yeah go for it if you like.

You might take a month to get 100% on Ideology of Friction though. XD And you haven't gotten to Meritocracy, yet. (and there's also "Dark Elf", and "Killing Time", all these games are from Oneone1)
DMK is patched, but as I responded earlier, there's nothing else on it. Circle Poison f*cked it up.
They must have hired a vanillafag to develop DMK, and so they must fire that vanillafag. Right now.
Forget Detective Girl.

Go for Liz The Tower! Same makers (Clymenia), you're not going to miss anything on Detective Girl once you've played Liz The Tower.
You'll take about 6 hours to break Luna, no worries there. You'll go to the village, get captured (and escape), and once you're in the city, you have about 4 missions to finish (and each of them takes about 1 hour to complete).
You can take the time you need to break her once you're in the city, you can sleep and wake up at night, let her roam around the city and get to those men in the alley or the rich dude, or the guy under the bridge, and the hobo/slums, you'll enjoy doing it that way.

Don't over-redundant doing the dungeon, again 1 or 2x capture is all you need there as the scene will get redundant on the 3rd capture (and you have about 5 captures before you get a game over because Luna will lose hope at that point).
But yeah, once you get around Slave Sword (and you haven't started SS2 yet!), you can compare DMK with SS and you'll know why I'm pissed with Circle Poison for half-baking DMK.