Thank you as always my friend!
Thank you as always my friend!
One of our goals for the coming week is to do a major overhaul of all our online descriptions and marketing. We started this game with a general idea of what we wanted it to be, and you can tell that most of the early descriptions and documentation reflects that early ambiguity.that overview needs and update too
thx for upload![]()
Well we greatly appreciate you giving us a chance! When we started this, we made a list of things we disliked about the games we loved.I have to say I was hesitant with this game at first, I got burned by to many other developers with similar promises and no delivery, however this game is quickly growing to become one of my favorite games.
So yeah, a couple of things here. Previously v0.x.1 was the public version because there was no bonus Lupita content in her introduction. Now that we've come full circle, we realized, absentmindedly that we needed a v0.x.0 to be the public release.@RomanHume I've got two questions. Earlier you said 0.x.1 was the public release, and 0.x.5 was the patreon release with bonus outfits, etc. The latest update you gave us is 0.9.0, and patreon has posts for 0.9.1, 0.9.2, 0.9.3, 0.9.4 and 0.9.5.
Is 0.9.0 the public release, and 0.9.x corresponding to the 5 different patron tiers?
Do the higher patron tiers include the bonuses from the lower ones? It doesn't say on your patreon, but I'd assume that to be the case. If it is, you should update the descriptions.
Yes this version only included Lupita's second wait, there was only a Lupita scene in this version? Cause that's the only scene i got from my save which is from 8.1
Looks like you're setting up a few more branches. How many endings have you planned out so far? I'm imagining just one, with Fallout-style assembly, but roughly five variations on some substories.Now that we have a more solid idea of who the MC is and where his story is going
I can sympathize. I'm a developer, and my team has to support multiple versions of our products on multiple OSes. We actively look for ways to retire our older release trains. And it's not just building/uploading - each version has to be tested. It's a ton of work.Originally we thought by having multiple versions, we saved our patrons the headache of downloading additional files and integrating them into the game. We didn't give any consideration to the time it would take to compile, upload, and update links for six versions of the game. (What can I say, in the beginning our mind was writing the story and not at all focused on the coding). So starting in April with Emily's next release, we are going to move to a single version of the game and password protect the patron bonus content. This will save us time and energy, and remove a level of confusion about our versioning system.
Ok, you sold me. I will try it. I shall return with a harsh critique!Well we greatly appreciate you giving us a chance! When we started this, we made a list of things we disliked about the games we loved.
The short list:
1. Not enough dialogue choices.
2. Choices only exist to make me guess the correct path to sex.
3. Taking waaaay too long to get to the action.
4. Game over screens punish me for saying "fun things".
We didn't feel like we needed to milk the promise of sex scenes to draw in readers and keep them hooked. We assumed, that like life, there are things happening around the sex. Sure the sex is a pivotal part of the story that bears with it consequences and rewards, but can't the sex be the catalyst for a wider story? So instead of our story being about a character trying to have sex with other characters, our story is about why our character has decided to leave a relatively mundane life and spiral into a world of sexual misadventure against all reason, and what are the final consequences of that going to be.
Salute mate and thanks for reading!