Mkay...just found a possible bug, hilariously... so first off, I have been watching this thing since I originally found it at release 3.X or so, and I am glad to see that SOME of my biggest issues with it, namely the 3D mechanics seem to be SUBSTANTIALLY smoothed out now, so I am supremely happy to see this, HOWEVER.... I just fed the dog on east side of end city a nekofish, and then a manapoppy to see what would happen....well APPARENTLY manapoppys, at least for me when given at around midnight in game, turned the fucker into something else, it got aggressive, I beat it, THEN THE LITTLE SHIT JUMPED OFF THE SIDE OF THE DAMN MAP/CLIFF...........WHY THE HELL DID THE DOG JUST SUICIDE ITSELF XD I was not expecting that...I did however laugh my ass off.
unsure if that is the intended behavior or not, but figured I'd post about having that actually just happen.