
Aug 16, 2017
Think I am missing a supporting install. The game is not loading at all. What are the pre reqs?


Oct 5, 2017
Same. Game is not loading at all, i click the executable and it's just a black screen. Is there anything else that i'm supposed to download? A separate RPGM runtime for the 3d component?

Edit: Got mine to work after going into Kaspersky's network settings and turning off "Always scan encrypted connections" and "Monitor all ports". Turns out it was not allowing the game's update screen to show up, if it doesn't show up it just freezes the game in a black screen.
Last edited:


Aug 3, 2021
Down the Neko Hole Walktrough

- Save often and use different save slots. This game is buggy.
- Low level quests from the guild are repeatable
- Gather money and items before going into the Hole. There is no going back
- Mana stones are used from the quick menu, not from the inventory. Stupid, I know.
- It seems like your magic resistance stat affects how many relics you can wear. Boost it!
- Digging lets you find all kinds of items. So dig.
- Press 3 to sleep in the open
- You can sneak into the baths over the roof and avoid paying.
- There's a rerlic hidden in the library (right next to mansion). Climb on the bookshelves.

You'll start off with you neighbor (codename Cowgirl) complaining that your brother has been kidnapped. Just expore the area and exit.

Off to the side in the wielderness, where green braziers/fires are lit, you will find the Witch. I'm not sure if this area is acessible before you expore the town. If not, return here. Explore her house and find the hidden cellar to get her as companion. You will have to do her quests, but hold on on the second one for now.

To enter the city you have 3 options: seduce the guard, defeat the giant chicken, go into it's cave and save it's nest from bats. Also loot the cave.

Once you enter town, past the guild, near the warehouse(half way between guild and lift), there is a set of dirt stairs going down to the hole. Just go down there and explore to find a clue to continue the story. Walk around town to familiarize yourself with it. Do low level quests. Do mid level quests.
It's important to do the Water Temple quest (Screams from the Deep?) BEFORE doing the quest in the temple for the witch, otherwise you cannot turn that quest in. This will lock you out of high level quests.

Explore the eastern part and you will run into some soldiers that were sent to get rid of a big sleeping beast. Take over their job and defeat it. You will get the Lily relic. A VERY important relic.
Near the cave where the monster was sleeping there is a hole in the ground, and inside a small rat hole. Equip Lilly and you will be able to get inside it (and all other small holes in the game)

Inside that hole you will find a knocked out gremlin next to a big carnivore plant. Kill it to get access to gremlin village and another relic, Nightshade (FUTA mode relic).

WAREHOUSE quest – enter warehouse AT NIGHT, hide behind barrels.
BAKERY – enter bakery (you can do it with Lilly relic), clear it to get one free bread every day.

At night you can also rest on the roof of the smithy. H-image.
After sunset, both the Cowgirl and the Beargirl smith can be found in the baths. You might have to find the Cowgirl near the farm/fish pond and talk to her there first. Go and talk with them. Especially the cowgirl, since it will trigger the next part of her quest. She will invite you to visit. Go back you your home (game start location) and find her in her house (you might have to sleep). She will run away, and you will find her near the farms/fish pond, inside a cart (H-scene there). She will run again, but you will meet her when you enter the hole.

At some point when you go towards the hole entrance, a black cat will talk to you and unlock tease options. The bull that guard the pipes is the only one you can use it on surface AFAIK.

To enter the hole you have two ways – one with Lady Anzu, one without. I do suggest you go with the Anzu route, you have goodies to find. To do it wihout her, have the Lily equipped and find a statue to the left of her mansion. There's a cave beneath and a mouse hole inside that will lead you to the Cantina and a chest with a SDC uniform.

But the better way is to enter the mansion, climb the left pillar and jump. Jumping is tricky, but the best way I found is to stand near ledge and do back, hold forward and jump. Jump behind hte maid and enter. Explore anzu's room. She is not there, but pick up her panties (+1 magic resistance) and find the chest and notes in the side room. On your way back a maid will attack you. Defeat her and use her body to get the key to the east wing.

Note that depending on time of day you might have different options. You might find a slepping maid. Either way, behind the maid room is the dungeon. Speak to the soldier in the cell and you will get the Blood Key. Use it to open the final door and find Anzu. Talk to her, get her her wine and selet other fluids for the H-scene. Anzu will give you the Cantian key, so go there and after the head maid finished her rant, loot all chest. Grab the SDC uniform.
You might want to go back to Anzu's room and talk to her. The maid has drained her again. You can skip this step and go direclty to the dungeon and fight the maid. Once the maid is defeeated, grab the relic and talk to Anzu in her room again to get her as companion. You will meet her again in the hole.


Equip SDC unifrom and the bull will let you trough.
Once in, talk to the one guard on the platform, if you have a unifrom, he will give you a ring.

Push box near locked room so it falls down from the walkway, push it inside the hole with the red button to make the switch usable. Use switches to open doors (DUH). In the room with the relic, push the box in front of it, then clumb on the stairs and jump diagonally from there to reach relic.
At the top of the stairs is another box (may have to rotate camera to see it), push it down into the other room and onto the button. Break glass railing to reach switch. On the other side just jump down and slip switch. Equip Nightshade relic if you haven't already. Fight boss. Fall in hole

Enjoy 2 H-scenes
Climb down, you have 3 options:
Go to dwarf foetress (you'll run into Anzu and drawrf girl), go past guard (show tits to pass) onto the peak or go towards Ruinas peaks.

ENTRANCE - Buy advanced Hoe and Fishing Rod from vendor. There's little to do here other than buy stuff and meet Anzu
MAIN HALL – from here you can climb down into the mines, try and sneak into the queens bedchamber (there is way trough, navigation is hard. Small boss to fight, treasure ), go to the threone room or to the inn.
Meet the queen. After that talk Anzu will be at the entrance and you can talk to her to talk to the queen again and advance the quest.The lift to the new are is to the side of hte throne. Anzu will also give you another quest, down in the mines.

MINES – you will find another mouse hole here (leads to gremlin liar. Can get questto seal queens gem) and places to dig. Go dig. You will also find a sleeping cobold jester. If you have the OwlMask relic, you will be able to understand him. However, for now he will sleep.

ABANDONED MINES – you will find a dwarven key here, as well as a dwarf-lizard girl. She will want you to feed her pet lizard. You may buy the required food from the vendor at entrance or dig it up. Note that is you already have enough food in the inventory, the quest is coded so that it will ignore it. You will have to aquire 3 of those worm-burgers from that point.
You can find a ring somewhere that looks like it gives fire walk/resistance. I don't recall exactly where I found it. It might enable you to explore this area futher.
CAUTION – there is lowered platfom here. DO NOT GO DOWN BEFORE YOU SAVE. Ladders to climb back up are bugged and you're stuck. Only the fire ring MIGHT save you (untested)

Terrible section because of all the platforming. Unlike the mannor where you will ony recive a little damage and can try again, here failure means death. Save. Don't really bother going after the two visible chests. Both contain elixir. If you're short on money you can.
You will see the cowgirl running across some webs. Go after her and you will reach the entrance to the Kobols settlement. Dunno how to pass, haven't tried destroying the wooden barriacdes and the plantorming looks impossible, and it is FROM THAT SPOT - BUT you can actually go all the way around (start from he beningof hte pillars areand work your way towards the pak with the campfire) and find two areas, but there's not much there.

Electric flying things will attack you here. You can find a harpy that is supposed to become a NPC in future updates at the top. All you can do ATM is defeat her.
Quick question, the relic that's talked about in the library is it the owl eye or is it something else?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2023
Down v0.26.01u Compressed (Untested)

Win 560 MB/198 MB :


Oct 15, 2022
Not sure on that one myself. I know the location (the peak with 5 rocks and the thunderbird)
Yeah, I went there but couldn't figure it out. Got naked and kept trying to get struck by lightning (which is extremely difficult) but even when I finally managed to get hit it didn't do anything


Dec 31, 2019
Every time i download this game, there's a different bug, now when i leave the house, i can't see anything


Jun 23, 2017
Man those art updates have definitely gone down in quality, less pussy detail, reduced to a single line without wetness, fur looks flatter, expression looks less expressive, no chest tanlines. The only improvements in my eyes is more butthole and steamy breath.
2.70 star(s) 11 Votes