
Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
2020-11-25 Live Stream....Again?

UPDATE: Stream Ended 22:30 EST

Yeah what the hell. I've got some free time this evening so I figure I'll do another mic-less live stream.

Sorry, you won't get to hear my ultra-sultry voice. But I got tunes and I'll be active in the chat. All are welcome.

Questions and comments encouraged.


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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2018
Pretty much. No one has see or heard from the Dev for about 6 months.

That and he's about to start live streaming work on the game in about five minutes...
I knew it the dev was doomed... i bet some big tech company is using those holographic deep fake technology to impersonate the dev of this game and take all that booty for them greedy selves :KEK:



Jun 12, 2017
I just tried this game. I like it so far, but I've only played through the characters I liked; Jane, Amanda, and Cassie, in that order. I look forward to more of them, especially Jane. A few questions though: First off, how often does this game update? And second, I noticed after playing through Jane's sex scene a few times, I got an alert saying that Jane is pregnant, but it didn't happen every time, regardless of the choices I make. Is that just an alert problem, or is pregnancy RNG based? Also, if and when will pregnancy start to affect a character's story (I assume Jane wont be the only potential, future mommy).
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Feb 14, 2020
I just tried this game. I like it so far, but I've only played through the characters I liked; Jane, Amanda, and Cassie, in that order. I look forward to more of them, especially Jane. A few questions though: First off, how often does this game update? And second, I noticed after playing through Jane's sex scene a few times, I got an alert saying that Jane is pregnant, but it didn't happen every time, regardless of the choices I make. Is that just an alert problem, or is pregnancy RNG based? Also, if and when will pregnancy start to affect a character's story (I assume Jane wont be the only potential, future mommy).
The last major update was near the beginning of the year. There has been a complete code rewrite since then to make the game work better going forward.
There is a new version due soon. You may have seen the code test leak on the OP.
Another code test is due to patreon supporters in the near future with some of the older chapters migrated into the new engine as well as more of the new chapter.

RomanHume has been live streaming every few days, if you want to see what is being created or have any questions then feel free to join.

All the ladies can get pregnant, its a random %. The % varies per lady as some use contraception and some dont.
With good or bad luck depending on your thoughts then 4 of the ladies could be pregnant at this stage.
Please note pregnancy can be totally turned off in options if that not your thing.

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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
I knew it the dev was doomed... i bet some big tech company is using those holographic deep fake technology to impersonate the dev of this game and take all that booty for them greedy selves :KEK:

Turns out the son of a bitch isn't live streaming either! They're pre-recorded and use a machine learning algorithm to craft responses to users in chat!

Makes you wonder what the end goal is of this massive deception!

sniff it.gif

Damn..i would love to see a twincest threesome with chastity and cassie..Please please please make it happen if possible Roman
Maybe when there is time we can explore the obligatory "dream sequence". :p

I just tried this game. I like it so far, but I've only played through the characters I liked; Jane, Amanda, and Cassie, in that order. I look forward to more of them, especially Jane. A few questions though: First off, how often does this game update? And second, I noticed after playing through Jane's sex scene a few times, I got an alert saying that Jane is pregnant, but it didn't happen every time, regardless of the choices I make. Is that just an alert problem, or is pregnancy RNG based? Also, if and when will pregnancy start to affect a character's story (I assume Jane wont be the only potential, future mommy).
I'm working on speeding up the update process. You can find some details here.

Pregnancy is RNG based with modifiers for birth control, etc. And pregnancy will start to show up in the story well before the end. I just have to keep writing and making art to get to that point. All female characters are susceptible to pregnancy if the option is turned on.

I meant to say, Yeah, what Ickerax said. :D


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
Imagine if you got Amanda pregnant :eek:

I'm just a huge piece of shit, i'm playing Roger as (essentially) a sociopath for my first playthrough, and taking advantage of Amanda while her nerdy dad is none the wiser is just great (in a sick bastard kind of sense).

Next time around though, it'll be nice guy Roger.
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Feb 14, 2020
Imagine if you got Amanda pregnant :eek:

I'm just a huge piece of shit, i'm playing Roger as (essentially) a sociopath for my first playthrough, and taking advantage of Amanda while her nerdy dad is none the wiser is just great (in a sick bastard kind of sense).

Next time around though, it'll be nice guy Roger.
I am sure Nice guy Roger might get her pregnant as well. That I guess is one for the future.

But isnt it just as bad to not get her Pregnant, how will she feel is everyone she knows is having Roger's baby except her. She may decided she isnt desirable and go downhill from there :(
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Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2017
I am sure Nice guy Roger might get her pregnant as well. That I guess is one for the future.

But isnt it just as bad to not get her Pregnant, how will she feel is everyone she knows is having Roger's baby except her. She may decided she isnt desirable and go downhill from there :(
I didn't even think about that :cry:


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Cassie 01-edit.jpg
2020-11-26 News

Oh man, I'm so close I can taste meant to say it. Can taste it. Fuck it. Whatever!

But it's true. We're in the final stretch of the Cassie update. When it's done I should have over 20k words (1/5th of a fucking novel), and over 600 images. It's a meaty fucking update. And because of the previous improvements to the process, this was done in less time than it took to do Amanda's last update.

I think this is an excellent start and the new process at this point is pretty thoroughly tested.

So the new framework is doing well. I've begun the process of writing some quick scripts that will convert the old material to work with the new infrastructure. That's going good and so far I've converted and tested Nanami's first chapter. Near as I can tell that's working flawlessly. My goal is to have all the old material made compatible with the new framework about the same time as I finish Cassie's chapter. So in another couple weeks I'm hoping.

You'll have to start over, but hopefully this will be the last time you ever have to. A major goal with this code rework was to fix the issue with broken saves. Only time will tell if I was successful, but again, I'm optimistic.

Cassie's Chapter
We've had a lot of fun streaming the creation of Cassie's content thus far. I've streamed nearly every minute of artwork production for this chapter and I've enjoyed interacting with people as I do it. It's fun not working in isolation.

But that said, I'm making the decision to not stream the creation of Cassie's sex scenes. I want to keep that as kind of a surprise for people who watch the live streams. At this point, Cassie's three sex scenes (yeah I said three!) are the only thing left to render. I anticipate it taking another week or three, but I aim to have this update out before the end of the year.

Next Playtest
This Friday I'll release the playtest for Cassie's 8th Scene and the Nanami Chapter 01 conversion.
Following that I'll have Cassie's 9th Scene ready sometime next week and so on and so forth.

I'd like to see a new playtest available every week going forward. With the extra computer running renders this is potentially possible. But it'll be subject to the demands of the scene. Some scenes will naturally be a bit more complicated and require some more time to set up. But in generally, I want to get into the habit of weekly playtests that lead to bug free distributions every two or three months.

This is the goal. Let's work together and see what we can achieve!

Live Streaming
So does that mean no more live streaming until it's done? Not at all!
There is currently a character poll up for $5+ patrons to vote on who the next character is we work on. That poll ends on Sunday night and by Monday we can start streaming work on the next character.

While I finish Cassie's material offline, you can scope out the work being done on the next release right away. I'll stream new content during the day and in the afternoon and evening I'll quietly crank out the rest of the Cassie stuff on my own time.
But that's my general plan for the future! Constantly Streaming and constantly showing you new work!

There are no more improvements I can make to the code. No more features or changes I want to add it. From here on out, this is all we are doing together! Writing stories and making the art for it. It's the simplest and most fun part of the process.
And the best part is, you'll always have a chance to be there and participate! Nothing but clear blue skies ahead!

Fan Art Discord Channel
And of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the creation of the New Fan Art Channel on Discord.
Our friend Ickerax volunteered to set up and maintain the channels and I'm excited to see what becomes of them. We have three new channels under The Senses header. They are:

amana-character-presets where I have provided all the exact formulas for the characters.

fan-art where you can post your very own creations

fan-art-chat where you can discuss and chit chat about the different work in the fan art gallery.

This channel of course has my full support and if any of you enterprising artists want to take a crack at making something sexy with my characters, feel free. And if you need any help, suggestions, or instruction with Daz or the character themselves, don't hesitate to ask.

I'm happy to help!


Anyway, that's all I have for today! For those celebrating holidays this week I wish you the best. I look forward to talking to you all again very soon!

I thank you all for your patience, your support and your continued encouragement! You make this project a pleasure to work on!

As ever I do, I salute you!
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