4.00 star(s) 2 Votes


Jun 29, 2021
Came for the naked ladies, got a social commentary about one of the possible ends for F95 users.

Listen man, I'll be honest with you. You've picked the path of the artist. You had the chance to make a nice, bland, plotless harem game that would have satisfied all the troglodytes and fed them the struggle-less fantasy that they so crave. You waved the chance as it passed you by and instead picked to do something weird, something trippy and out of the box. You will never be super popular. There will be people who say that this is nonsense and anyone can do it. If you were a painter, your works would be used to prop up chicken coops. You will never be rich from this.

However, 15 years after your unfortunate death from getting between two horny rhinos at a Zambian nature reserve where you moonlighted as a Greenpeace saboteur, your paintings would be sold for millions and top the "things to buy if you want to money launder with the big boys" lists. Your work will be synonymous with "postmodernism", "avantgarde" and whatever other dumb terms they can invent. People who never paid attention to your stuff will pretend like they have always known you to appear interesting during boring cocktail parties. And, closer to home, this game will be mentioned in corners of the forums as an example of how to break the mold that has dominated the game making scene here.

Your road will long and hard. There will be times when you will ask what the fuck you're doing with your life and why. During those times you have to remember that life sucks, then we die, but we have a choice to leave something behind. Even if that something is a visual novel that has the potential to give people fond memories and be routinely mentioned in the "I miss this so much and wish we had more" threads.

Add back whatever genres and tags you want. You won't be widely loved anyway, might as well go all out and do exactly what you want. Not a single step back. Good luck, I will wait for more.
Holy hell - fuckin A, mate!!

You just bought the public at least one more update beyond ver.03 (meaning there will at least be a .04, as of this moment - because you took the time to scrawl that out right there). Sensational. Love it. That's some proper value-exchange right there. Transaction approved.

-I gotta tell ya, I might be looking forward to that spit-roast with the horny rhinos. They say it's better to burn out than fade away? Well that's one hell of an adios, eh.

Props, brother. Thanks very much for that.


Jun 29, 2021
Quite a lot of positives today. The community came through.

I had been a sometimes “creeper” on these forums at rare times over the last 3 years or so. Never imagined I would want to register nor engage in any conversation within it. Just lookin for links, man - hunting down some sort of cosmic freak I suddenly thought I might need to have to solve my boner. I like art, I like 3D, I like oversized things and overwhelming odds. And I like shit that’s hard to find. I like Led Zeppelin.

I think it was when I began to legitimately fuck with Daz Studio - that I soon recognized, “All that usable material is at F95ZONE. If I wanna fart around with this program, I’m gonna need to bite that bullet. I’m not gonna purchase all this crap before I even know how to USE it for god’s sake. Free me up to FUCK with it!”

So then I got in. And quite quickly I recognized… “This is not some sort of asshat organization. It’s actually a notably fluid and supportive union of idiots like me - who wanna build UP from zero”. Maybe I got lucky with whatever posts I saw early. Maybe I was supposed to get that lucky, eh. But it all looked far more positive than quite a lot of whatever else I’ve seen in recent years. And I felt that magnificently surprising and important to act upon.

-I’m a failed Musician. And a failed Writer. When I say “fail” I mean, I never made no money from any of that. I’ve always been paycheck to paycheck with other things. Swinging the goddamn bat as hard as I can to hit the more valuable ball WELL beyond the fence (which is generally how you strike out, for the record).

Zandalari has afforded this thread the most excellent post possible - and I will not attempt to match it - but yeah, I’ve known that, brother. I’ve been up against the curve since I was born and I do NOT give a flying fuck about “popularity”. I care about etching something that lasts, beyond whatever I am. That’s all I’ve ever tried to do. It’s the only thing worth doing.

And there’s a LOT of other fuckin’ people out there - Picasso’s - just dying to wipe the blackboard clean and go, “Look at this awesomesauce!! Let’s all get renewed!!”

Ya gotta give those people a chance.

“What the fuck are you doing?! There’s two eyes on the same side of the face?!”

“Uh huh. That’s how I want it.”

“Why in the hell would you WANT it like that? Yer a fucking moron. Draw me a night sky with stars, you goddamn idiot.”

And all it cost him was an ear, eh. Now he’s the guy you wish you had met at the party. To include yourself in his “magnificence”, on any level…

-I’m getting long-winded here (as I’m prone to do) so I’ll try an’ stop.

I am not Led Zeppelin. And I’m not Starry Night.

I’m just another dude with an overactive pecker and a strong imagination. I’ve had a fuckton of willpower over the years, and you could not convince me that I will get nothing done. But I have not, in general. Nothing I can hang my hat on and go, “Indisputable. That worked. On a level I can be satisfied by myself. I can point at that, and not be embarrassed.”

In recent years I’ve learned some how to “let all that go,” cuz I’m beginning to become a geezer now. So ya gotta. And there have been some interesting lessons there. Some GOOD ones. About allowance for the cosmos, let things have a chance to work the way they might be meant to - before you insist upon managing all that shit yourself.

-This will be my last effort given out. It’s all I’ve got left (this project). So I certainly want that to matter some, eh. Yup.

Very much appreciate some uplifting support today. Cuz I was generally down in the dumps about it.



Jun 29, 2021
Last piece before I try not to erase this (and above) tomorrow:

When I was maybe 8 or 10, there was this moment where I cannot overcome my gratitude. It was Baseball, “Little League”. Our catcher (who sucked ass) was ill all week. I’d “acted out” enough at practice that I was due to supplant him in that role if he did not show up on Saturday. I did NOT want that responsibility once I was made aware I would be. I PLEADED with my coach/es to not put me in that position. My coach was a hot surfer honeypot who you would ALL splash your pants about at that age, trust me. So I show up on Saturday and I’m shitting my pants… I do NOT want the former catcher - who’s been costing us every fucking game we play cuz he’s terrible - to not be there. I don’t want that role.

My coach… her name was Chrissy… walks up to me outside of the dugout where the adults park the cars. I’m alone. And I’m crapping my pants. She’s got a nard protector in her hand and she goes - I swear this is how the conversation went:

“Put this on. Get out there. Yer gonna be great.”

That was it. That’s how I remember it.

She smiled at me with complete and absolute confidence. Zero doubt within her on any level at all. And handed me a cup to protect my tender parts. “Get the fuck out there. Get it done.”

Man… I went out there and fucking OWNED.

I took immediate command and I never looked back. I was chasing fools back to the bag and throwing them out. Ordering every dipshit on my team to where they’re supposed to be. I went berserk; must dominate. In between innings I would be greeted in the dugout with dancing kids going completely bonkers, it was like a bounce house in there. Everyone fucking suddenly believed in each other. We had purpose. We had meaning. We could only overcome.

And I’m tellin ya, it’s just cuz of the way she looked at me. I’m no natural athlete. But when bell-bottom Chrissy, with her tugtacular little shell of a yummy down there, goes - gettirduwn.

You do it.

You find out what she knew before you had.

Yes, maym.

-So why do I tell that story (other than to satisfy/justify myself once more)?

Cuz the importance, of a Chrissy - a coach, a teacher, an author, an artist… some random fucking poster on F95 with a thought that must be crytalised… counts. It counts beyond whatever the hell else you’ll ever pay to learn. You cannot BUY consideration, nor courage, nor belief. It can only be handed to you, unsolicited.

Chrissy did that for me, only because she completely believed that it mattered. Not just for me, or so the team could win, nor for herself. She did not do it to “look good” at all. She only did it cuz she fuckin beLIEVED it counts. And she could never have been more right than at that moment. I owe her everything. Everything I’ve ever done - that’s any good at all - began right there.

Take ADVANTAGE of your opportunity to enhance another. We cannot win with all this tearing down…
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Jun 29, 2021
How it "should" be is wholly subjective.

I recognize how that might be frustrating. I'm not sure that I'm right to FORCE you not to enjoy it at Your speed. Far earlier in the thread I used a World of Warcraft reference and I pretty much stand by that. What you think you might want - and what's actually good for you, might not be in agreement.

I'm attempting to cause you to Let Go of Things. And let it play. While at the same time, I want you to hit that button. (I know, I can't quite line it up either.)

Here's another game reference:

Red Dead II

You know how annoying all that is, early on, horse hooves in snow, etc? And then FINALLY - yer out of there. You follow behind the carriage and then, "Alright then. Let's Ride!!"

But then you hear a voice. And if you went too fast? You missed it. It's no longer there. Whatever interaction that might have been - is gone now.

So then you slow down (potentially). And now you can hear the birds. You're looking around at the scenery instead of just racing through it. The horse hooves are nice, the sound they make. The tempo. Why are you hurrying ANYwhere? How do you know it's not all right here already?


So... I get the complaint. I've got my eyes on it. I'm not here to make things painful. But there's a method to my madness. I promise. (It's not quite there yet but your immediate surroundings are going to want to be seen. And I'll leave it at that for now.)
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Jan 30, 2018
So then you slow down (potentially). And now you can hear the birds. You're looking around at the scenery instead of just racing through it. The horse hooves are nice, the sound they make. The tempo. Why are you hurrying ANYwhere? How do you know it's not all right here already?
What birds, what scenery? You're not making Red Dead II, there is no scenery.

I get what you're saying, but the solution to letting people get immersed in your content is not to run that content in slow motion, it's to make more content.

Imagine if Red Dead ran for one second, then froze for two seconds. The image stopped moving, the sounds stopped playing and speech would cut out in the middle of words. The immersion would be completely gone, and the only thing in your mind would be the constant lag.

That's what it feels like to me when playing with a low text speed.
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Aug 19, 2019
So then you slow down (potentially). And now you can hear the birds. You're looking around at the scenery instead of just racing through it. The horse hooves are nice, the sound they make. The tempo. Why are you hurrying ANYwhere? How do you know it's not all right here already?
The point is, never remove an option that is already there for the player by default. Why go out of your way to tamper with the players' freedom to choose their preferred way to consume the content. It's just common sense and not up for interpretation.

Focus on the substance of your storytelling instead of how the player interacts with the game. If the substance is good, then consumers will be happy. Doesn't matter if it's a game ran in slow-mo or written on a piece of paper.


Active Member
Aug 20, 2017
What the fuck did I just experience?

Why would you fuck with everything in the game to make it feel trippy? The storyline doesn't make sense, the characters don't make sense, the dialogue doesn't make sense, and then you go and mess with the text speed? In my opinion it's dumb, you've gotta ground something, give the MC and the audience some semblance of stability. If you take away all the control, all the time, then there's no way to throw them off kilter because that's 'normal'.
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Jun 29, 2021
At this point, I remain steadfast and stubborn about the text-scroll “intentional delays”. They are there for a reason (if anything, while I attempt ver03, it might even be necessary).

I’m certain that means I’m a total dickhead. And cannot see the forest but for the trees. But I CAN. I CAN see the forest. And also the trees. I can see quite well from the perspective of You and Me both. In ways that you very well may not.

-I wonder… if a Movie - in a theater - might be better, if you could simply snap your fingers and announce, “I HATE that fucking scene. Start it over.” And then. It does. And gives you what you want completely instead. Are you certain you benefit from that?

I would absolutely certify: you do not. Cuz - yer not.

So, this ain’t a movie. It’s a game. You PLAY the game. Yer not seated within a chair that held god-knows-what-sort-of-creten-that-you-are-not… before you. And I understand that as well. I want you to PLAY the game. Must that include your complete domination over all elements of… the game?

Why would it? It doesn’t. In this game? It does not.

-So I’m gonna continue to toy around with my own liberties here. As a creator of a game you can completely ignore. And won’t cost you a penny ever if you don’t. Imma fuggin get MYgoddamnjollies.

I’m just fuckin throwin' paint around for now. Okay?

You no likee?

-Meet me in the middle or forget it, bitch.
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Jun 29, 2021
Also of note: I’m no longer gonna squeeze my life to get this shit out within 2months or less. I’ll do my best to stay within 3mo (it’s just not equal value to grind myself that gnarled, for one single day of shared yum).

I’m anticipating a v.025 release within a month or so (though I may ignore that completely).

By next year we’ll have v03 to complain about. And that oughta be fuwn! I’ve rearranged my approach to that one to advantage some of the positives I’ve heard about here. Not a re-imagining in any way but I think perhaps a more favorable fun-zone than the expressly story-forward concept I’d had in mind just weeks ago.

Enjoy your holidays!
4.00 star(s) 2 Votes