
What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Relax, peeps, they're baaaaack! Here's some current news (or you could be a patron and read it yourself!):


Well, as previously announced, we are back. Patreon is very quick to black out your site, but dreadfully slow at responding to your review request and getting your site unlocked. We even made it as easy as we could. We removed all the images and cut any links to external adult content. An assessment could have been made at a glance. It was a very eye-opening experience. Hopefully we will not have to deal with that in the near future, but as a precaution we are already building our back up support system. Should they ever decide to close us out, we want to have a contingency in place so that work may resume unabated.

I’m pleased to announce that preliminary work in that department is going well. Our alternative has us paying a significantly higher processing fee than we would through Patreon, but at least it would be an opportunity to continue. And we’ll be free to release any kind of content we like free of restriction. So we’ll continue building and exploring that possibility in the meantime. So, what’s changed? A lot.

Per the results of the poll, we have revamped the reward system. Considering what other developers are offering, listening to the feedback of players and fans, and factoring in where we want to go and how we want to develop, what you now have is a more traditional reward system at your disposal. We understand that some people preferred the system the way it was, others were happy with the change. Some have already expressed their opinion by removing their support while others have changed their contribution up or down. A readjustment was to be expected, all we can do is stay the course. And how does the horizon look? Beautiful.

We are only about a hundred bucks shy of the new graphics card and we expect to have that difference made up by the end of the week. Congratulations are in order! We made it through the darkness. Now the real work can begin. We’ve continued to write, rewrite, rebuild, and created several test renders using the onboard GPU. I’m very pleased to announce that the quality of work has increased exponentially. We are very much looking forward to bringing you the next release. It has been far too long!!!

And while that work continues, we’re going to bring to you our first poll. One of the biggest points of criticism we’ve received during the alpha was the model of Monica, Roger’s girlfriend and personal trainer. Many people expressed an opinion that her model has been over used in several other games. Naturally we don’t want to go where others have already worn down a path. The timing is right for a recasting. We are moving into the beta and at this point, all models need to be final. We took about eight hours over the weekend and jammed out three options for Monica. Look for that poll to hit within the next couple of hours with all the details.

My hope is that by the next update, we’ll be able to start updating you on actual scene completion progress. That is all for now my friends. Thanks for sticking with us and helping us drive through the rough patch.

We at Ianvs Salute You!


Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
So while voting is only open to patrons at $5+, I thought you might be curious to know which models our patrons have to choose from to replace (or potentially keep) Monica.

Who am I kidding. I'm really just looking to show off some more art. We've been working hard to build our subject matter expertise with Daz, and I feel like we're moving way ahead of other devs in that department.

So here you go. Enjoy these renders of buff black chicks!

Monica Casting.png


Oct 16, 2017
C for sure, but B put up a fight. A's hair is such a stand out feature that it's all I ever see when a dev uses it, so those characters tend to blur together for me. C, and B I can notice the face, but A is all hair... stupid brain.
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Purveyor of Porn
Game Developer
Jan 5, 2018
XD That's gold right there! Thanks for the laugh.
You are most welcome my friend! =D


I think it was probably Lupita as you can see her nipple and they can't handle the nipple over there and I think Monica showed a little bit of bush not sure though as I really didn't look that hard at her pictures as she's the one I'm ignoring in the series. The rest looked fine.
I know we were pushing our luck and it was probably a stupid gamble on our part. But it does go to show, it doesn't matter how small you are, you can't slip under the radar for very long. Those images were only up for about a week and a half before we got hit with the brick. We'll replace all the images on the Patreon in time with compliant renders, but right now our priority is catching up on the game. So our Patreon will be pretty bland until we release our next distribution.

There's actually a trojan script detected there. More info here:

In case I only disable web protection (the filter that blocks dangerous websites where malware has been detected by other ESET users), then one of the files that Firefox is trying to download into its cache gets blocked by the real time file scanner of the AV and gives this info about a trojan being downloaded.

More info (including file hash of the detected file) from the log:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <COLUMN NAME="Time">09.06.2018 0:23:27</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Scanner">Real-time file system protection</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Object type">file</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Object">xxx\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxx\cache2\entries\05A1193E7A11E4ADE86DEC49BE4D4E8EB1F93A0B</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Threat">HTML/ScrInject.B trojan</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Action">deleted</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="User">xxx</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Information">Event occurred on a new file created by the application: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe (77DD8A387F34DCB0B8C164EC5F2978F7ADF1FBA2).</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="Hash">04C7C34871952FB90B8D56B0F48734A642F43100</COLUMN>
      <COLUMN NAME="First seen here">09.06.2018 0:12:46</COLUMN>
Looks like there could be a trojan injected into your site. ESET actually has been giving warnings about this on your site for months.
Totally could be a false positive also.

after some digging:

Yep, if this isn't a textbook case of a false positive, then... whatever. :biggrin:

Just look at the virustotal scan of this file:

Virustotal's site scan shows the same:

Only ESET doesn't like it. And this has been going on for months, half a year probably. You should contact them about this bullshit.
ESET is generally a decent AV, I've been using it for more than a decade. This is one of the rare cases.
I don't know if I said it already but this is insanely useful information. We'll have to see what we can do about reaching out to ESET and getting the flag turned off. Our website is semi-turn key and there are a few scripts we didn't write running in the back ground. Nothing malicious, mostly anti-spam and SEO stuff that came with the package. We may need to do some digging to determine if there is just a feature we need to turn off to remove the flag as well.

Either way, thanks for the excellent lead!

What about strappy sandals? Are those forbidden?

Does Patreon have this written in their guidelines, or is this something someone told you? This whole thing seems really amateurish on Patreon's part.
At the end of the day, they are a pain in the ass. But sometimes, you gotta cut your ear off for good art.....which is a bad analogy because I don't even like van Gogh....

The new renders look good.
Glad Jane stayed nearly unchanged, she is my favourit characer.
Definately looking forward for the update.
Thanks for the feedback. I think my man fecal did a good job of capturing the look of a teen girl with a shitty attitude.

The renders look great, in particular the improvements to Cassie are massive. I think Lupita may look a little bit orange now if I was being super critical but its nothing that would bother me in game.
I actually agree with you on this. Hers was actually the first render we did on the new rig and I don't think the orange tone was noticeable until we did the remaining renders. Fecal is already planning to adjust her surface shaders a bit for the final game renders, so we should get her looking the part for the release.

I've gotta say I really respect the Devs commitment to communication throughout this process (even on this site pirating the games). This while project is a really exciting idea, I look forward to the Beta.
Today's pirate could be tomorrow's patron...or, today's pirate might introduce tomorrow's patron to your game. Either way, we don't feel this kind of exposure is a bad thing. The more people who know about our product, the greater the chance we get some people on board to help us pay for it.

And let's be perfectly honest, we could spend hours and hours trying to secure our game to the best of our ability and sooner or later someone is going to crack it. I mean shit, it happens to software made by multimillion dollar companies with security teams way better than the four of us even want to be. So at the end of the day, that time is better spent making a good game.

And we feel that enough people will play our game, enjoy it, and in the spirit of wanting us to continue making games will throw us some support. I know people on this very site who are currently patrons, so the line between pirate and patron is almost impossible to find.

Our plan is simple. Finish this game no matter what. And when it's done, we'll look to see if there was enough support to offset the cost of making it. It doesn't even have to be profit, it just needs to pay for itself. And if it did, then awesome, we'll make another game. If it didn't it will be our swan song.

I may be an optimist, but I think when we get done we'll be among the top 5 favs for a lot of people.

It's hard to say without seeing a proper scene, but Amanda looks better now. I had a hard time figuring her angle out originally.

And of course the new Monica might even be good to enough to keep.
I think the biggest contributor to Amanda's improvement (and I agree, she looks a lot better) is that we've spent time reading art books on facial expressions and body language. I feel like we finally nailed the feel of "sheepish nerdy girl". She hasn't had enough dialogue in previous version of the game to portray that, but I think the new renders speak to it amazingly well.

Really glad to see this operation up n running again, the game always had grwat potential. Best of luck
Well we're glad to be back and we hope to live up to that potential. Thank you for your support! It's much appreciated!
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Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Well you could just put all of the girls into full body armor and call it good. But then you would still probably run into some anal retentive living in their mothers basement loser over there or somewhere who'll complain that they are wearing the armors way to seductively and that you need to remove them NOW and we can also see the skin off their eyes and that is highly inappropriate fix it now or feel the wrath!!! No skin allowed!!!!


Active Member
Aug 7, 2017
Most definitely C!!!

I mean, B is absolutely gorgeous but she's been white washed a bit, and the black sisters deserve some loving to.

Penfold Mole

Engaged Member
Respected User
May 22, 2017
Don't know why. She just looks better, though I'm not a fan of large female muscles, she just looks extremely fit, like an olympic gymnast, not like a bodybuilder.
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What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Feb 17, 2018
Really, I didn't even think we needed to vote, "A" is clearly the most fun looking
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Dec 17, 2017

My opinion:
The choice for Monica depends on how old you want her to be/appear.

"B" has the 'older' looking body, "A" can cover a 'middle to mature-young' body, while "C" has the looks of a younger/-ish body.

From Oldest to youngest looking face, I would rank them as "A," "B," then "C."

Same as 'Face' above.

My preference would be the body of "A" with face/hair similar to "B." (Unless going for young look, then "C.")


Nov 11, 2017
B. Absolutely. If it's a choice, then C's body and B from the neck up, but fuck yes B. Honestly avoided her content because I really don't like the look of A.
4.40 star(s) 78 Votes