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Jun 29, 2021
I’ve thought a fair amount on some things that have been said here.

Fair criticism can be appreciated (as without that, we cannot completely advance). Support here has been limited at best, which is also a plenty important mechanism/component in the effort to advance beyond before and whatever that is/was (that wasn’t enough).

And I’ve simply decided: you all can Suck It.

I’m gonna make what I wanna make. I ain’t asking for any to offer up a penny; only your recognition if you found it interesting. There can be some interaction meant to propel my efforts forward (in the form of complaints or praise; more appreciatively delivered objectively). But this is my own goddamned pony, and I’m gonna pet it as I see fit. If I wanna make it a Unicorn? Then that is what it WILL be.

-The dialogue delays (within Renpy) will continue. Either I’ve got a screw loose or it has a chance to achieve what I’m intending there. This next version pretty well cements that certainty for me. Ya just gotta let go of the wheel here, in some respects - to enjoy it the most. It is not there to be controlled completely. Perhaps that will become more obvious an asset upon release.

Am I choosing the wrong kinda vehicle to attempt this with? People go to these ‘games’ to enable some absolutes that I’m not allowing for? Maybe so. That might be true. Unlike a movie, you’re not stationed in a seat of someone else’s. You want it “made” your own way? Alright, I get that. But that cannot be delivered on an individual basis that would satisfy any person completely. In fact, attempting to - can only generalize it all enough to satisfy virtually No One.

And homey don’t play dat.

Ver03 will identify what I mean more organically. We will pretty quickly - and very much agreeably - be tossing paint at the walls. I’m taking it into the In Between (about halfway through that in development; might be ready before the year ends). And I’m not here to be all that careful about it, quite honestly. Cuz here’s the thing: my own enjoyment matters. When did the world become a pattern built to cater after you? Is that a reality of any kind? It isn’t. It’s not. It ain’t.

I’m just jacking off here. I’ve spent a lot of time swinging and missing commercially with other artistic endeavors. But this ain’t that. It’s there for free. I want nothing from it other than a Freedom to Pursue Something Meant to Enrich (on a far less subjective level than the vast majority may prefer). And it is not Yours. It’s Mine. You are BORROWING it. I am not here for You. And you are not here for Me. It’s just a thing. And it’s arranged/allowed for you to taste it some.

-This is the conclusion I’ve arrived at in an effort to continue The Project. It’s there for me to fuck with. I cannot depend on reaction to keep it afloat. I only do it cuz it wants me to.

Kinda like Democracy. If you don’t want it? Then it will not be there for you.

It will continue to exist, however - in the minds of someone else.

Cuz you cannot kill what’s meant to live.

PS Trixie is gonna suck it this next time around. Kinda. Sorta ; )
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Nov 29, 2016
" I’m gonna make what I wanna make "

Good. I hope you keep doing just that. Not because I or anybody else butters you up, but because making it makes you feel good. In doing so you have continued to make the world a more interesting and for me at least, more fun.

If I start telling game creators to make games as per MY specs, wtf am I doing other than asking for boring predictable pap that traps me in my own boring perspectives?

When I come to f95 and seel this and all the other games and stories, I feel pretty damn lucky to exist in a time and place where that's possible.

Insights, jokes, sillness and seriousness among other things: what I come to f95 for.

I think your game is interesting. I've been having fun today with it.

Thanks for building it and sharing it here.
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Jun 29, 2021
If I start telling game creators to make games as per MY specs, wtf am I doing other than asking for boring predictable pap that traps me in my own boring perspectives?

When I come to f95 and seel this and all the other games and stories, I feel pretty damn lucky to exist in a time and place where that's possible.
Delicious - couldn’t agree more. And thanks for that.

-I find it plenty difficult to understand how that mentality permeates and persists these days so demonstrably, “gimme mine, the way I want it, create it for me immediately, cuz I am entitled TO it”. Or how people find that enriching at all. I mean, even Veruca Salt appreciate things unforeseen (Willy WOnka).

-Got some "whacky" goings on in this next installment that are pretty well outside the box. Gonna jam me up some making it work (learning how to implement it well at all; I'm about to hit the hard part there). Glad to know there’s some eyes (and ears) on the other end of things that may appreciate that effort.

-party on, Wayne


Jun 29, 2021
Here’s another argument I’m gonna have both FOR and with myself, regarding Game Developer’s and “advice” from the Player.

Warcraft (on the cusp of yet another xpac). Remember when Cataclysm came out and everyone went nuts about how hard the HEROIC dungeons are? So they nerfed them into the dirt within the first month. And it all went downhill from there? That was a dumb decision on the part of the Developer. They should NOT have obeyed the consumer so negligently.

What REALLY happened, was 3 Key things:

1) The Player had been stuck in a loop for about a year in the final patch release for WOLK (the most perfect version of WoW in its history, proving that once again, right now). Just prior to that final patch, they released the DUNGEON FINDER; erasing your ‘waiting for group’ headache quite effectively. And easily the most effective means of obtaining upgrades, via badges/tokens. Players had been face-palming Heroics for a year within that system because they out-geared those dungeons many times over by the time Cata would finally release.

Forgetting of course that when WOLK had released? No one was face-palming those Heroics. They weren’t face-palming heroics until the third patch of the xpac cycle. When there was mostly nothing to do except for that. So naturally - cuz people are generally dumb, small-minded and short-sighted both forward and in reverse - when Cata dropped… they thought they could continue to que into a Dungeon automatically, converse with virtually no one, smash it to pieces and move on to more carebear rewards (much like hit the gimme button on your phone these days).

So they all went berserk. Difficulty bad. Competition unfair. Challenge require effort. Tears upon my knees and knuckles.

2) Further complicating this situation: Blizzard CROSS-REALMED the Dungeon Finder in WOLK to make it even faster. So your behavior has no consequence. Can’t come back on you, yer a blip on the Internet. Act like an asshat, why not, eh? So much so that there really was no point in even ATTEMPTING to communicate in those dungeon drops anymore. All that would do was isolate you and potentially get Kicked (removed), for… you know, holding up the line that wants to run headlong back into defeat once more while learning nothing, in any way shape or form. So therefore:

3) The SOCIAL ASPECT went to shit. It was all and only about epeens, and gaining them as fast as possible. On a rail. Often by yourself. So you could whip it out and go, “Yeah? Nice, eh?”

And the thing about a nice cock? Or a stellar sets of tits? If you cannot make use of them properly - it’s really only window dressing. Learn how to USE it. Or get back in line, thanks.

In general: the game went from: Learning with a Purpose, to… I dunno… a clownfest. “How many clowns can come up on outta that little tiny car? OMG, there’s SO many clowns!! WOW!! Fat guyyyy in a litttle coaaaat!"

I remember making a public post regarding the new world content, how I now felt like I was - and this could credibly be my most fantastic quote ever to unearth from myself (my favorite cumshot ever, you could say)… “I don’t want to feel like a log rolling down a hill, killing daisies.”

Right? Damn that’s good. I’ll never ever top that one. You can still smell the STINK of it!! Them little semen-squids are still searching for insemination to this day. God love it.

And of course the reaction to that post (all the effort I spent all around it to explain my concerns) was… “tldr”.


And guess what? I was right then. As much as I am right now.

The Player - while clearly every bit as much important as the Developer, if not more - can not be expected to know better than the Developer, in terms of what's Best for the Game. And if they do? Then it all gets upside down. Plain and simple. World of Warcraft has been in a tailspin ever since they completely fumbled that situation in... comically enough (puns!)... Cataclysm.

Wanna have fuwn with my game? Then interact, don’t try to “control” it. I come from a Writer’s background. Erotica and Screenplays. This is new for me. Those prior vehicles put me at the helm more than this does, maybe. And I don’t want to OWN you either. I am doing my best to make it organic; inching my way. I encourage allowance as much as I do ownership from both ends. A preference for the greyest of certainty. All of the things we cannot achieve so easily in Life itself. Take a break from What You Know.

Suspend Reality. Let Go of Control.

Attempt to be all things that matter - while anchored to nearly none of it.

Two Words, really: Jimmy Hendrix
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Jun 29, 2021
As an aside? You might note: Blizzard has held steadfast on the Dungeon Finder thing for “WOLK Classic”. There ain’t gonna be none. They LEARNED. And now have the balls to say what No to.

Despite pushback? They are the Developer and you are not.

-Also, the SECOND biggest fuckup up ever was literally kicking the most fantastic Raid in Wow’s history aside (ULD) for some shitshow gear-grab in… kinda like mass-shooters, who should NEVER be given a name… I refuse to name the “raid” that foolishly replaced ULD and FAR too EARLY (who the fuck decided that? Idiot).

This time? They fixed it. Not just by controlling the release itself but by implimenting a FAR MORE SENSIBLE catchup system that does not completely nerf the effort of the player before. A REAL nice balance on that issue that I can only applaude. And who’s in charge? The guy from WOLK.

Coincidenza? Thought. Matters.
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Apr 18, 2021
I have story question. The Blinking. Is MC having hallucinations, is he temporary changing word with some powers or is it mystery for now?


May 14, 2017
I’m a total dickhead.
Yep. Have fun living with the unbearable weight of your own genius while I go enjoy something that isn't intentionally antagonistic toward anyone who can read at more than a snail's pace.
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Jun 29, 2021
I have story question. The Blinking. Is MC having hallucinations, is he temporary changing word with some powers or is it mystery for now?
I've described that within the story itself as best I can. It's meant to be a little uncertain (leaving room for subjective interpretation of what may or may not have occurred at any moment). But the general summary is this:

MC spent a couple weeks in a Coma (what put him in that state has not yet been addressed). During that time he maintained a mostly endless erection, while "Mawm" remained at his side throughout. Coming out of it, there appears to be some blurring of reality going on; some 'residue' of the dream, you might say. All of which is very real to him.

Initially, he wasn't "controlling" that in any manner. But since you - the User - has been involved, there may be some progression there; some ownership of when/where/how to allow for A BLINK. I wouldn't term it "powers" exactly. He's not able to factually control the actions of others with it... or at least not via direct methods (although, the choices we make might affect the choices others do as well, right?)

What we're going for here is an intermixing of all that. Scramble it all up until it's "functional". And not just singularly.

How to Manage the Madness in a manner that might be beneficial beyond the self, eh.

I suppose he could just decide that The Self is all that matters and drop True Reality into the trash but... I mean, why be a complete moron when given the chance NOT to be that, right ; )
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Jun 29, 2021
I’m not gonna get Ver03 out before the year ends, folks.

Managing Trixie’s hand-to-mouth around all that cock has proven to be a greater challenge than even I could anticipate. And that’s not the sort of thing I’d want to cheat for the sake of expediency, eh. So that’s prove/ing to be yet another learning experience that I must grapple with (not to mention her own efforts where that’s concerned).

I’d been on hiatus to some degree here - thinking I sorta had that scene mapped out enough to worry more about what follows. Which will be some conceptually challenging shit to manage schematically. I’ve got a plan in place for it but the actual DOING has me… anxiety, man; freaked out. Will be dealing with some Tools I have not yet put to use and there’s a lot of potential to just bang my head against the wall, day after day after day (hand is good for that, walls not so much. "Metal Health will drive you mad").

I’ll need to NAIL that effort. Cannot underwhelm there.

So there’s two elements here I owe a lot to:
-Trixie’s gonna suck it (sex scenes to follow will be vastly more interactive and thorough than that one, for the record. But I’ll want to deliver a proper taste there initially, artistically and pervy).
-I’ve got a bathroom scene that… the entire effort prior and post will pretty much depend on that segment being done well enough to truly surprise people (if I’m to meet my own expectations of this project in general).

And lastly, you know… ain’t no point in pretending I won’t be spending a lot of my time playing Dragonflight. You bet your ass I will be.

So - just a heads up there to bench me for a few months. Maybe release somewhere in January. Or maybe even February, if I struggle a ton (or Dragonflight proves to be a lot more fun than the empty echoes on this thread). I will drop some progress/teaser shots in to alleviate any abandonment concerns. Cuz Abandonment bad. That much we can all agree on.

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Jun 29, 2021
Oops. Too much cock.

All things are solvable, however. Ya just gotta have the Will and the Want To.
SHOT 5.jpg
-Fight on, Ukraine. Biggest dick ever. Make history.
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Game Developer
Apr 1, 2020
So - just a heads up there to bench me for a few months. Maybe release somewhere in January. Or maybe even February, if I struggle a ton (or Dragonflight proves to be a lot more fun than the empty echoes on this thread). I will drop some progress/teaser shots in to alleviate any abandonment concerns. Cuz Abandonment bad. That much we can all agree on.

I know the struggle of having something perfectly pictured in your brain and failing a few times in a row when you try to make it a reality. Specially when you've got a very clear idea of what it should look and feel like. Having creative or technical crysis is also very common. Sometimes you can go through dozens of renders in one day, then spend two weeks trying to get 3 more just right, but don't worry. Perseverance and consistency are the keys here. Just keep on working. At least a little everyday. You're doing great so far. Just take the time you need. Your game is worth the wait.


Jun 29, 2021
I know the struggle of having something perfectly pictured in your brain and failing a few times in a row when you try to make it a reality. Specially when you've got a very clear idea of what it should look and feel like. Having creative or technical crysis is also very common. Sometimes you can go through dozens of renders in one day, then spend two weeks trying to get 3 more just right, but don't worry. Perseverance and consistency are the keys here. Just keep on working. At least a little everyday. You're doing great so far. Just take the time you need. Your game is worth the wait.
I am not failing (I don’t feel). That’s not the issue.

Crisis? I am completely overwhelmed by what I’ve put into THE MACHINE and come out with. I am nothing but inspired by the results. But does it… matter?

Whelp. That’s where the rest enter in, eh?

-Hendrix, bro. I’ve already said it. I ain’t here to repeat.

hentai charley

Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2019
It’s interesting that you don’t know what a “MAWM” is at the same time you find the menu options incomprehensible. I’ll take that under advisement (might be some consistency here that I need to clean up the wording early on and that’s probably a fair criticism).
If "Mawm" is a thing, then I don't know what it is, either. I just thought MC was saying "Mom" while yawning or had a speech impediment. Is it an European term?

Kudos for referencing two classic characters in the first scene. ("Gloriosky!"- Little Annie Fanny & "I'm just drawn that way"- Jessica Rabbit).
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