docclox Hey, thank you for the review! You raise a really good point about backgrounds, I forgot how much of a... placeholder the temple art is, from back when I had absolutely 0 funding and no chance of affording better. Now that I do, I'll look into fixing it!
Actually, I might be able to start doing non-lewd CGs sometime soon as well... we'll see on that one, those get really expensive.
BTW when can we expect more stuff of my girl Metatron
She tends to get something every update tbh, her martial art is upcoming (this update or next?), more romance, more plot.
Now this is good news indeed. Aspasia is pretty sexy and her affection/dating events are going to be awesome when they are added. Her as a living silver slime symbiote armor is going to be top tier.
I'm eager for it, my personal hype point is the idea of taking a bath in a possessive Aspasia. Predator slime indeed!
Yeah so I got hit with this, can't continue at all. I should mention, as I'm not sure if it's a problem, that I am using a save from a version of the game I got here that I am using for my steam version.
Also, I have some questions. Do the traits like Hydrophosit and Gaelid Infusion work with the spellblade abilites? And do the spellblade abilites count as longsword abilites as to benefit from harsh blade?
Glad you managed to fix it going by the next post, but as a brief overview; Renpy by default has very little patch support. I use some code that runs whenever you start up the game *or* pass time in camp that forcibly updates everything, but sometimes the game start thing doesn't work very well because Renpy. You can usually bruteforce it by using "waste time" in camp or load save -> save over -> load save. I can probably add a button for it somewhere too.
On traits, it usually specifies spell/skill if it only works for those (I think Hydrosophist does?). Similar for the mana blade stuff, those are a separate Mana Blade skill type. The Mana Blade weapon can use longsword skills (which benefit from longsword traits) tho.