
Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
idk if you have tried it yet but this update is def worth it if u like cassie aka the daughter lots and lots of h-scenes
Thanks for the recommendation mate!

fantastic update, impressive qualitywise, you are on the right path to create a masterpiece i think.
I certainly hope so! Let me know if I start to slip.

It was pretty fast, but that can work. I enjoyed everything before and after the sex scene, but that sequence had a lot of issues for me. I feel like this is a good example of how writing obvious incest content without a dev-provided patch degrades a game. The lack of any mention of the taboo relationship besides the "oh no, she's my neighbors daughter... or something?" stuff made it a lot less believable and a lot less kinky.
I was trying to go with a 'heat of the moment' type thing where everyone is acting on impulse letting their hormones rule. My long term plan is for them to begin exploring the 'meaning' of it all as their story together develops. After they've had more time to reflect and get past all the initial rush of banging. Perhaps I missed the mark though.

Also, the way you are gamifying sex scenes actively works against your usually great narrative and the immersion factor. It just seems kind of silly when you pump her full of cum like six times in 10 minutes, especially when one point in her dialogue earlier was how she always made sure to practice safe sex. So I guess she forgot or changed her mind? It's never acknowledged in dialogue. I get that it's porn and you're supposed to suspend your disbelief and every man is a Greek god, but the amount of jizzing in your daughter in this update should have made her look like a stuffed turkey at the end and his dick should have fallen off.
This is one of those places I was forced to compromise between the porn and narrative aspects of the product. I've designed the menu to be infinitely expandable so that as patreons request new positions be added to the game, the list of kinks and positions can grow. However, I have no way of knowing which positions or combinations there of a player might choose. I certainly don't want to dictate the necessity of certain positions or kinks, so I had to make a choice.

Treat all positions as if it's the only position, or steer the players through a sequence of sexual maneuvers and then rework that sequence every time I add a new position or kink.

In the end I don't know that there is a perfect solution so I opted to treat every position as if it were the only one, and just let the sex scenes become an all you can fuck buffet where people can eat as much or as little as they like and then move on.

I don't disagree with your analysis at all. But decisions had to be made.

Changing her last name in the txt file doesn't change it in the planner, at least it didn't for me. Something is fucky with the variables there.
Had you changed it in the planner prior to changing it in the .txt file?

By design, if you change it in game, then changing the file will not do anything. But if you had not changed it in game, altering the file should alter the ingame variables. Let me know if it doesn't appear to be working that way though.


Herald - Super Naked Ginger Cuddle Time
Sep 8, 2020
Loved the update it was spectacularly sexy, changed the pregnancy chance to 50% to get Cassie pregnant :D. Think I may need to do a canon run of blue Cassie (as much as I loved Red Cassie's swimsuit)
Loving her blue path, and without tweaking the pregnancy % and leaving it normal, after 6 creampies managed to get her pregnant either on the last or second to last time. :love: Took me only the one time with Jane to knock her up, lol, and 0-2 for Nanami.


Sep 16, 2018
I really enjoyed this chapter. Its probably the best one so far and since i keep thinking that about every update, Im very hopefull about the future of the game.

One question i have though: Do you have any estimation about how many chapters it will take for the pregnancies to manifest themselfes? Or is it going to be a epiloge type of thing?


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
I was trying to go with a 'heat of the moment' type thing where everyone is acting on impulse letting their hormones rule. My long term plan is for them to begin exploring the 'meaning' of it all as their story together develops. After they've had more time to reflect and get past all the initial rush of banging. Perhaps I missed the mark though.
I think there is subtle but suitable build-up, including implied history previous to the characters' introductions in the game, letting our imaginations do some of the work. You've hit a great balance of plausible believability without excess exposition, where most VNs go way over or under in that respect. But I'm playing through this chapter having recently played through the original content, with that build-up fresh on my mind. That likely makes a big difference in some players' reactions, especially considering that the builds are split now and many haven't seen or haven't done a fresh playthrough of the old chapters.

Though I don't personally think it's needed, if you were going to make any edits at all in this build-up, I'd reserve it for the previous chapters. This one was just about perfect, imo.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
I was trying to go with a 'heat of the moment' type thing where everyone is acting on impulse letting their hormones rule. My long term plan is for them to begin exploring the 'meaning' of it all as their story together develops. After they've had more time to reflect and get past all the initial rush of banging. Perhaps I missed the mark though.
The talk they had after it did satisfy some of that, I just felt it was a little too absent in the giant sex scene itself. But maybe that's just another consequence of my general dislike of how you write these scenes. It felt a lot like how bad incest games handle incest, which is basically just a single variable swap and otherwise nobody dwells on it.

This is one of those places I was forced to compromise between the porn and narrative aspects of the product. I've designed the menu to be infinitely expandable so that as patreons request new positions be added to the game, the list of kinks and positions can grow. However, I have no way of knowing which positions or combinations there of a player might choose. I certainly don't want to dictate the necessity of certain positions or kinks, so I had to make a choice.
Good writing and flow during sex scenes is important to me, so having a plug & play menu of positions that all come with samey dialogue isn't worth the tradeoff of being able to pick whatever I like 20 times in a row. I think this is a case where player choice actively hurts the narrative. If you're absolutely wedded to this way of doing things I would think about introducing some constraints that allow you to build more unique dialogue during sex scenes. Like maybe have a choice between three positions in the middle and have a more set beginning and end instead of "choice between these two" into "choice between these two" into "choice between these two and also you can have a cumshot on each of them, just keep going!" I would delete half the renders if I could get some more interesting and expressive writing, but maybe that's just me.

Had you changed it in the planner prior to changing it in the .txt file?
No, it correctly changes it in the "rebuild your savefile" dialogue thing with Amana, but the name is still "H...Something" in the notebook and you have to change it ingame. Just tried it again with a fresh install.


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
Just wondering if this has been answered: is there a list on which girls in which order will be worked on? Or at the very least, which girl will the next update be centered around?
So Lupita is up next. Who I work on after that will be determined by a patron poll. However, when I do the patron polls for who to develop next, I limit the choices to characters who are underdeveloped. This way we don't get stuck in a rut overdeveloping two or three characters while the rest languish.

As I get into the groove of live streaming I want to start spending 3 days on next chapter, 1 day on chapter after that, and 1 day on asset development or reworking old content. This way I'm moving ahead steadily on the newest content and by the time it drops, I'm already half way to the next release which will then get 3 days a week of development time.

This is the tentative plan I want to start experimenting with.

I would be interested to read more on your thoughts here if you are inclined to share.
It's simple. I try to animate in Daz and Daz is all like...
fucking stupid.jpg

Jokes aside. My experience with Daz as a company is:
"Hey, we should include this feature!"
They then hand the job off to an intern.
The intern comes back and says, "Ok, here's a prototype! Still has some bugs in it but it's a start."
The managers take one look at it and say "This is fucking Great! Troy, add this to the next version!'t worry about it. It's good to go."
And then Troy says, "This is a pretty basic feature most 3D programs already have built in. Why don't we sell it as an add-on!"

Fucking Brilliant TROY! Selling me a poorly implemented standard feature as a fucking add-on...that probably won't work with future versions.

Used to by defaul Daz didn't have any kind of graph editor or key frame editor that came bundled with it. It might now, I don't know.

But back when I had bought those...separately. They were broken as hell. Keyframes would just disappear. Or I would highlight keyframes and they would disappear from the editor, but the values were still there. So it was like it just deleted the keyframe icon without actually deleting the key frame.

Locking joints does absolutely fuck all to help with animation, so even if you set a key frame, move ahead, and then try and use kinematics to set the final position, locked joints still slide all over the place and every automatically generated key frame between point a and b is fucked up and has to be deleted (if it still shows up in the editor) or one by one manually configured, which is stupid.

I have this issue with most Daz add-ons and built in features. They simply don't perform the functions they are designed to perform well.

oh ok this really sad but its fine by me UwU.
I won't rule out a dream sequence or holiday special. But in the end, I use my character's personalities to guide the story. It's what makes writing the drama so easy because I "know" who they are. But with that kind of detail comes some limitations on what I can and cannot make the characters do.

Before the chapter explained the film's plot and displayed the screenshot, I figured Roman was alluding to
, a 1981 French film. It's not a historical drama since it was set as contemporary (for 1981). But some similar themes and tone.
*make a note*

Android version update Dev? Love your game and eagerly waiting to play the new update on Android, can I get some information on that? Thanks.
At this time there is no Android version. Now that the new gui for v2.0.0 has been distributed and tested. I know it works well enough that I can start working on customizing it to work with mobile devices. As it is now, most of the features won't scale well to a mobile screen and so I need to build custom variants. I just didn't want to do that before I had 'finalized' the look of v2.0.0.

Admittedly my android skills are sub par to non-existent. So while I'm dedicated to working on this and making it happen, I can't give any kind of estimate on completion at this time.

Haha can't react.

I think in this game, in which there are no right or wrong answers, disabling the color is word it for the first playthrough. It is not like you are "losing the game" by not picking the right answer. You just see different content. Totally worth it to pick what you want.

I actually don't want Emily to know. I found it hotter to fuck all those girls "against" her will. That is why I claim I am a cheating slut. The act of cheating turns me on, not simply fucking a lot.
You know originally there were no color coding menu choices. The whole game was meant to be played 'blind'. But then players on F95 wanted the color codes and it seemed like a good enough idea that we decided to make it something you can toggle. Same with shuffling the choices.
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Kira The Masked Lad

King of Kinks
Apr 18, 2019
So Lupita is up next. Who I work on after that will be determined by a patron poll. However, when I do the patron polls for who to develop next, I limit the choices to characters who are underdeveloped. This way we don't get stuck in a rut overdeveloping two or three characters while the rest languish.

As I get into the groove of live streaming I want to start spending 3 days on next chapter, 1 day on chapter after that, and 1 day on asset development or reworking old content. This way I'm moving ahead steadily on the newest content and by the time it drops, I'm already half way to the next release which will then get 3 days a week of development time.

This is the tentative plan I want to start experimenting with.

It's simple. I try to animate it Daz and Daz is all like...
View attachment 1061253

Jokes aside. My experience with Daz as a company is:
"Hey, we should include this feature!"
They then hand the job off to an intern.
The intern comes back and says, "Ok, here's a prototype! Still has some bugs in it but it's a start."
The managers take one look at it and say "This is fucking Great! Troy, add this to the next version!'t worry about it. It's good to go."
And then Troy says, "This is a pretty basic feature most 3D programs already have built in. Why don't we sell it as an add-on!"

Fucking Brilliant TROY! Selling me a poorly implemented standard feature as a fucking add-on...that probably won't work with future versions.

Used to by defaul Daz didn't have any kind of graph editor or key frame editor that came bundled with it. It might now, I don't know.

But back when I had bought those...separately. They were broken as hell. Keyframes would just disappear. Or I would highlight keyframes and they would disappear from the editor, but the values were still there. So it was like it just deleted the keyframe icon without actually deleting the key frame.

Locking joints does absolutely fuck all to help with animation, so even if you set a key frame, move ahead, and then try and use kinematics to set the final position, locked joints still slide all over the place and every automatically generated key frame between point a and b is fucked up and has to be deleted (if it still shows up in the editor) or one by one manually configured, which is stupid.

I have this issue with most Daz add-ons and built in features. They simply don't perform the functions they are designed to perform well.

I won't rule out a dream sequence or holiday special. But in the end, I use my character's personalities to guide the story. It's what makes writing the drama so easy because I "know" who they are. But with that kind of detail comes some limitations on what I can and cannot make the characters do.

*make a note*

At this time there is no Android version. Now that the new gui for v2.0.0 has been distributed and tested. I know it works well enough that I can start working on customizing it to work with mobile devices. As it is now, most of the features won't scale well to a mobile screen and so I need to build custom variants. I just didn't want to do that before I had 'finalized' the look of v2.0.0.

Admittedly my android skills are sub par to non-existent. So while I'm dedicated to working on this and making it happen, I can't give any kind of estimate on completion at this time.

You know originally there were no color coding menu choices. The whole game was meant to be played 'blind'. But then players on F95 wanted the color codes and it seemed like a good enough idea that we decided to make it something you can toggle. Same with shuffling the choices.
of course i understand everything is fine UwU
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
You know originally there were no color coding menu choices. The whole game was meant to be played 'blind'. But then players on F95 wanted the color codes and it seemed like a good enough idea that we decided to make it something you can toggle. Same with shuffling the choices.
Yeah, still can't react..

Decision theory would tell you that giving more choices cannot be bad. I personally don't think that is true, as we players need not be rational XD..

But it is true that I think your approach of giving the choice and leaving the player choose is better here. After all, you may want to have the option when you repeat it.

Might want to suggest in the introduction when the sexy doc is informing us on the option that: This feature can be disabled for better immersion. There are no wrong right or wrong choices here, simply different ways in which the story will developed

Or something like that. Anyway.. My first playthrough was all blind.. super fun.

No comments about the cheating stuff? haha I am very interested in what will be the approach of that subject in game.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 4, 2017
So Lupita is up next. Who I work on after that will be determined by a patron poll. However, when I do the patron polls for who to develop next, I limit the choices to characters who are underdeveloped. This way we don't get stuck in a rut overdeveloping two or three characters while the rest languish.

As I get into the groove of live streaming I want to start spending 3 days on next chapter, 1 day on chapter after that, and 1 day on asset development or reworking old content. This way I'm moving ahead steadily on the newest content and by the time it drops, I'm already half way to the next release which will then get 3 days a week of development time.

This is the tentative plan I want to start experimenting with.

It's simple. I try to animate in Daz and Daz is all like...
View attachment 1061253

Jokes aside. My experience with Daz as a company is:
"Hey, we should include this feature!"
They then hand the job off to an intern.
The intern comes back and says, "Ok, here's a prototype! Still has some bugs in it but it's a start."
The managers take one look at it and say "This is fucking Great! Troy, add this to the next version!'t worry about it. It's good to go."
And then Troy says, "This is a pretty basic feature most 3D programs already have built in. Why don't we sell it as an add-on!"

Fucking Brilliant TROY! Selling me a poorly implemented standard feature as a fucking add-on...that probably won't work with future versions.

Used to by defaul Daz didn't have any kind of graph editor or key frame editor that came bundled with it. It might now, I don't know.

But back when I had bought those...separately. They were broken as hell. Keyframes would just disappear. Or I would highlight keyframes and they would disappear from the editor, but the values were still there. So it was like it just deleted the keyframe icon without actually deleting the key frame.

Locking joints does absolutely fuck all to help with animation, so even if you set a key frame, move ahead, and then try and use kinematics to set the final position, locked joints still slide all over the place and every automatically generated key frame between point a and b is fucked up and has to be deleted (if it still shows up in the editor) or one by one manually configured, which is stupid.

I have this issue with most Daz add-ons and built in features. They simply don't perform the functions they are designed to perform well.

I won't rule out a dream sequence or holiday special. But in the end, I use my character's personalities to guide the story. It's what makes writing the drama so easy because I "know" who they are. But with that kind of detail comes some limitations on what I can and cannot make the characters do.

*make a note*

At this time there is no Android version. Now that the new gui for v2.0.0 has been distributed and tested. I know it works well enough that I can start working on customizing it to work with mobile devices. As it is now, most of the features won't scale well to a mobile screen and so I need to build custom variants. I just didn't want to do that before I had 'finalized' the look of v2.0.0.

Admittedly my android skills are sub par to non-existent. So while I'm dedicated to working on this and making it happen, I can't give any kind of estimate on completion at this time.

You know originally there were no color coding menu choices. The whole game was meant to be played 'blind'. But then players on F95 wanted the color codes and it seemed like a good enough idea that we decided to make it something you can toggle. Same with shuffling the choices.
There is a good practice called "Agile". Read about this, it helps to manage your time and work faster.


Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
One question i have though: Do you have any estimation about how many chapters it will take for the pregnancies to manifest themselfes? Or is it going to be a epiloge type of thing?
I don't have a hard limit on that yet. I'm thinking four or five. I want to build up the relationship a bit more and then allow pregnancy to be part of the ongoing narrative. It will not be an epilogue thing thought. To many fun possibilities to pass up if we did that!

I think there is subtle but suitable build-up, including implied history previous to the characters' introductions in the game, letting our imaginations do some of the work. You've hit a great balance of plausible believability without excess exposition, where most VNs go way over or under in that respect. But I'm playing through this chapter having recently played through the original content, with that build-up fresh on my mind. That likely makes a big difference in some players' reactions, especially considering that the builds are split now and many haven't seen or haven't done a fresh playthrough of the old chapters.
I appreciate the detailed feedback mate!

The talk they had after it did satisfy some of that, I just felt it was a little too absent in the giant sex scene itself. But maybe that's just another consequence of my general dislike of how you write these scenes. It felt a lot like how bad incest games handle incest, which is basically just a single variable swap and otherwise nobody dwells on it.
Fair enough.

Good writing and flow during sex scenes is important to me, so having a plug & play menu of positions that all come with samey dialogue isn't worth the tradeoff of being able to pick whatever I like 20 times in a row. I think this is a case where player choice actively hurts the narrative. If you're absolutely wedded to this way of doing things I would think about introducing some constraints that allow you to build more unique dialogue during sex scenes. Like maybe have a choice between three positions in the middle and have a more set beginning and end instead of "choice between these two" into "choice between these two" into "choice between these two and also you can have a cumshot on each of them, just keep going!" I would delete half the renders if I could get some more interesting and expressive writing, but maybe that's just me.
Again, I don't disagree. But writing sex scenes is challenging as it is. When you consider how many sex scenes are likely to be in this game by the time it's done, it really does tax the thesaurus to constantly come up with new and unique descriptions for what are essentially the same actions in 75% of the sex scenes.

I would love it if I could make every sex scene verbally unique but I also know the limits of my own power. That's why I rely so heavily on the imagery in those scenes because how many ways can you describe fucking without falling to repetition?

Right now, the dialogue and the descriptions in the sex scenes are different depending on whether you're on the blue path or the red path. I fear any more complication than that may lead to extra development on what are already the longest and most difficult scenes to develop.

Again, I certainly don't disagree with anything you're suggesting. I'm just sharing my rationale for why I made some of the creative decisions I did. I appreciate you taking the time though to deep dive this with me.

No, it correctly changes it in the "rebuild your savefile" dialogue thing with Amana, but the name is still "H...Something" in the notebook and you have to change it ingame. Just tried it again with a fresh install.
I'll definitely add this to the list of glitches to look into. Thanks for letting me know.
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Engaged Member
Jan 7, 2020
Well i Thought i with see on Episode 2 Amanda :cool: Because Episode1 Ended with Amanda FrenchKissing with MC:love:Hope Ep3 is with Amanda (y)Or 2 Sex Scenes in one Episode :giggle:
Game is Realy Good Especialy Pregnancy and Creampie :cool:(y)
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Decision theory would tell you that giving more choices cannot be bad. I personally don't think that is true, as we players need not be rational XD..
I don't know about the specifics of Decision Theory, even though it roughly lies in my field of expertise, however more choices can be bad. E. g. - even though it is slightly (by which I mean "completely") off topic here, you can build an additional road to relieve a congested area - but actually average travel time increases with the new road. And not talking about exterior stuff like "more people using the road" here.

So there is always a chance that an additional option may be bad. Even more so in something individual in a game. It may cause analysis catharsis in a strategic game, it may just make you lose focus, it may do any of a myriad things.


Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
I don't know about the specifics of Decision Theory, even though it roughly lies in my field of expertise, however more choices can be bad. E. g. - even though it is slightly (by which I mean "completely") off topic here, you can build an additional road to relieve a congested area - but actually average travel time increases with the new road. And not talking about exterior stuff like "more people using the road" here.

So there is always a chance that an additional option may be bad. Even more so in something individual in a game. It may cause analysis catharsis in a strategic game, it may just make you lose focus, it may do any of a myriad things.
The idea in decision theory is essentially that giving you a decision can only improve you as you can simply not use it.. therefore, your well being can only go up.

This fact is actually violated under some assumption in real life. First, that processing choices is costless. If I give you a thousand choices is harder for you to analyze that if I give you two and real life experiments suggest that people do stay away from very hard problem to choose, if that complexity is simply more choices.

Then, there are some ideas about dynamic decision making, when people are temporal inconsistent, so that if they know they will not be able to resist temptation later down the road, remove the choice. For example, dont buy chocolate if you are on a diet when you go to the store, if your chocolate withdrawal symptoms tend to happen at night.
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Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2017
Well then it's a good thing there is no incest in my game. Cause you know, if there was I'd be breaking Patreon's T's & C's and that would sink the whole project...

Or maybe the immersion occurs when you realize you're Roger telling the story to someone else and while you're telling it you're doing a really bad job at...well, relaying details that aren't details because there isn't any incest in the game...or something........fuck...what was I saying?
View attachment 1061148
Now this, is a quality response! :ROFLMAO:
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Chocolate Vampire
May 9, 2019
So, my biggest issue (which is kind of small) with the update is during or after the sex scene. Before hand Cass described how safe she had been with condoms and all that with previous partners. A second later the MC and her were banging it out raw dog and in my case knocked her up. My only issue is that I would have liked some small dialogue at some point to address something that important. Such an important plot point like that felt like it deserved some additional acknowledgement. It wasn't a small thing if she knew it wasn't safe at the time yet went through with it still.
I also noticed that, but I justified it to myself like: sex ended up happening spontaneously. While she kind of planned it, it is not like she knew it would happen, she was simply testing the waters... I doubt she planned going to the pool and that. And from the point of view of diseases this is a safe guy (who might have fucked a prostitute raw and also knocked her up... mmm maybe not so safe if you think about it)

I am, however, a strong supporter that I WANT PREGNANCY TO MATTER. Imagine the beautiful problem of your baby girl coming to tell you that she is pregnant with her mother, your wife, a few meters away.... How would MC react and all that? I know it will be hard making it important, as knocking her up is not mandatory, but I would love to have that scenario
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Sommelier of Pussy & Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
So, my biggest issue (which is kind of small) with the update is during or after the sex scene.

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I actually find this observation interesting and this is the second or third time it's come up so I should probably comment on it.

At the time of writing those previous conversations, the intended context of 'safe' in the dialogue was "careful not to catch an STD". The assumption being that if she did get pregnant she'd take a morning after pill or whatever and needed less of a safe guarding from that possible outcome.

Thus when Roger's is ensuring her 'safety', she and he are both referring to the lack of sexually transmitted diseases. And since she trusts Roger, she didn't feel the need to be 'safe' with him knowing that any unintended pregnancy could be dealt with over the counter.

It never occurred to me that people would interpret 'being safe' as in, safe guarding against pregnancy. It's a fascinating observation and something I'll need to factor in when writing in the future.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 26, 2019
I actually find this observation interesting and this is the second or third time it's come up so I should probably comment on it.

At the time of writing those previous conversations, the intended context of 'safe' in the dialogue was "careful not to catch an STD". The assumption being that if she did get pregnant she'd take a morning after pill or whatever and needed less of a safe guarding from that possible outcome.

Thus when Roger's is ensuring her 'safety', she and he are both referring to the lack of sexually transmitted diseases. And since she trusts Roger, she didn't feel the need to be 'safe' with him knowing that any unintended pregnancy could be dealt with over the counter.

It never occurred to me that people would interpret 'being safe' as in, safe guarding against pregnancy. It's a fascinating observation and something I'll need to factor in when writing in the future.
I haven't got around to the update yet. That said I wanted to let you know I appreciate you hanging with us pirates as your candid interactions have been quite entertaining:)
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4.40 star(s) 78 Votes