
Jul 30, 2021
There will never be anything more laughable than "early access" for an RPG maker game.
Yeah the early access is downloading the fucking base program.
But piggies gonna eat.


Mar 22, 2020
holy cow is this bad! i get it, it's early access and a few bugs are probably allowed, but almost nothing works. maps, npc's, questline... all buggy as hell or not working in the first place. i had not much in terms of expectations left, but deka lowered the bar even further with this mess. damn, i once liked this game and still had a tiny bit of hope for things to turn for the better, but deka seems determined to make things worse and worse with every update. might as well declare it dead at this point.
I think it’s important to note that 9.0’s "EA" is way worse than 8.0’s "EA". Dekarous didn’t fix anything with the disaster that was Raa’s realm. He literally got pages of bug reports and his answer was "I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that… So here’s Raa’s room that has zero content.".

Deka doesn’t fix anything. He only adds content and when it fucks up, he thinks his job is done until the next update. He is that bad. Hora will somehow be worse than 7.5 Rosita and Raa combined. Game is dead due to some idiot who has delusions of grandeur and thinking putting the bare minimum is enough. Honestly at this point, even with all the tracing, Shakie is actually doing 90% of the work atm.

Hora was Deka’s last hurrah into either putting actual efforts and redeem himself or confirming he doesn’t care and showing that he’s done. To no surprise, it’s the latter.


Nov 9, 2018
Your really hard on deka, just wait & see. Insulting him will not make the game better >_<
We are on a fucking pirate website, we didn't paid for the content we played and you are insulting someone who try to make something for us.
He is trying to satisfy us. It is not full scam like Koda and Bo wei with ToT.


Dec 13, 2019
Your really hard on deka, just wait & see. Insulting him will not make the game better >_<
We are on a fucking pirate website, we didn't paid for the content we played and you are insulting someone who try to make something for us.
He is trying to satisfy us. It is not full scam like Koda and Bo wei with ToT.
While I don't see any point in insulting (especially for weeks on end like some folks over here do), you just cannot defend deka's behavior. plus, a lot of the trash talk stems from the fact the players here once enjoyed this game, and thought it had something going for it.


Mar 22, 2020
There will never be anything more laughable than "early access" for an RPG maker game.
Yeah the early access is downloading the fucking base program.
But piggies gonna eat.
It’s all part of the plan. Release a version with no content and is broken af, then wait one or two weeks to release the "Full & fixed" version for an extra month of Patreon money. Milking at its best.
Mar 17, 2022
Man, it's like I foretold literally everything and yet some people went all "No stop talking ill of Deka-san! He's doing his best and we'll praise the 2nd coming for lord porn Jeebus. You'll see Hora will have the seal of quality that will make Domina stand out as one of the best H-games out there!".
Who were those people? What I said was that feeling the need to complain about random things in the game after every single announcement or sliver of news is not exactly my idea of having a fun discussion. All it does is kill any sort of hype and turn the thread into a circlejerk. Now that the (early build of the) new version is out, we can properly talk about the new content and its problems.

I see people have already brought up the annoying rooms you can't walk out of (had to reload my save a bunch of times because of that) and the missing image file that black-screens the weaponsmith's room (had to restart my game because of that), as well as you being able to walk over some tiles. But what about the combat? Is Hora supposed to barely deal any damage in her first two stages or am I just overleveled at 23?


Mar 22, 2020
why "darksouls-like"?
Because it sounds appealing to casual gamers and is always a term used by people desperate for their games to get attention even if the game is nothing like Souls. It's like Sega's "blast processing", except more lame. A lie, if you will.

Also it just occurred to me how funny it is that the first reply on this thread is still relevant to this day.
Mar 17, 2022
Okay, so I studied Hora's attacks a bit more. Originally I thought she was going to get buffed in the full release, but upon closer inspection she already has a lot of attacks, it's just that she mostly spams weak ones and it's very hard to die to her in the first or second stage. Beating her third stage is a little tougher but doable (as a Channeler: Whirlwind Cloak, Inextinguishable, spam Shattering Crystal+Fracture for 10k damage every turn, heal when necessary, finish off with Llavanya's Arrows when she has about half her HP left).

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The first two stages are still kind of underwhelming. The debuff is worthless and most of the attacks are pretty weak. I think that rather than using generic punches and kicks she could do something like negate evasion/extra action per turn buffs... Although maybe that's a bad idea, considering the length of her fight. I will be expecting more for the "actual" fight after you complete her quest.

As for Hora's character, I like her calmness so far. Even if it's not entirely clear what kind of order she wants exactly yet, she doesn't seem to be as much into sniffing her own farts as Mary was and knows how to have fun. We've also been overdue for a Domina that tries to backstab other Dominas, I really do wonder how this will affect the greater plot. The gothic lolita look is pretty neat too, although I don't care too much for her 40s form. The three scenes we have so far are all kind of same-y in structure, but I like the touch of her rewinding the time to a few minutes back after you come to torture you more. What the game needs is to go overboard with this in one of the scenes, having Hora rewind time over and over again until you lose your mind.

Oh, and my theory about Hora being genderbent Horace has obviously been disproven now. It was fun while it lasted.
Last edited:


Mar 6, 2018
I had a really tough time with the Pharoh woman. I brought her all 5 tablets to see how strong she was. The ensuing battle was a 1 hour long grindfest of me slowly chipping her HP down because:
  • The move where she reflects magic attacks and heals herself so I have nothing to do but buff myself and heal
  • I keep having to spend turns restoring my MP (to be fair, so does she)
  • The one that forces you to use a light move or just wait 2 turns, I'm not sure if it's even worth using the light move because the damage is so low
  • Getting silenced which forces me to basically waste a turn defending or use an item
  • Going through all that all over again because she drinks a potion to heal
Was it worth it? Probably not, but I eventually won. Twice.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
what's new ? i don't want to download the game unless there is something new .
no reason to download the new version, unless you want to look at the new pictures (some corrupted lav, and 4 scenes with hora) although not all the scenes are implemented
but as for playability, no there's nothing to do except talk to her and fight with 3 loss scenes (footjob,boobjob,sex) as far as I recall


Mar 22, 2020
May we also talk about how awful the sex toy scene CGs are? Lovely asshole drawn on the cheeks themselves.

I think even Shakie just said "Ah fuck it" at this point.
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