You have clearly given this a tremendous amount of thought my friend.

If the bad boy options turn into this it's going to make your game a lot smaller for lots of players as they're going to straight up avoid that route all together and instead just go with the goody two shoes route.
Because Fecal completely lacks a way with words, I feel we should clarify we are only talking about a single character's story arc, the wife. Basically the "bad boy" options for the wife will lead down a path of marital drama. We didn't write or establish Emily's character as the type of chick who's going to take shit and thank you. She's a tough broad, and if mistreated, she'll hit back where it hurts. Again, this is perfectly consistent with what we've previously demonstrated with the character both in the alpha and her bio. How she reacts to the "bad boy" options will be completely different than how every other character reacts to them.
Monica looks okay and as for NTR hell no! XD
@muttdoggy Seen you in here and thought i should suggest adding the interracial tag to the game since it has a black and Asian woman to bang!
Thank you for adding the tag!
We agree with the hell no on the NTR. Our drunk philosophical debate revolved around whether or not it was really NTR if A: the main character could 100% prevent his wife from sleeping around, B: If she's only sleeping around to get back at her husband for being a total abusive dick, and C: If you have the option strait away of kicking the shit out of the rodent in your bed.
What pissed us off personally and I think a lot of other players about Big Brother, was that this dick showed up and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it. You were completely powerless to stop him without jumping through a retarded number of hidden hoops. Here the path is not only clearly spelled out and avoidable, but should you trek through those woods, you get to break a dude's jaw no questions asked.
Last update 104 days ago …
Game developper omnipresent on the forum …
Less talk, more action would be better !
P.S : We want it because we love it, so no offense.
No offense at all! I mean you're a non-patron basically telling me to shut up and get back to work like I'm your goddamned slave. What about that could possibly be taken offensively?
I don't think that would count as netorare, but it would count as a good drama. However, drama isn't what people are here for - especially now that you've switched release models. If you were to do something like that, it should be at the end of the story, to avoid the BB effect where people were still mad at the first 5% of the game a year later.
We are only talking about single character, in her only scene in the alpha, Emily showed that she was no pushover. If the player bit, she bit back. So I don't think it would surprise anyone if she went off the reservation as an act of revenge.
But anyone who is playing our game and doesn't think it's heading for drama, hasn't been reading between the lines. Five of the seven romances land within the walls of the main character's home. And we've said time and again this whole thing is heading for the gates of hell. The climax is all about the fireworks! And the denouement is all about where the ashes have landed and where the character goes from there. But we also want to give players a path to navigate through that, which is why we clearly mark the roads along the way. We want to write a great story with a bunch of hot sex scenes. You can't have a great story without drama.