
Jun 16, 2018
Well dang, a whole lot complainers in this thread, and here i am thinking i'm happy to find an enjoyable new game in development that i get to play for free. Some people just want the cake and eat it too i guess. Aaanyways, i like the concept, the story is pretty good, the girls are gorgeous and damn sweet, so much so that only one of them ended up on the corruption path (ride that dragon). I like the slow burn towards the inevitable pickle game with the girls which makes the interactions with them the more enjoyable and brings more depth to the characters than just cocksleeves. Either way, all i want to say is that i'll pay attention for future updates now that i had taste of the story and found myself engrossed in it.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
That's totally inaccurate and badly generalized. I'm not saying there aren't any, but if there are, they are very few and you mention it as a large number. You can criticize, but not set up false facts.
In fact, as I've said elsewhere in this thread (no wait, that was probably in another thread, I've been involved in so many flame wars these last couple of days that I'm getting them mixed up), in my experience it's us patreons who are not that upset, if we have opinions we voice them on Patreon, or Discord, where they matter. It's the free-lunch people who are upset and very vocal about it. If I'm dissatisfied with devs' progress, I'll just pause my payments for a while, no reason get all excited over a small thing like that.


May 15, 2017
I try to be as open and honest with ever stage of development as I can. And of course instead of bitching and whining, people can always address me directly through several different channels. I do my utmost best to reply to every communication that comes my way and give the most honest answers possible.

And I wouldn't say that I hated to code, it's just that by itself it was time consuming and required a tremendous amount of effort. Now I have script I can run that does it all for me. With just a few short notations, entire lines of code get properly written which speeds things up and greatly reduces the possibility for errors (cause if you played my game you'd know typos are my thing...even in my code.)

And I thank you greatly for that support!

Sorry for the misinformation. I didn't share it. Just keep that dick on life support and as soon as I finish the actual update we'll see if we can't revive it for you.

Plus I try to type as fast as I think that inevitably leads to many errors in my code that later have to be debugged out. So having the script write the code based off a short hand notation reduces those errors considerably. Plus it's a platform I can use for future games as well.

I think when one considers most of the summer was spent writing lines of script and dealing with all the fall out from pandemics, etc... I mean to be perfectly fair, we didn't really get to start digging into the Cassie chapter until the second week of September. That's when the first render came out for the chapter. So in about six weeks we created and rendered over 450 images to go along with 8,000 words or so of script.

For a part time project I'm not ashamed of those numbers at all.

I love that aboned is now a thing!

Hey, I was a pirate before I was developer and I don't forget where I come from. My philosophy is that one day pirates may be patrons, so treat everyone like a valued player. Besides, some of the best ideas for my game came from pirates on this thread. (y)

I appreciate the vote of confidence though. Hopefully the final numbers in this next release will speak for themselves.

Right....but my rebuilt code is done and there's nothing else I'm looking to add to it. It has all the features I want and need to tell my store. No more, no less.

And were these other developers Live Streaming Daz and Coding sessions for four and five hour stretches throughout the week?

Shit, I had more than a couple of streams these last few weeks that lasted over six hours. I guess when it comes to milking patrons I suck at it cause clearly I'm doing too much work.

I mean, I like the first part of what you said. And of course I won't deny the second either.

Firstly, thank you so much for your support! Every bit helps and thanks to you guys we've just about finished the build on the second computer which will help with the renders tremendously. Having two systems jamming out the art is going to be amazing!

The shower scenes in that play test took almost 2 hours a piece to render. Easily the longest in the series but there was a lot of water and reflective surfaces in the chrome that I blame for it.

And for what it's worth, my patrons are the best! Not because they are patrons, but because they are on F95 and know where to get the game for free but still choose to support the project and that means a lot to me!

And surprisingly I haven't had that many come in. So that bolsters my confidence further in the coding.

Uh, not quite. So in the "Contacts" tab, you can select a character and change what they call you. When you create the character and give him a name, this field is still defaulted to Roger. So in those instances where you'd get called by your nickname, it will still show "Roger" unless you manually changed it in the planner for each character.

I'm just working on a way to get those fields to update, but only if you haven't gone in and manually changed the nickname. It's a loophole I have to close up and I'm hoping I come up with a simple solution before the release.

Sure I could use a flag or something when the player changes the nickname in the planner. But I'm to avoid introducing a bunch of flags and variables to track stuff because the more there are, the greater the chance for a game break.

Yeah that was back when I had a couple other guys helping develop the game and everyone on the forum hated us. Ah...those were the days.

I mean, we got slammed pretty hard. But knowing the history of some other devs and being completely new to Daz, Patreon, Renpy...and, well everything. We made some dumb mistakes in the beginning. Some of those were written off as us being arrogant and greedy when in fact we had absolutely no way to know how to properly market the game.

But everything that was said was read and the valuable advice was taken and adhered to and the basic bitching was discarded. So ultimately all the negative feedback helped steer everything into a better direction.

I certainly hope so! None of them have complained to me any way. :)
No they did not stream.
The previously mentioned either go into radio silence mode, or they kept promising and telling progress stories but never delivered anything anymore, ever.

If you stream, then there's no denying that you're working. It's just, in this world I feel like people should be guilty until proven otherwise.


Officially Dead Inside
Feb 23, 2020
the bad thing about this game is that when you have to seduce three beautiful girls why do you have to waste your time with the older ones and ugly?
Because this game isn't made just for you and some people like the older and wiser girls? If you want a game where the MC only seduces three young girls and ignores all other women then you should make it yourself.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
The updates should be quicker when he builds his new computer(s). He automated the coding too. So all he needs to do is write and make the art, which should go faster with his new equipment. He does have multiple clothing options though, red/blue path and a nude option, I think a lingerie option too which make the rendering time longer than most games. Personally, I'd remove the nude and lingerie options as I think they aren't needed and breaks the realism. They can be nude or be in lingerie during appropriate times, but it'd be weird for them to be like that during normal conversations. Having all those options makes you need to render 4 or 5 renders for each individual piece too.


Feb 14, 2020
The updates should be quicker when he builds his new computer(s). He automated the coding too. So all he needs to do is write and make the art, which should go faster with his new equipment. He does have multiple clothing options though, red/blue path and a nude option, I think a lingerie option too which make the rendering time longer than most games. Personally, I'd remove the nude and lingerie options as I think they aren't needed and breaks the realism. They can be nude or be in lingerie during appropriate times, but it'd be weird for them to be like that during normal conversations. Having all those options makes you need to render 4 or 5 renders for each individual piece too.
Having seen the streams the taking of renders with the differing clothing options is the easiest part. he just ticks the outfit option and saves the render. He already does multiple renders for a lot of scenes as outfits tend to change depending on blue or red routes. I do believe the lingerie and naked options are something new and adding these to older chapters will be done as time and computer resources allow. Roman did say in Discord that new content will take priority.
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
It is not jus aesthetics, which honestly I am not attracted to her. But her personality was not interesting either.

Nanami: fantastic woman I would definitely be super into in real life. A total challenge.
Cassie: sweet, caring and sexy, daug.. you know.
Amanda: little angel I want to protect!
Jane: beautiful and dangerous trouble definitely worth getting burned with
Lupita: she played her cards so well, knowing I was perving on her, tempting her boss.
Wife: really nice and caring woman.

Monica: emm bla... like was not interested in her life, her interactions or anything.
That's fair enough. And 6/7 ain't a bad ratio. :D

nothing new??
Just a playtest that got leaked containing approximately 8,000 words of new dialogue and about 450 new images of Cassie.

Little sad that it's just a playtest, but I guess that just means I'll have to patiently wait until the update is finished. No problem. If I can wait 43 more days for Cyberpunk, I guess I can wait for the next Dr. Amana update too. Keep up the good work, Dev.
Appreciate the vote of confidence. Sorry for the false flag though. Sometimes these things are beyond my ability to control.

found a few spelling errors but blasted straight past them to see more lol sorry i'll go through it again tonight hehe. no code errors found

p.s got yourself a new patreon .....i'll do that tonight too :)
Honestly, spelling errors I can deal with. What pleases me most is you had no problems with the code! So far with the exception of missing fonts on the Mac version, no one has reported any breaks or errors thrown. So that tells me my scripting solution is working good thus far. Appreciate the feedback and thanks for playing!

Cassie is so cute and sexy, a true goddess :love: :love: :love: :love: :love::love::love::love:
Yeah....she is pretty damned cute. :sneaky:

That gif you posted RomanHume *shudders*
You got something against dogs playing mini golf?

I'm friends with a few devs and a couple of those mainly work on story based VN's that have more story than sex.

One of the complaints they get a lot is there is too much text. One of the devs even put a disclaimer at the start, it's quite amusing.

Always fun to read those complaints in the forums, story based games having story, whodathunkit.
First one that comes to mind for me is Scarlet Spire. Game had no sex. A few nude scenes, but the story was very well done and I was engrossed.

hmm this again whit reworked game for 3th time and again the sex whit jane and namami are gone
i like this game but honestly its still cockteasing comón Ianvs you can do better this has taken way to long i hope you now finnaly going finish this game
becausse i love the most chars in this game plus iff that redhead sarah is joining the fray wowzer
also you where alrdy reasonble further in story and yet now its like going veryfast backworths.
whit this
I'm sorry your disappointed. Send me your email in a private message and I'll go onto Patreon and refund your last four months worth of pledges.

Also, the sex with Jane and Nanami are not gone because if you read the disclaimer in the game (the one you have to click THREE TIMES to get through) you'll notice that it says quite clearly it is not a full copy of the game.

Plus, there are around 450 new renders and around 8,000 words worth of dialogue in the playtest that are all 100% brand new Cassie material.

I'm glad you like the game, but if you're dissatisfied with my progress I'll happily refund your pledge.

Remember this is only the playtest of a part of the new content for 2-2. All content of last version and rest of new content of 2-2 should be in official update when it comes. Do I agree with you this game has restarted at least a bit more as is desirable overall, yes. So I agree with you that I hope that now finally it is time for the story to come and shine without restarting it or majorly changing it.
There are some things I need to update in old scenes to make everything fully compatible with the new version. But right now my internal policy is, no reworking of old content until the second computer is working. And even then, only when render queue has enough new material to occupy it for 48 hours. New content has top priority and everything else is trailing in importance.

Well dang, a whole lot complainers in this thread, and here i am thinking i'm happy to find an enjoyable new game in development that i get to play for free. Some people just want the cake and eat it too i guess. Aaanyways, i like the concept, the story is pretty good, the girls are gorgeous and damn sweet, so much so that only one of them ended up on the corruption path (ride that dragon). I like the slow burn towards the inevitable pickle game with the girls which makes the interactions with them the more enjoyable and brings more depth to the characters than just cocksleeves. Either way, all i want to say is that i'll pay attention for future updates now that i had taste of the story and found myself engrossed in it.
Well I appreciate you taking the time to play and for giving me your feedback mate. I'm glad your enjoying it and I hope you will continue to enjoy it as things progress. Cheers mate!

OMFG this redhead is such a snack! (her boob is weird though)
Maybe it's just the angle or the dress. Not sure mate. I've seen her topless though and I can confirm there are two and they are sublime.

People are upset, and especially patrons, because it took like 7 months to update the tutorial xD. Yeah the game is good so far and I know this shit takes time, but taking 7 months to release a playtest of the tutorial is going to upset people. Seems to be a trend with a lot of porn game devs, they realize they only make money in development --> they have no real deadlines to meet --> people keep supporting them --> game takes 5 years to develop.
Just a few things to note here:

1. I did not release a play test of the tutorial, it was leaked.
2. It did not take 7 months to update the tutorial.
3. If my patrons are upset they haven't told me or canceled their pledges.
4. Actually I don't only make money in development. (Funny fucking thing is that pledges only increase with releases...odd right?)

So here's the deal, the playtest has some 450 new images for Cassie's next chapter. It's accompanied by around 8,000 words of new dialogue. Time was spent refactoring the code as well as writing a program that will convert my dialogue.txt files into fully coded renpy.rpy files (not an easy task but one that has already saved hours of coding and will continue to do so ad infinitum).

If you watched any of my live streams, read any of my news briefs, or even participated in this forum here you'd be keyed in on all the work that's transpired these last few months. Not to mention the complications brought on by Covid and having a house jam packed full of people which inevitably cut into what precious time I have to work on this game.

So if you like, I'll make you a one time offer. Send me your email in a private message, I'll log onto patreon, and I'll refund your last four months worth of pledges. No questions asked. No hard feelings. Deal? Great!

That's totally inaccurate and badly generalized. I'm not saying there aren't any, but if there are, they are very few and you mention it as a large number. You can criticize, but not set up false facts.
They haven't made themselves known to me and they haven't dropped their pledges. But I guess when you publicly demonstrate the work you're doing via live streams and enjoy showing off the copious amounts of code you write live to an audience, it validates that one is not full of shit and people get the feeling that even though they aren't holding a release in hand, work is happening and their money is being put to good use. It's almost like, good business practices or something.

In fact, as I've said elsewhere in this thread (no wait, that was probably in another thread, I've been involved in so many flame wars these last couple of days that I'm getting them mixed up), in my experience it's us patreons who are not that upset, if we have opinions we voice them on Patreon, or Discord, where they matter. It's the free-lunch people who are upset and very vocal about it. If I'm dissatisfied with devs' progress, I'll just pause my payments for a while, no reason get all excited over a small thing like that.
And I thank you again not just for your support, but your vote of confidence. I get why people are upset. I've been around long enough to see these scenarios play out. But it's the people who've followed for a while, seen the updates, seen the work and witnessed my dedication that are the most convinced I'm not scamming. I don't blame a lot of these folks for being new. But hell, at least take a second to look at the patreon page and see how many streams we've done in the last couple of months. All progress!

No they did not stream.
The previously mentioned either go into radio silence mode, or they kept promising and telling progress stories but never delivered anything anymore, ever.

If you stream, then there's no denying that you're working. It's just, in this world I feel like people should be guilty until proven otherwise.
I have a policy. If I'm working on the game, I'm streaming. I have nothing to hide and I have a very transparent development process. Most days are spent streaming the Daz are we're doing. A couple were spent streaming the coding and audio development process. The only things I don't stream are when I'm writing the story and script (for spoiler purposes I don't share it) and when I'm doing debugging (Cause that's boring and even I don't like to do it).

When I do a stream, I announce it on Patreon and on F95. When the stream ends, I edit the original post to include the stop time of the stream. I started doing this a few months ago to keep a log of when the bulk of the production is done and so that when people show up out of the blue to accuse me of milking I can point to this long line of posts showing how much effort has gone into the game over a period of time.

Look, I get where you're coming from. I've been there as a player with other developers. So I don't blame you. But a little more faith would be appreciated in the future.

The updates should be quicker when he builds his new computer(s). He automated the coding too. So all he needs to do is write and make the art, which should go faster with his new equipment. He does have multiple clothing options though, red/blue path and a nude option, I think a lingerie option too which make the rendering time longer than most games. Personally, I'd remove the nude and lingerie options as I think they aren't needed and breaks the realism. They can be nude or be in lingerie during appropriate times, but it'd be weird for them to be like that during normal conversations. Having all those options makes you need to render 4 or 5 renders for each individual piece too.
The nude and lingerie options are purely for fun and amusement. I imagine those being used for second play throughs or general entertainment. They do add to the render time, but they are pushed to the back of the queue. For example, I do a stream, we make the images. I add all the red and blue stuff to the queue. Then I add the lingerie and nude stuff.

If by chance the computer is able to work through all the red/blue stuff during the night, it then starts on the alternate modes. The next day, we stream and all the new red and blue stuff gets pushed to the front and the computer once again is only allowed to work on the alt modes when the core red/blue paths are rendered.

This way new content has top priority and the bonuses are rendered only when the priority stuff has been completed. But setting them up takes little to no time because it's really just a matter of clicking presets.

Having seen the streams the taking of renders with the differing clothing options is the easiest part. he just ticks the outfit option and saves the render. He already does multiple renders for a lot of scenes as outfits tend to change depending on blue or red routes. I do believe the lingerie and naked options are something new and adding these to older chapters will be done as time and computer resources allow. Roman did say in Discord that new content will take priority.

Frank Rosario

Engaged Member
Jan 1, 2018
Update 03/03/2021

Here is the Italian translation of "Doctor Amana sexual therapist" version "2.0.0p".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".
The translation is provided in two formats: .exe (self-extracting) and .zip. It is not necessary to use both.

The link is:
Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Doctor Amana sexual therapist" versione "2.0.0p".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".
La traduzione viene fornita in due formati: .exe (autoestraente) e .zip. Non e' necessario utilizzarle entrambe.


Here is the Italian translation of "Doctor Amana sexual therapist" version "1.1.5".
This translation is "unofficial" and "made by a fan".

The link is:
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Ecco la traduzione italiana di "Doctor Amana sexual therapist" versione "1.1.5".
Questa traduzione "non è ufficiale" e "fatta da un fan".

Il link è:
You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.
E se questa traduzione vi piace, non dimenticate di mettere un Like, sempre ben accetto!
Last edited:


Dec 10, 2018
New Cassie content sound badly tempting, but I'll wait for the full release. Willing to bet most of the dissatisfaction is just people who saw this as recently updated then saw it's just the playtest version, so they're finding something to complain about.
4.40 star(s) 78 Votes