During the fight sequence, I couldn't attack. The L-key didn't seem to do anything and pressing T fixed it for some reason. After hitting T, I could then left click to smack.
After the fight, it seems like the sex sequence caused an incredible amount of system lag. Maybe a queue system for clicks and some logic to discard / garbage collect what the queue can't accommodate? I'm running a AMD 5600x and a Rtx 3080 so that isn't a low end system.
It seems as if changing the resolution or graphics quality was impossible. No attempts to change that or change into window mode seemed to stick.
Movement felt clunky. Gaining momentum on the first step felt uncomfortable and the pace felt slow, hopefully there will be a jog/walk toggle added. To feel snappy, I generally recommend that stopping occurs proportionally. Like if it takes 6 frames to reach the top of the speed limit for the PC, it should take 3 frames to drop to a dead stop. If starting is instant, stopping should be instant.
From a game developer standpoint, I would suggest you keep the vertical slice format you've got going and keep working out the nuts and bolts. Maybe a focus on sex animations like WildLife is, to draw donation revenues. Make your additional species, see if you need additional bones or facial morphs to make things work the way you want.
The story/romance is great stuff, but without pregnancy and statistics / quest flags figured out, you would get stuck in a huge loop of having to retrofit the save system and fix old story content to respect new systems.
Think about saving now and start designing towards it, otherwise it will be hours upon hours of revisiting your old work.
Now for the praise: I like your attention to detail. That your characters in both cases actually undressed themselves is very promising. I feel like the characters will look and feel organic. That's much better than a bunch of fade-to-black segments strung together... Or two people warping into sex positions after a dialogue exit. Keep up the good work on transitory animations and this will have a strong relationship/romance vibe.