
The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
So.. don't know why i missed this one for so long.:unsure::confused: it's nice to see a 'Deep gotcha style RPG' with Real Character creation and classic rpg combat.(y) i, of course went with the 'veteran' build and despite re-building 4-5 time got my ass kicked every time by the big boss in intro. wanted a 'Geo-Lancer'. but i gotta say that despite playing RPG for 50 years this one doesn't seem to follow the 'rules' very well. OR i just don't understand some of the mechanics. a starter build NEEDS to be basic, Not the way i tried at first, but i learned.. and burned. i did eventually do a pre-made lancer and got thru the temple with 3 new companions. bu ti really want it MY WAY. :whistle::geek::rolleyes: some clues to help me would be appreciated. :cool:
this has re-awakened the rpg fan in me, but oi it's a LONG ass road to work.
so first note is stats NEED to be min 5. and each stat is effective per increments of 5. :rolleyes: and seems so obvious now. we shall see... yup, easy peazy. now to decide if i should be a goofball pervert or a good mannered, level headed.... who am i kidding :devilish:
If I was going to throw out some basic rules:
  • Have your primary offensive stat (ex. Dexterity for spears) as high as it can go and set it to auto-grow.
  • Adding one defensive stat (Agility or Vitality) and setting it to auto-grow can make the game pretty easy, though you can also just put 5-10 points in for some traits.
  • Mixing magic and weapons is easy if you just get some useful buffs, some buffs work fine at 5 magic, others want you to keep increasing the Magic stat.
Nice to hear you're finding it an interesting challenge so far! I think the "build your own character" part could have a better tutorial since a lot of people go there immediately and get confused.

If I did another game (not until after I finish this one lol), I think I'd probably simplify the stats a bit and make the offensive ones a bit less binary.

But yeah, as a long-time RPG player I wanted to avoid some things I had disliked in past RPGs (ex. crappy buffs overwriting good ones) and just experiment for my first game. It's been an interesting journey but it always makes me happy when people like the RPG stuff!
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2020
If I was going to throw out some basic rules:
  • Have your primary offensive stat (ex. Dexterity for spears) as high as it can go and set it to auto-grow.
  • Adding one defensive stat (Agility or Vitality) and setting it to auto-grow can make the game pretty easy, though you can also just put 5-10 points in for some traits.
  • Mixing magic and weapons is easy if you just get some useful buffs, some buffs work fine at 5 magic, others want you to keep increasing the Magic stat.
Nice to hear you're finding it an interesting challenge so far! I think the "build your own character" part could have a better tutorial since a lot of people go there immediately and get confused.

If I did another game (not until after I finish this one lol), I think I'd probably simplify the stats a bit and make the offensive ones a bit less binary.

But yeah, as a long-time RPG player I wanted to avoid some things I had disliked in past RPGs (ex. crappy buffs overwriting good ones) and just experiment for my first game. It's been an interesting journey but it always makes me happy when people like the RPG stuff!
cool cool, what i would do is; make the status boxes smaller (they really are too big) and move them to the right side (stacked) and allow 3-4 member party.:sneaky::geek: i had an odd situation on the adventuring to ?. i was with Ashley on the 3rd option, she destroyed the enemies easy and little to no damage but even with bonus xp we were getting only 2 points :censored::cry:, helped the hob vs wolves then got hit with shamen troop who 'killed' Ashley in the second round. i manages to win the battle. but it was Very Lopsided series of events. and the Mastery option is a bit confusing and there are no :oops:..Damn, I messed that up.. do overs. :oops::censored: there was one other thing but it was 3:30 am and i got no clue now.
So , yah , really enjoying this game!! thanks
don't really know if there are plans for these ideas, bigger parties, or the lewds/LI's. it all works good so far.
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Oct 3, 2017
Unreally cool game. Nice story, good fighting, interesting character. Above average lore. Good sex scenes (wish more art ofc)
Will we ever see arcane and blood magic that were mentioned
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
cool cool, what i would do is; make the status boxes smaller (they really are too big) and move them to the right side (stacked) and allow 3-4 member party.:sneaky::geek: i had an odd situation on the adventuring to ?. i was with Ashley on the 3rd option, she destroyed the enemies easy and little to no damage but even with bonus xp we were getting only 2 points :censored::cry:, helped the hob vs wolves then got hit with shamen troop who 'killed' Ashley in the second round. i manages to win the battle. but it was Very Lopsided series of events. and the Mastery option is a bit confusing and there are no :oops:..Damn, I messed that up.. do overs. :oops::censored:there was one other thing but it was 3:30 am and i got no clue now.
So , yah , really enjoying this game!! thanks
don't really know if there are plans for these ideas, bigger parties, or the lewds/LI's. it all works good so far.
The partner system is one of the first things I decided about the game - fighting alongside your partner and trying to make them feel like a person. I don't have any current plans to change it. There may be summons/captured enemies or other ways to have more combatants, though.

I am somewhat amused that you think that part of the UI is too big, I just had someone elsewhere request I make it bigger lol. I'll keep working on improving the UI but can't make any promises about how.

You can respec from the right-click menu, which lets you repick mastery choices, stats, etc. I'm not sure what happened with the Ashley deal, unless very underleveled they shouldn't be doing that much damage. I'll see if I can find any obvious issues.

Unreally cool game. Nice story, good fighting, interesting character. Above average lore. Good sex scenes (wish more art ofc)
Will we ever see arcane and blood magic that were mentioned
Glad you enjoyed the game. More CGs are definitely coming as my budget improves, next update will probably have 3. And yes, arcane and blood magic will happen eventually, no real ETA currently. I love working on that stuff, but I'm also getting behind on story etc.


New Member
Mar 28, 2019
Cool game, notes below.

Geostigma α only lasts 5 enemy turns, not 8.
What's MAG in abilities descriptions?
What's potency in trait descriptions?
Regeneration status effects don't stack? Mitigation?
What are shouts, Harp abilities?
Orogeny's effect description is "Deals 90% MAG as Earth element magic damage to all enemies," but what's the difference between "Earth element magic damage" and "Earth element damage" listed everywhere else?
Aether Basic 1 event has a weird Nether Corruption capped notification.
There should be somewhere an explanation that stat growth bonuses from traits are calculated with LVL value and not based on the amount of levels between your current level and the level you obtained the trait.
Spoony Bard, Spellbound, Sapphire Gleam, Ruby Torrent, Resonant Voice, Overload II, Overload I, Iron Brute, Iron Behemoth, Enchanter I, Emerald Stream, Dissonant Chord, Command II, Command I, Command Call, Boundless Will, Bestial Vitality, and Arcane Profusion trait descriptions do not have stat requirements listed.
Flutter trait's requirement description is listed as "5 dex" instead of "5 dexterity."
You can only learn the Harp with 10 or greater flat Charisma points and it doesn't count any bonus growth stats gained from Command I and Command II.
Corruption values are not listed.
Enemy hp values are not listed.
Does less mana regen from Berserk stacks affect enemies? A giant bear kept swinging even with 15 stacks.
You can escort Ina to the Knight Commander before visiting Badon, which breaks the continuity in the dialogue because you only learn about the First Division's presence by visiting Badon.
Allies have unused Trait Points and Ability Points that they don't use and you can't pick for them.
You can't target allies with Healing Flask in battle.
Stone Skin β's extra 1% Mitigation per turn is way too slow to be useful, ever. At 10 turns it only grants 10% extra Mitigation compared to Stone Skin α's turn 10 fuck you damage potential when combined with the Bulwark trait.
All allies level up with you which is unexpected but in hindsight it saves a lot of days to grind for each companion.
You can fight Maya in the Severn Floodplains even after recruiting her, but you'll be fighting an invisible Maya. At least you can't fight Maya with Maya.
Is there an actual time limit mechanic to resolve the hob problem?
Maya is a ninja but her bgm sounds more Disney princess than ninja, but it sounds alright for the petting scene.
Ashley's bgm doesn't fit with the atmosphere in the Nether Basics events. Also it doesn't sound horny enough to qualify as Ashley's bgm.
Svyatibor's artwork looks like nightmare fuel, 10/10.
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Cool game, notes below.

Geostigma α only lasts 5 enemy turns, not 8.
What's MAG in abilities descriptions?
What's potency in trait descriptions?
Regeneration status effects don't stack? Mitigation?
What are shouts, Harp abilities?
Orogeny's effect description is "Deals 90% MAG as Earth element magic damage to all enemies," but what's the difference between "Earth element magic damage" and "Earth element damage" listed everywhere else?
Aether Basic 1 event has a weird Nether Corruption capped notification.
There should be somewhere an explanation that stat growth bonuses from traits are calculated with LVL value and not based on the amount of levels between your current level and the level you obtained the trait.
Spoony Bard, Spellbound, Sapphire Gleam, Ruby Torrent, Resonant Voice, Overload II, Overload I, Iron Brute, Iron Behemoth, Enchanter I, Emerald Stream, Dissonant Chord, Command II, Command I, Command Call, Boundless Will, Bestial Vitality, and Arcane Profusion trait descriptions do not have stat requirements listed.
Flutter trait's requirement description is listed as "5 dex" instead of "5 dexterity."
You can only learn the Harp with 10 or greater flat Charisma points and it doesn't count any bonus growth stats gained from Command I and Command II.
Corruption values are not listed.
Enemy hp values are not listed.
Does less mana regen from Berserk stacks affect enemies? A giant bear kept swinging even with 15 stacks.
You can escort Ina to the Knight Commander before visiting Badon, which breaks the continuity in the dialogue because you only learn about the First Division's presence by visiting Badon.
Allies have unused Trait Points and Ability Points that they don't use and you can't pick for them.
You can't target allies with Healing Flask in battle.
Stone Skin β's extra 1% Mitigation per turn is way too slow to be useful, ever. At 10 turns it only grants 10% extra Mitigation compared to Stone Skin α's turn 10 fuck you damage potential when combined with the Bulwark trait.
All allies level up with you which is unexpected but in hindsight it saves a lot of days to grind for each companion.
You can fight Maya in the Severn Floodplains even after recruiting her, but you'll be fighting an invisible Maya. At least you can't fight Maya with Maya.
Is there an actual time limit mechanic to resolve the hob problem?
Maya is a ninja but her bgm sounds more Disney princess than ninja, but it sounds alright for the petting scene.
Ashley's bgm doesn't fit with the atmosphere in the Nether Basics events. Also it doesn't sound horny enough to qualify as Ashley's bgm.
Svyatibor's artwork looks like nightmare fuel, 10/10.
I had a much longer response that f95 lost, so to briefly summarize the more verbose original;
  • Thanks for the bug reports!
  • Growths are backwards compatible, yes.
  • Bonus growths don't count for hard requirements
  • If a buff says it stacks, it stacks. If it doesn't say that, it takes the highest of the competing values and adds together the durations.
  • Enemies are the same type of entity as the player and follow all the same rules. Mana regen doesn't matter if you don't use any mana, though.
  • Corruption values are listed in 0.24
  • Enemy HP values are intentionally not listed, feels a bit too gamey for me. That may change in the future as I continue to upgrade the battle UI.
  • No time limit
  • Ashley isn't *that* horny, much of her content is revealing more about the real her instead of the confident succ she tries to portray herself as initially.
  • Svyatibor is a real one!
Apologies if that comes off too short, I'm salty about how much text I lost so just trying to be efficient about re-typing it. I appreciate the feedback/concrit, there's a lot of good stuff there!


New Member
Nov 27, 2021
Well, I don't really know what to say other than wow, this is the good stuff: a true "came for the porn, stayed for the plot" situation. The writing in this is superb, with the character interactions being both insightful and hilarious when they want to be. There is the thing with the MC turning into modern-day Plato every time someone in the camp has an issue, by replying with profound wisdom that would be etched in the marble walls of Rome, but please don't change that: I think it adds to both the charm of the game and also a little the meta-humour. (Also it's just very well written.)

Other than that, the characters are all great, and I'm having a crisis trying to choose my favourite (Metatron is the leading favourite though), but the game's not finished, so we'll see where that goes. And seeing as the dev is extremely active (And surprisingly fast with updates? On this website? In this industry? What on earth...) I'm sure that I'll be extremely satisfied.

Only have two questions though, as of now:

1. Will the stat-based dialogue options be more frequent at any point? So far, I think I've only encountered two: The Charisma check at the beginning with Sam and one in the forest where Metatron blows up a tree; which seems a little low but maybe I missed some.

2. Abyssal corruption. I want more. Where? Seriously though, I'm extremely intrigued with this mysterious 3rd Lovecraftian energy no one knows about, that exists beyond time. So I'm just wondering, are there more scenes involving the abyss in the game that raise your abyssal corruption up, excluding the first, and will more be coming soon? (and are there any I've missed?)
I just want to know the unknowable, damn it!
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Well, I don't really know what to say other than wow, this is the good stuff: a true "came for the porn, stayed for the plot" situation. The writing in this is superb, with the character interactions being both insightful and hilarious when they want to be. There is the thing with the MC turning into modern-day Plato every time someone in the camp has an issue, by replying with profound wisdom that would be etched in the marble walls of Rome, but please don't change that: I think it adds to both the charm of the game and also a little the meta-humour. (Also it's just very well written.)

Other than that, the characters are all great, and I'm having a crisis trying to choose my favourite (Metatron is the leading favourite though), but the game's not finished, so we'll see where that goes. And seeing as the dev is extremely active (And surprisingly fast with updates? On this website? In this industry? What on earth...) I'm sure that I'll be extremely satisfied.

Only have two questions though, as of now:

1. Will the stat-based dialogue options be more frequent at any point? So far, I think I've only encountered two: The Charisma check at the beginning with Sam and one in the forest where Metatron blows up a tree; which seems a little low but maybe I missed some.

2. Abyssal corruption. I want more. Where? Seriously though, I'm extremely intrigued with this mysterious 3rd Lovecraftian energy no one knows about, that exists beyond time. So I'm just wondering, are there more scenes involving the abyss in the game that raise your abyssal corruption up, excluding the first, and will more be coming soon? (and are there any I've missed?)
I just want to know the unknowable, damn it!
Hey, glad you're digging it, and thanks for commenting! It's always hard to tell how well I managed to mix MC being well-educated, reasonably wise (in a vacuum), and still a believable-ish teenager, but this is my first time writing anything of the sort so I'll take that as a victory LOL.

Won't lie, it's nice hearing most of the characters being well liked now - some of their intros/initial offerings were kinda shaky, but comments like yours and the recent waifu poll seem to suggest I've managed to juggle most of the girls better now. Aspasia definitely needs more though.

I'll keep at it on the updates - I'm cheating a little in that I actually enjoy working on the game, so the problem isn't finding motivation, it's dealing with life's shenanigans. Last year I got a lot of the game's major issues fixed, and I'm hoping this year I can really push forward with plot/romances.

For your questions;

1. Yes, there will be more. I went into the game assuming they'd be a lot easier than they were, but I'm slowly increasing it. Part of the problem is that many checks are hidden, you get appropriate lines without any indication of meeting a requirement, which just needs a visibility improvement; there also aren't enough checks in general for my tastes which is a separate issue to improve on.

Looking back I think I would have stopped at ~4 stats to make checks and builds easier, not sure if I want to risk messing with that aspect now or wait until a possible game 2 so I can build for that from the ground up.

2. Abyss is a hint for the future, there isn't likely to be a lot more about it until
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. But there will be more! There are a few other corruptions upcoming, as well. I'm hoping to get to the deeper Aether/Nether corruptions soon, 10 trust/20 corruption was the initial requirement and the relevant characters are starting to get there.
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
Sooooo, where are the save files?

I looked in the RenPy folder under roaming... and one other location, but
didn't see Cryswar or Divine...

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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Sooooo, where are the save files?

I looked in the RenPy folder under roaming... and one other location, but
didn't see Cryswar or Divine...


On my PC it's AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Dawn-1579002230
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020

On my PC it's AppData\Roaming\RenPy\Dawn-1579002230
Thank you.
I had looked in that RenPy folder but didn't think to look at Dawn... lol

At any rate. I deleted all the saves in that folder but it didn't do any good.
Still looking. I think there was another location as well, but can't remember it atm.
Will go look some more.

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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
Thank you.
I had looked in that RenPy folder but didn't think to look at Dawn... lol

At any rate. I deleted all the saves in that folder but it didn't do any good.
Still looking. I think there was another location as well, but can't remember it atm.
Will go look some more.

Oh....well how embarrassed am I? I didn't realize there was also a folder of Saves under the game directory....

OK... deleting both got it....

Cheers all
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
Oh....well how embarrassed am I? I didn't realize there was also a folder of Saves under the game directory....

OK... deleting both got it....

Cheers all
You can also delete saves ingame if that's the goal! I had assumed you just wanted to transfer or something.
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
You can also delete saves ingame if that's the goal! I had assumed you just wanted to transfer or something.

Funny, I guess I hadn't tried the Del key on the saves in game.
Thanks for that.

I was deleting a bunch of old saves to de-clutter things...

Have A Good One!
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New Member
Mar 28, 2019
I had a much longer response that f95 lost, so to briefly summarize the more verbose original;
  • Thanks for the bug reports!
  • Growths are backwards compatible, yes.
  • Bonus growths don't count for hard requirements
  • If a buff says it stacks, it stacks. If it doesn't say that, it takes the highest of the competing values and adds together the durations.
  • Enemies are the same type of entity as the player and follow all the same rules. Mana regen doesn't matter if you don't use any mana, though.
  • Corruption values are listed in 0.24
  • Enemy HP values are intentionally not listed, feels a bit too gamey for me. That may change in the future as I continue to upgrade the battle UI.
  • No time limit
  • Ashley isn't *that* horny, much of her content is revealing more about the real her instead of the confident succ she tries to portray herself as initially.
  • Svyatibor is a real one!
Apologies if that comes off too short, I'm salty about how much text I lost so just trying to be efficient about re-typing it. I appreciate the feedback/concrit, there's a lot of good stuff there!
That's a bummer since I would've liked reading it but it is what it is.

  • The berserk stack explanations make sense since I realized later that non mage skills ignore mana entirely.
  • The stack/non stack buff explanation also makes sense. I just thought it was weird you could stack a health regen status effect with a health regen value with someone like Aspasia but not a status effect with another status effect.
  • For enemy HP values, I really only wanted a way to know which enemies could take a lot of hits and which ones couldn't (600 HP bar and 30 HP bar look the same in the UI). I'd suggest color coding health bars as a way to show the player how much HP an enemy has without actually showing how much HP an enemy has, like an enemy with >400 HP has a purple health bar but one with <40 has a red one.
  • I also realized some partners had leftover trait and ability points because there weren't anymore for them to take. That's because all allied NPCs were preassigned three +1 stat growths, and I can't think of any amazing alternatives that won't increase micromanagement. Being able to respect fraction growths might work but they also might be confusing.
  • I didn't explore too much of Ashley's content, so I'll take your word for it. Also the uuuuggghhhoooo sseeeeggggsss review on here is hella funny.
  • I think some lewd scenes are unlockable too early. I know it sounds strange to complain about porn pacing on a porn game, but it also sounds strange to know that you could probably rush Metatron's lewd scene by Day 10. She's lived longer than 800 years but you could score a home run within the first two weeks of meeting her.
  • Does Metatron not have wings anymore or was it a choice to not draw in the wings?
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
That's a bummer since I would've liked reading it but it is what it is.

  • The berserk stack explanations make sense since I realized later that non mage skills ignore mana entirely.
  • The stack/non stack buff explanation also makes sense. I just thought it was weird you could stack a health regen status effect with a health regen value with someone like Aspasia but not a status effect with another status effect.
  • For enemy HP values, I really only wanted a way to know which enemies could take a lot of hits and which ones couldn't (600 HP bar and 30 HP bar look the same in the UI). I'd suggest color coding health bars as a way to show the player how much HP an enemy has without actually showing how much HP an enemy has, like an enemy with >400 HP has a purple health bar but one with <40 has a red one.
  • I also realized some partners had leftover trait and ability points because there weren't anymore for them to take. That's because all allied NPCs were preassigned three +1 stat growths, and I can't think of any amazing alternatives that won't increase micromanagement. Being able to respect fraction growths might work but they also might be confusing.
  • I didn't explore too much of Ashley's content, so I'll take your word for it. Also the uuuuggghhhoooo sseeeeggggsss review on here is hella funny.
  • I think some lewd scenes are unlockable too early. I know it sounds strange to complain about porn pacing on a porn game, but it also sounds strange to know that you could probably rush Metatron's lewd scene by Day 10. She's lived longer than 800 years but you could score a home run within the first two weeks of meeting her.
  • Does Metatron not have wings anymore or was it a choice to not draw in the wings?
Traits stacks with everything, it's just buff rules. I do agree that it should probably be listed everywhere, I keep meaning to work on a grimoire of various info ingame, just seems like I have a million things to do and don't always get to everything.

I'll see what I can do with health bars. I had a few attempts at it previously that failed due to Renpy fuckery - it's honestly kinda funny how much weird shit you run into where renpy's own functions break down. Funny until you're the one stuck trying to deal with it anyways.

The idea with allies having their own preset growths is to try to reinforce the illusion that they're real people making their own choices. Regardless of what Astaroth says, Maya can't suddenly master magic and Celica isn't going to pick up a greathammer (a Glock is negotiable, though). That said, one of my upcoming projects, hinted at in Sam's 10 trust, is being able to suggest different things for them to focus on, and that unlocking/hiding various abilities and traits so you can *somewhat* customize them within the veneer of them being 'real.'

Obviously, they're not real or anything, and this may be a bad design decision game-wise, but a lot of the game revolves around that conceit. So I want to at least try to keep improving it and making it feel natural. Maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't, won't know if I don't try!

Oh yeah I loved that review, dude is a real one. Don't think I've heard from him since sadly, no matter how much Ashley I add.

Romance pacing is still a work in progress, right now I just want everything to be available, as more areas get added I may lock some romance progression to certain story areas. For Metatron specifically though, she's very naive and VERY lonely in a confusing new world, so I think it makes sense for her to fall surprisingly fast. Actually making the relationship work, and healthy, will take longer.

The opening goes into it a little, but the fancy energy wings she had were a reflection of her going full-power, and she's been very clear since then that trying to do that again would likely kill her. She's still fixing herself from the damage to her Divine Core in the temple. So she can't manifest those wings anymore. Actually, she can't even fly again (yet), though that will come back relatively soon. Some angels have fluffy wings, but hers are more... diablo style I guess?
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Jan 3, 2023
Traits stacks with everything, it's just buff rules. I do agree that it should probably be listed everywhere, I keep meaning to work on a grimoire of various info ingame, just seems like I have a million things to do and don't always get to everything.

I'll see what I can do with health bars. I had a few attempts at it previously that failed due to Renpy fuckery - it's honestly kinda funny how much weird shit you run into where renpy's own functions break down. Funny until you're the one stuck trying to deal with it anyways.

The idea with allies having their own preset growths is to try to reinforce the illusion that they're real people making their own choices. Regardless of what Astaroth says, Maya can't suddenly master magic and Celica isn't going to pick up a greathammer (a Glock is negotiable, though). That said, one of my upcoming projects, hinted at in Sam's 10 trust, is being able to suggest different things for them to focus on, and that unlocking/hiding various abilities and traits so you can *somewhat* customize them within the veneer of them being 'real.'

Obviously, they're not real or anything, and this may be a bad design decision game-wise, but a lot of the game revolves around that conceit. So I want to at least try to keep improving it and making it feel natural. Maybe it'll work out, maybe it won't, won't know if I don't try!

Oh yeah I loved that review, dude is a real one. Don't think I've heard from him since sadly, no matter how much Ashley I add.

Romance pacing is still a work in progress, right now I just want everything to be available, as more areas get added I may lock some romance progression to certain story areas. For Metatron specifically though, she's very naive and VERY lonely in a confusing new world, so I think it makes sense for her to fall surprisingly fast. Actually making the relationship work, and healthy, will take longer.

The opening goes into it a little, but the fancy energy wings she had were a reflection of her going full-power, and she's been very clear since then that trying to do that again would likely kill her. She's still fixing herself from the damage to her Divine Core in the temple. So she can't manifest those wings anymore. Actually, she can't even fly again (yet), though that will come back relatively soon. Some angels have fluffy wings, but hers are more... diablo style I guess?
Is there a gallery
Aug 7, 2018
I liked it. Good job so far :)

Just finished the main-quest (as of v0.23c) and still have a couple of companion scenes to unlock, but here's my initial impression:

Pretty good writing, I like the humor. A good mix of funny and genuine lines, character moments, world building and story hooks/foreshadowing.

While LI personality archetypes and explored issues/topics are fairly typical for YA fantasy/adventure stories, they still feel a cut above what you'd expect to find. Beneath silly gags, flirtation and banter, they feel like well sketched characters with their own views, motivations and issues.

While MC seems to love internally repeating his insights every chance he gets (drinking game: take a shot every time he realizes someone's problems can't be fixed in a single conversation or someone's expertise can't be learned in an afternoon - another shot if he attempts it anyway a few lines later. At least he's aware and cares :p), I enjoyed pretty much all of it: from hobby therapist/communication theory to magical studies based on philosophies to adorable friendship and sex scenes (pretty well-written, generally wholesome and cute, some interesting powerdynamics. Sarah was quite delightful and falls somewhere between Tabitha and Kotone with her sweet+loving personality vs insatiable hypno gfd contrast, if you'll pardon the MGD comparison).

Combat: fairly straightforward so far, basic synergies are in place. Still, already had fun crafting themed builds (enjoyably overkill) and hope it continues to expand and develop.

Bugs: found and fixed a couple of skills not working as intended, from mismatched/out-of-date? skill descriptions / effects to simply broken skills. Some or most might have been fixed in the latest backer-version already, but in case a few slipped through:
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Also, found an exploitunexpected feature:
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The Profound Dorkness
Game Developer
May 31, 2019
I liked it. Good job so far :)

Just finished the main-quest (as of v0.23c) and still have a couple of companion scenes to unlock, but here's my initial impression:

Pretty good writing, I like the humor. A good mix of funny and genuine lines, character moments, world building and story hooks/foreshadowing.

While LI personality archetypes and explored issues/topics are fairly typical for YA fantasy/adventure stories, they still feel a cut above what you'd expect to find. Beneath silly gags, flirtation and banter, they feel like well sketched characters with their own views, motivations and issues.

While MC seems to love internally repeating his insights every chance he gets (drinking game: take a shot every time he realizes someone's problems can't be fixed in a single conversation or someone's expertise can't be learned in an afternoon - another shot if he attempts it anyway a few lines later. At least he's aware and cares :p), I enjoyed pretty much all of it: from hobby therapist/communication theory to magical studies based on philosophies to adorable friendship and sex scenes (pretty well-written, generally wholesome and cute, some interesting powerdynamics. Sarah was quite delightful and falls somewhere between Tabitha and Kotone with her sweet+loving personality vs insatiable hypno gfd contrast, if you'll pardon the MGD comparison).

Combat: fairly straightforward so far, basic synergies are in place. Still, already had fun crafting themed builds (enjoyably overkill) and hope it continues to expand and develop.

Bugs: found and fixed a couple of skills not working as intended, from mismatched/out-of-date? skill descriptions / effects to simply broken skills. Some or most might have been fixed in the latest backer-version already, but in case a few slipped through:
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Also, found an exploitunexpected feature:
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Hey, thanks for the feedback! It's helpful to get feedback and constructive criticism. I appreciate the bug reports as well, it's a neverending trial to catch them despite the occasional help from people like you who are kind enough to go through and catch them.

Someday I'll get this as polished and bug-free as it is in my dreams...

I'm not actually super familiar with Young Adult stuff, would you mind expanding on that comment that a little? I get the occasional comment something along those lines, but usually without an explanation of how and I'm not always sure what to make of it.

Haven't touched MGD in a long time but from what people have told me about it, I think I get the comparison. I've been having fun trying to flesh her more out lately, she got so much content early on I focused on others in camp over her for a while.

Will go over the bug reports, I'm 99% sure some were fixed in 0.24 or the upcoming 0.25 but some I don't recognize which probably means they weren't LOL.

And the chargen thing is... interesting. I really didn't expect it to be so funky, but that's not a big issue thankfully. Just a quick-ish fix.
4.50 star(s) 41 Votes