arc kusuma

Sep 21, 2018
LoL, I got lost in the Ancient Battlefield pretty deep inside. I'm kinda curious to explore that area in my first gameplay still low level ignoring the sign board, and I'm kinda hey let's explore this area before doing the main quest! The 1st, 2nd area wow look how big this area is, the 3rd, 4th area the monster is very aggressive, 5th, 6th area uhh... which way is the way back again? Shit I'm dead. I have to restart the game cus I'm stuck doesn't know a way out, low on health, no SP, no herb. The encounter rate is extremely savage it's not about on sight they will catch you but literary the entire monster on the map will be lusting to catch you. Running away from the battle doesn't help much because you didn't have any encounter immunity after fleeing just like the other usual RPG games, if they're already ganged up on you you're pretty much dead stuck in the encounter loops. Is there any map or guide about that particular area? And yeah kinda enjoyed the games and good art very fun in my opinion, aside from those drawback i said before.
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Mar 15, 2018
-Is there any guides on different endings and how to get them?
-Also what's at the end of the Ancient Battleground? if you go through all of it and re-beat all the bosses, at the end there's a gate that you can't interact with.
-How do you unlock masturbation? The woodworker said he was working on one but days don't go by unless you progress with the story, by the time he started making it, it was already the last day, on the day of fighting the boss.
-Same with the incense, a post earlier said you sleep to use it, I don't think I manage to get that until the very last day, is there a H stat requirement to get it?
-Like others asked, does she ever get corrupted enough to be able to not panic and put her clothes back on after you remove it?

Thanks in advance.


May 31, 2017
Game like this always make me wonder why the MC even bother saving people. Her mom's a neglectful bitch that leave her to the demon's non-existant mercies and the village is filled with ungrateful, rape happy pricks.
To be fair, once she levels a bit she is strong enough to curbstomp the game, so dearest mom was right about leaving it to her, and the villagers thing is actually explained in-game.

But yeah, I've also played games where I was going all "And I have to save you because...?" or "Come on, girl! You've stomped bigger things than that prick! Why do you let him do whatever he wants?"


Aug 20, 2017
To be fair, once she levels a bit she is strong enough to curbstomp the game, so dearest mom was right about leaving it to her, and the villagers thing is actually explained in-game.

But yeah, I've also played games where I was going all "And I have to save you because...?" or "Come on, girl! You've stomped bigger things than that prick! Why do you let him do whatever he wants?"
Yeah, it's a real problem with game like this. It's why I prefer games that include an actual corruption mechanic. Because as it stand the MC goes widly between Strong Willful Fighter and Complete Doormat with no in between at the drop of as hat.
Corruption games at least keep track of how lewd their MCs are so their scenes actually fit with the current characterization instead of making them look bipolar.
Feb 11, 2020
Divine Miko Koyori WALKTHROUGH

This is my first walkthru (I also discussed this on Steam), after repeating the game 8 times on what I later discovered to be the "s*x stats bug" when I downloaded the DLsite free demo, and found out that the Japanese release does have s*x stats that increase points, and not go back to 1 after hitting 45 to 50 encounters (been messaging Kagura Games on this whole bug, but no response, so, what can I do--- I even bought the game from JastUSA just in case the Steam version was the one at fault for the stats).

[hopefully Kagura Games PATCHES this bug so we can MAKE KOYORI LEWD AGAIN!]

Anyway, the walkthrough:

DAY 0:
just defeat the 3 gaki monsters at level 3 or so. It will take you about 6 hours to grind leveling up as this game does require you to use your FF and RE skills:
1. Final Fantasy skills = the more monsters you defeat, the more level points you need. Once you reach level 20 (and utilised the skill tree well), the game should be easier.
2. Resident Evil skills = you don't get much money, so use your herbs/mugwort. Alternatively, just sell all those things that monsters drop (including those horse meat you'll get on those 2 horse and bull bosses later on) so you buy chocolates/calories (for HP) and energy max

NOTE: the GROSBEAK sword skill (learned at lv1) will be your best friend. Forget channelling stuffs, be a melee fighter.

DAY 1:
-upon reaching the village, talk to ALL the (pervert) men there, just for added exploration and all.
Go to the village chief's house so you can get to your firewood quest.
-buy at least 4 chocolates, 2 calorie charge, 1 energy max, and the rest of the money on energy-half. Use your grosbeak for tougher enemies. Buy at least 2 sewing kits also, but use those on the [Kakue] as it has more defense, not the chihaya dress.
-by this part, you should be at level 4, and you need to be at least level 7 or 8 to beat that Red Oni boss easily.
-focus your skills to learn on ATTACK first (so you can finish these monsters in 1 strike, or 2 strikes at most---or just grosbeak). What I'd do is level much with the gaki up to level 5 or 6, then go onward hitting enemies with grosbeak. You'll mostly use 4-5 energy-half throughout this DAY 1 quest.
-learn also on SPIRIT POWER (so you have more SP for your grosbeak). The order goes like this: 1.attack; 2.spirit power; 3.defense; 4.vitality (good offense is the best defense, and use those chocolates whenever you need to). IF you able skill up to 300HP, that should be more than enough. Your SP should be around 45.
NOTE: you can live for about 200HP or less, use those mugworts you'll find along the way. You can get those raep scenes of monsters as you encounter them, then use the mugwort/herb. Don't worry about wasting them as they're found all around the game.
-Collect the 9 firewood around that forest, full of indicators shouldn't be hard to spot.

-Upon reaching the abandoned village, go to the LEFT SIDE first to get the Kakue dress. Go all the way back to the entrance, and head NORTH/UP. The trick is to just go to directions heading north, until you reach the lake-bit where you head DOWN, follow that until you'll reach exit to another bunch of houses and that's where your red oni boss is. You should be on level 7 or 8 here. Grosbeak him all the way (or save, get defeated to get the scene, load back the game to win).
-go get the 10th firewood which is right-ish near the door. Go back to the village and use that teleportation thing. Talk to the village chief, NIGHT happens afterwards.

now, there are three pervy situations that can INFLUENCE THE ENDING (going all-out and you get either ending 1 or 2--- whatever the algorithm calculates---do note that this is a buggy algorithm thanks to the s*x stats):
ENDING 1: progress TAROU AND HIS MATES - his three mates/brothers/whatever who'll gang you up at the hot spring
ENDING 2: DO NOT progress any of the three pervy-arcs here, just keep getting raepd by monsters
ENDING 3: TAGOSAKU - that cannot-speak dude with his pervy father. He's in the shack.
ENDING 4: MASAO - that weeb/otaku guy, progress him to get this AV ending (my personal fave)
ENDING 5: when you want the "virgin end" which is, why? Why don't you just play Final Fantasy or other RPG games if you don't want the H-scenes anyway?

-go to the shack near the village entrance to get shagged by Tagosaku
-go to the hot springs to get ganged by Tarou and mates
-IMPERATIVE: talk to that weeb/otaku Masao so he'll give you that incense. You miss this on the first night and you'll miss this whole arc completely.
AGAIN, the algorithm is faulty until Kagura Games patches this, so in case you had too much monster raep/loses, you'll end up getting ending 2. If you only managed like having, 100 encounters (I got 135), you'll get ending 1. Ending 3 and 4 are let's say, you focus progressing on Tagosaku; OR focus on Masao. Doing all of them at once will get you likely ending 1.

DAY 2:
-talk to village chief to get those "medicine quest". (don't forget to replenish your chocolate/calorie charge/energy drink supplies. These are the only use of your money anyway, so just spend it all in there. You don't get other interfaces or other things to buy or quests to buy items or those--- Circle Poison must have rushed this thing since it totally lacked all those "side stories and side quests" that you, an RPG game, is innate to get onto.)
-go all the way, battle monsters, same arsenal of chocolates/calorie charge, and energy drinks half and max. GROSBEAK all the enemies you see, your energy drinks should be able to handle that provided you've learned the attack, and spirit abilities.
-you also need to increase the agility and acuity points here a little bit. Your attacks can miss the monsters unless you increase the acuity, also agility (so you can evade those attacks in return).
-As long as you have at least 450HP here, you're fine. 500HP if you're not contented. Too much HP and you risked wasting those learned skills points where they should be used on defense or attack learning.
-This isn't too hard, again, more GROSBEAK of enemies so you can finish in 3 turns.
-once you got the medicines on the town, buy more of energy drinks. SELL ALL THOSE items that monsters dropped to get the money needed.
-upon returning, you go face that Tengu boss. You should be around level 12 here, and again you should be fine (at least 450HP, at least 60SP, learned skills points focused again on attack, then spirit, then defense, then vitality (until 450HP or 500HP), then the rest of the points just distribute them on acuity, agility, and resist can be last or just allocate points there so you can expand your skill tree [you don't have much enemies that have purposes for M.resist anyway]).
-You should be able to get that Akahatori dress, by going LEFT once you're at the forest entrance, defeat those kappa (yeah get defeated for those raepd scenes as well), just follow that trail until going north, there's a path that goes east, and the Akahatori lies on a treasure chest there.
-Once you reach that repetitive-SlaveSword-forest full of serpents (you can level up here as well, again, Grosbeak your path), just keep going on one direction until you see a path heading north.
-Save, get defeated by the Tengu (buy those half-priced onigiri for 9999-inflicted damage), re-load, defeat the Tengu by Grosbeak-ing all the way.
-Go back to the village

-again, you can choose whoever you wanna do the progress. Doing ALL the H-scenes will get you ending 1 at most; lots of monster raep will get you ending 2.
If you missed getting Masao's incense in NIGHT 1, you'll never get this pervy route (or the ending 4).

Circle Poison made a half-bake set of H-scenes here, mind you, there are actually A LOT of heart-H-scenes (remember Slave Sword when you talk to someone at night and you get the CG-raep scenes? they exist in Koyori, too, BUT Circle Poison didn't draw or put a CG on these instances so you're left looking at Koyori in 8-bit image getting banged--- which your d!ck is not going to be interested)
You get about 40 sets of CGs here in Koyori, while 65 in Slave Sword 1, and 67 in Slave Sword 2.

DAY 3:
-go to the EAST after exiting the village. (again don't forget to buy those chocolates/calorie charges/energy drinks) Which is going way up the map, but you'll see a road leading to the RIGHT, go there.
-this is also the part where your acuity, and agility needs a little high on points, you'll frequently miss that wheel-monster thing if your acuity is low.
-this is a little maze-y way, but my trick is just to continue without turning a road, because when you turn, you'll end up a long way that will only lead you back from where you start. Like keep in mind you don't have much secrets/treasures/easter eggs here--- this is not Slave Sword--- you don't get too many treasure chests for items. So don't bother really with exploring, only focus on leveling up, use those mugworts to heal yourself to 200HP so you can easily be defeated (I don't use the onigiri since it'll damage the dress, and you need its defense-points. Again as long as Kagura Games don't put up the patch on this game, as of Feb.11, 2020, don't bother much about expecting to make Koyori run around naked. Her boobs-showing dress only gets larger damage, so consider getting more sewing kits).

-Once you reach the cave, don't bother much on the left/right part, just head straight.
UP/STRAIGHT (from entrance)-> LEFT-> UP (which trails you to go to the right)-> go to where you'll see a hole, descend there-> RIGHT and trail this until you see an UP or DOWN path, go UP so you'll reach where the bosses are, they are beyond a room full of ice.

-Here, make sure you're going to level up to level 20 (they can wallop you if you're not at this level. Don't worry, this is like, 30minutes to level as long as you Grosbeak your way, finish in 3-4 turns), so you can easily defeat those 2 bull/horse bosses. You should have around 650HP, or 700-800HP (and this is the max HP you'll ever need, no need to get to 1000HP or so, no one can defeat you as long as you invest those skill points to: 1.attack, 2.spirit, 3.defense, 4.vitality--then to complete the skill tree invest the remaining points on the rest of acuity, agility, and last but the least: M.resist).
I had 160SP by the time I finished the game, and with only 4SP per Grosbeak, go nuts already. Don't mind with the channelling, I never used it, it was just a bunch of fancy thing that the Grosbeak damage can easily do and more. My final HP really was just 800HP, then 160SP. And invested the rest of the learned skill points on attack, and defense, and acuity (so I can hit things).
-If done right on your learned skills, your Grosbeak should have at least 900HP damage, to 1000HP and can easily land a critical hit of 3000HP.

-You can actually explore this cave so you can level up as you fight monsters (and get raepd), OR you just defeat the bosses first, then explore around so you can find the items and stuffs.
-now go back again to the village chief so you can ready your tissues for the night scenes.

-more extreme, gangb@nging stuffs going on the three pervy routes. You shouldn't have no problem getting these scenes.

DAY 4:
see how short this game is. We're about finished. (there is no night 4)
-Go to the Ancient Battlefield, just go to the paths where they're more leaning towards the left (the clue is "Northwest" of the abandoned village, right?), I can't fully memorise it, but don't wander on the right-ish side of you, just focus on the left-y sides of the map.
-You'll soon reach that temple(?) where there are 2 red oni (which you can just Grosbeak X2 each, and that'll be it, provided you followed what I've said, and you're more than level 20 here).
NOW--there's a split: if you go BEYOND the path, or you proceed past where the 2 red oni are, that's the Ancient Battlefield map to get the secret scenes of being defeated. You won't get a game over or anything like that if you proceed there, and not immediately going back to the village (as Koyori says you should). It takes an hour or 2 to explore around. But weird smokes, and obvious "light indicator", and those 3 kids, they should all be obvious to get the secret scenes.
My suggestion: save this in another file if you chanced going ahead to the ancient battlefield to explore. You can head back to village on your other saved file (or do whatever).
-With level 20 or more, 800HP, 160SP, and all your other learned skills points invested in attack, defense, acuity, agility, and lastly M.resist (in this order), you're undefeated!
-I also suggest saving the game before talking to the village chief, so you can activate that "unlocking all scenes (except the 12 secret scenes) on that tree located at the left side of the temple where Koyori sleeps". Just load this file AFTER finishing the game and talk to that tree.

And added bonus, you should realise your s*x stats as pathetic as having 1 or 3 numbers there. This is the bug I'm talking about. The algorithm calculates that perhaps, and thus the reason why Koyori is "incorruptible" or "just not lewd enough".
Additionally, just get defeated on those villagers 1 and 2, so you can get those lewd scenes, and get defeated by that nine-tailed fox also (save promptly beforehand ok?), so you'll get your scenes, and CONGRATS you defeated the game!

Now we just wait for Kagura Games to HOPEFULLY patch this corrupted s*x stats that will not anymore go back to 1. This has got to be the reason WHY Koyori is "not lewd enough".

And if Kagura Games gives us a Christmas gift for 2020, there should be a [Divine Miko Koyori 2] in the works! With hopefully MORE lewd scenes (like 100 H-scenes because Koyori is cute)! More villages! More interactions and heart-H-scenes, bring back the inn/brothel, take a page out of Oneone1 in corruption and lewdness, more exhibitionism, more, more, MORE!

BUY THE GAME as it's only like, $20 or so? That's about 5 trips to a fastfood restaurant! Think how many gunk you'll choke your rooster out as Circle Poison makes more of these games because we support them.

This way, they'll be happy patching up these bugs for us, and we can continue destroying our d!cks and investing in tissues!


Mar 15, 2018
-I also suggest saving the game before talking to the village chief, so you can activate that "unlocking all scenes (except the 12 secret scenes) on that tree located at the left side of the temple where Koyori sleeps". Just load this file AFTER finishing the game and talk to that tree.
So unlike all my other games with a ton of saves I decided to one-save this one lol. After beating the game is it still possible to go to the tree with a new game/new save to unlock the scenes? Because when I try with a new game I can't interact with either the tree or the rock to the left of her room at the shrine o_O?

btw thanks a bunch for the guide!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2017
Hey, thanks for the detailed guide, my man!

Btw, this is why I tend to be little wary of Kagura and not as much hyped about them as others like to be. It's awesome that there is a group that TLs with a consistently decent quality -you may or may not necessarily like the games they select; but that's completely subjective-, (and shit, I actually maybe even have one (lol...) published title of theirs from Steam...) yet you may never know if you got the "real" thing.

If we are to believe what you wrote -and why shouldn't we-, then there's a whole chunk of the game taken out in this particular instance. Hell, the biggest gripe the people mentioning cons in the reviews and the thread itself was "shit, why isn't there any corruption; it's a step back compared to Slave's Sword in this regard; etc-etc.", and you know what? I'm sure as faqq that they didn't even for a moment think that actually the game itself was missing a major feature which would have made it immensely more enjoyable to them...

Sure, maybe it's a "bug", but again going by what you wrote and how dodgy they seem to be of the issue, there is a...erm..."not-zero chance" that they decided it was just too big a hassle and discreetly cut it all out, hoping none would be the wiser. I could and actually hope to be wrong, though. But still...

At any rate, here's to hoping that they essentially will need to patch it up after you pointed it out! Even more props to you! :)
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Feb 11, 2020
So unlike all my other games with a ton of saves I decided to one-save this one lol. After beating the game is it still possible to go to the tree with a new game/new save to unlock the scenes? Because when I try with a new game I can't interact with either the tree or the rock to the left of her room at the shrine o_O?

btw thanks a bunch for the guide!
you're welcome!
I don't think you can, someone at Steam asked me that kinda question, because he did try doing a new game but to no avail. Or yeah you tried it yourself too.

There's a silver lining: if Kagura Games DOES patch the s*x stats up, then you have a reason to start a new game again!
It shouldn't take you long, I did a "semi-virgin run" just to see how it'll pan out. I made Koyori's masturbation known and photographed by Masao/otaku-dude, BUT didn't give in to him (got ending 5 or that virgin ending still, no mention about Koyori getting the talk of the school except that 2nd night mention---if this was Oneone1 I'm sure there'd be a whole scene on that!).
Anyway, it only took me 2hours40minutes from start to finish! So I think you should be able to do a new game without much hassle; just Grosbeak sword-skill yourself all the way!
Feb 11, 2020
Hey, thanks for the detailed guide, my man!

Btw, this is why I tend to be little wary of Kagura and not as much hyped about them as others like to be. It's awesome that there is a group that TLs with a consistently decent quality -you may or may not necessarily like the games they select; but that's completely subjective-, (and shit, I actually maybe even have one (lol...) published title of theirs from Steam...) yet you may never know if you got the "real" thing.

If we are to believe what you wrote -and why shouldn't we-, then there's a whole chunk of the game taken out in this particular instance. Hell, the biggest gripe the people mentioning cons in the reviews and the thread itself was "shit, why isn't there any corruption; it's a step back compared to Slave's Sword in this regard; etc-etc.", and you know what? I'm sure as faqq that they didn't even for a moment think that actually the game itself was missing a major feature which would have made it immensely more enjoyable to them...

Sure, maybe it's a "bug", but again going by what you wrote and how dodgy they seem to be of the issue, there is a...erm..."not-zero chance" that they decided it was just too big a hassle and discreetly cut it all out, hoping none would be the wiser. I could and actually hope to be wrong, though. But still...

At any rate, here's to hoping that they essentially will need to patch it up after you pointed it out! Even more props to you! :)
you're welcome! :)
what do you mean you actually have one?
I think I'm alright with Kagura Games' choices, I seem to think they picked the best or 2nd best. :)
I would never have known Circle Poison if it weren't for them!

Absolutely, you're right that there is a massive chunk of the game taken out.
This is like, "hollow" for us, right? It's like one of those easter chocolate eggs where you thought you could have gotten a foot-long chocolate, only to eat it and it's hollow.
Divine Miko Koyori feels like that.
Like I said, there's a LOT of heart-H-scenes here still, especially on the 3rd night, and 4th day; BUT NO CG/IMAGES to it, so you're left with looking at Koyori in 8-bit animation which is just dumb.
They just rushed it, and I don't like people defending Circle Poison for this like "they just want something new", or "can't you appreciate the BGM" because that's defending mediocrity. Call Circle Poison for what it is: MEDIOCRE.
I mean, it's like Boeing--- their planes are awesome like the 747, and 777, but we know what the 737 Max went like.

You know, just because Circle Poison made it, doesn't mean it's automatically good.
I evaluated myself if "have I expected too much?" but no, there's just a lot of hollowness on Divine Miko Koyori. Like there's nothing else to buy in the game except the items you need to refill HP/SP. Or there's that huge Ancient Battlefield that is just... huge, and hollow.
There are no inns, the promotion is very misleading as it said like

"In the modern world where science reigns supreme, mythology has long been abandoned by the new era, with deities and monsters alike seen as mere fairy tales in the eyes of the masses. Yet in the underbelly of modern society, evil continues to lurk in the shadows, threatening the lives of mortals just as it always has."
like Circle Poison, this is JUST ONE VILLAGE!

so, yeah, my points and yours coincide, we're on the same page.
Now let's just hope there's something good on those s*x stats patch (hopefully Kagura Games is currently working on, I did got back an email from a source that they're aware of this bug).

None the wiser? Hah, Circle Poison need to know who their fans are, who are the people buying their games, they have no chance courting the mainstream, so better monopolise us while we still have faith in them.

Yeah I'm really hoping they will do the patch!
Feb 11, 2020
To anyone's reference (or Zippix might need it),
this is that s*x stats corrupted algorithm, or I'd just call it as "sexstat gate", where after 45 to 50 s*xual encounters, the stats go back to 1.

this was my first run of the game (showing 135 encounters), where I slowly suspected that "I think" the stats have gone wonky. I did 3-4 reruns more, buying the Steam, and the JastUSA games (I originally bought from Fakku) just to see if Fakku's installer was at fault.
When I realised that I can download a free DLsite free demo in Japanese, I immediately put my theory to the test, and found out that the Japanese release does have s*x stats increasing. Hence, somehow Kagura Games must have accidentally tweaked the sexstats during translation, resulting in a bug or whatnot.

As you can see on the images:
I replicated the 135 encounters thru the Japanese demo, and got lv.27, not 3. Bodily sensitivity was also 27, not 1.

Hence, to those who think Koyori is "not lewd enough", this is your answer.
You can probably reach out to Kagura Games on Facebook or Twitter (I did, but they haven't responded to me, I've heard from a source they're aware of this situation, but no word if they're actually gonna patch it), but well, yeah, don't know if they'll respond or not. They might be too busy promoting that Liz-something game as of the moment.


May 26, 2017
So just wanted some clarification.

Are you saying the English version of the game is missing a lot of content compared to the Japanese one or that the Japanese version doesn't have enough content?
Feb 11, 2020
So just wanted some clarification.

Are you saying the English version of the game is missing a lot of content compared to the Japanese one or that the Japanese version doesn't have enough content?
more like, the KaguraGame-released version cannot progress thru the lewds because the whole stats is corrupt. Algorithms work on how it is programmed.
Like in Slave Sword for example: 33 points lead to semi-lewd, and -33points go full-lewd/pervy. Algorithms calculate the program to do the specific commands once the points lead to these numbers (as Circle Poison programmed).

We don't know what Koyori's lewd-points are, but the algorithm need to reach those points, so it'll program the "semi-lewd", or "full lewd" or whatever program Circle Poison did to appear.
And in this case, because the stats go back to 1 after going around 50 encounters, the algorithm can only calculate these low numbers.

Although we've finished this game, and there are only 43 scenes, 31 regular H-scenes, plus 12 secret scenes; compared this with Slave Sword 1 which has 65 scenes, I guess Circle Poison doesn't have much in store even if this sexstat-gate is patched/fixed. But we'll see.


May 26, 2017
more like, the KaguraGame-released version cannot progress thru the lewds because the whole stats is corrupt. Algorithms work on how it is programmed.
Like in Slave Sword for example: 33 points lead to semi-lewd, and -33points go full-lewd/pervy. Algorithms calculate the program to do the specific commands once the points lead to these numbers (as Circle Poison programmed).

We don't know what Koyori's lewd-points are, but the algorithm need to reach those points, so it'll program the "semi-lewd", or "full lewd" or whatever program Circle Poison did to appear.
And in this case, because the stats go back to 1 after going around 50 encounters, the algorithm can only calculate these low numbers.

Although we've finished this game, and there are only 43 scenes, 31 regular H-scenes, plus 12 secret scenes; compared this with Slave Sword 1 which has 65 scenes, I guess Circle Poison doesn't have much in store even if this sexstat-gate is patched/fixed. But we'll see.
Ah, I understand now. 43 scenes is quite a significant amount in my opinion. Most H-games usually go for <25 scenes.

Btw, you seem to be a fan of OneOne1. Did you know that they are releasing an append for their latest game sometime this month? (18 more scenes I think)

Also, what's your favourite game by Circle Poison? I was thinking of giving their Slave Sword series a try if the corruption was good.
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Feb 11, 2020
Ah, I understand now. 43 scenes is quite a significant amount in my opinion. Most H-games usually go for <25 scenes.

Btw, you seem to be a fan of OneOne1. Did you know that they are releasing an append for their latest game sometime this month? (18 more scenes I think)

Also, what's your favourite game by Circle Poison? I was thinking of giving their Slave Sword series a try if the corruption was good.
Slave Sword is hands down the game that got me hooked with H-games! my profile pic is Luna Ashley (defeated), the main chara of Slave Sword! :)
You've played Divine Miko Koyori, this will be at least advantageous to you as Koyori is missing out A LOT of corruption stuffs that Slave Sword offered!

So my biggest tip is: let your imagination loose, let Luna lose, aim to break her and you'll see what I mean! :)
Although don't focus on the dungeon, 1 to 2 captures will be more than enough. :) You have PLENTY of chances left to corrupt her as you advance the game (for Slave Sword 1).
In Slave Sword 2, once you finish SS1 and will be asked to load the game for SS2, the only advantage on that is it carries the s*x stats from Slave Sword 1 to 2. But I say don't do this, you can corrupt Luna back and more afterwards! :)

Needless to say, you know what my favorite game from Circle Poison is. ;)
(Divine Miko Koyori could have been, you know, if only Circle Poison weren't being lazy, and improved the corruption of SS to DMK, Koyori could have been my most fave game now! )
3.20 star(s) 19 Votes