This was so sweet, I lost all my remaining tooth. This is quite surprising, considering the nature of the devs' only other game on this site.
In seriousness, this hits the grind:reward ratio *just* right. The actions you have to repeat aren't annoying, although they do require quite a bit of luck. Getting to the point where you can repeat those actions isn't convoluted, and the interactions between the two main characters are well written, so actively progressing is quite enjoyable.
The artwork is also excellent, even if it's just the one girl. She is just adorable, and hits the perfect "cute tomboy" strikezone. Scene variety is varied, only limited by sticking to the vanilla territory. Her character design eschews high amounts of details in order to maintains comfortably simplistic style, without being boring or uninspired.
As a whole, the game is a perfect example of achieving so much with so little.