game with good fetish and arts , but the worst gameplay and use of unity I've ever see ...
why they don't make it on RPG maker or wolf RPG seriously ... , it's almost unplayable with a keyboard
running is the same key as interact : " Z " seriously , what kind of stupid people who never touch a keyboard in their life put the running and interact key on Z ???
and even while running your are slower than my grand-mother ( AND SHE IS DEAD !!! )
( to tell the truth she is not dead but I wanted to make this joke about running slow )
the mix of 2D and 3D graphic are just ugly
the same music over and over and over ... and not even a good one , even RPG maker 2003 have better music ...
the option menu is really bad and complicated if you use a keyboard
just for saving i need to push 10 time a key
and I don't even talk about the great idea of putting a "go back to the main screen without saving" when you press escape
when you have the habit to play any other game , you have this fucking reflex to press ESC to access menu ...
the number of time I've lost my progression because I instinctively press escape when I want to go to the menu to save ...
same for the weapon , magic , crystal ... system in the game , over-complicated
people play it just to fap on there fetish and enjoy a good but simple game , so stop making your game so complicated ..
( I'm not saying that a game should no be complex , look at MGQ paradox on RPG maker , it super complex , but a good form of complexity )
and of course , go try to cheat and modify your save file when it's encrypted in .DAT ...
and i'm sure i forgot a lot of bad thing so say , but i don't have the courage to play further to find all the bad things
the only good point is they put a option to unlock all the scene , so I won't have to play it to fap
and the devs plan on making a sequel to this ???
please for the love of the goddess of vore , do it on RPG maker and remake this on it too