of the middle-east is a great example. I know it's a crazy comparison to make, but the buildup of small moments like these are what eventually lead to the normalization of being wrathful. If nobody takes the time to initiate these confrontations just like I'm doing now, nothing's ever going to change anywhere. For that reason, try to perceive me as wanting you to consider another's perspective, instead of trying to make you, an anonymous profile on a porn game forum, look bad.

Shy Spy

Oct 8, 2020
View attachment 3180010

The idiots who think that coding a VN is simple because they're a rotten game and who complain on a pirate forum because they don't get there quickly frankly have an IQ of 3.

This game is patreon only for a good reason. It's made by a micro team like many of the games here. It's certainly ambitious 2d animated and qualitative artwork and takes a while. But that's exactly why I'm following this project more than others, I've never been disappointed so far. It's making progress and the information is always there. That's all that matters to me. If you don't understand how the patreon project works, and craetive works, there's nothing we can do for you.
Yeah, people be at each other's throats about this for some reason......
I'm just enjoying what the devs have done so far, and hope I live to see the completed project.
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New Member
Nov 28, 2019
A lot of people in this thread need to get laid and enjoy life for once. Jesus, the state of this thread. But hey, it's always entertaining to watch some people break a nerve arguing about some mundane shit.
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