Unreal Engine Drifter Prince - Development / Discussion Thread

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Welcome back to another weekly report :)

Let me start by sharing some more concept art. The game will heavily rely on alien and monster girls, and I want them to look fresh and exciting. I would like to avoid a good ol' approach where you simply change skin color, add a couple of minor unordinary elements to the anatomy, and you have it - an alien!


This one won't be used in the game because 1) I feel it is kinda cartoony, and 2) I have even cooler character ideas I am working towards, so stay tuned (and follow me on ) :)


That out of the way, let us get back to the weekly report:
  • I wrote and translated to English some more dialogues.
  • I also wrote 6 more short (1 page) story comics.
  • Added a good chunk of story texts to the game engine.
  • Quickly made a small 3d location to use as a backdrop for dialogues.
  • I had to spend quite a bit of time searching for 2 artists. Trying to outsource to someone UI design and comic art. I think I have found the right people, but we'll see how it goes.
  • And last but not least, I did a lot of testing. Both in terms of existing mechanics, and in quality of story and texts in the game.
Okay, this is it for now :) Next week, I think I will be mostly busy fixing bugs and coding.
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We love to see you Smile....
Feb 2, 2018
Hmm, add more cloths to the character, characters customization is something everyone like, i'm not asking for morphs or shapes, only cloths !

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Sadly, that would be crazy expensive, because everything I have is custom made. Even if I went and picked up an existing model of an outfit, fitting it to the character, adjusting textures to work with my shaders... too much work.

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Damn, days are just flying by. Feels like the week has just started, aaaand it has ended. Managed to do a lot of totally unrelated from each other tasks :) For me, it is actually much harder to work on multiple absolutely different jobs, because it is practically impossible to get in the zone :/

Anyway, here's this week's work:
  • I wrote and translated 7 new missions for the world map.
  • Did additional research for VR control schematics. Got a better idea of how I will handle the VR version of the game.
  • Spent a lot of time looking for an artist to draw the world map background and a couple of icons. Found one, got job done :) And spent a lot of time searching for another artist to draw comics, still in progress.
  • Made documentation for 6 types of little puzzles for loot containers on levels.
  • I did a bit of coding for the world map mechanics with the help of a friend.
That's basically it :)

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Hey there! This weekly report is going to be very small because I worked only on two things. First, I wrote 10 new 1-pages comics/quests, and translated them to English. And I actually have a little teaser to show :)


That took most of my free time. Other than that, I did some UI work for the world map. Once I will be ready to show that you will see that this design is quite sophisticated and takes a lot of time to make, but I like where it is going :)
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Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Yo! I am going to change my schedule and post updates monthly instead of doing it every week. I feel I simply don't have enough interesting content to display that often.

Drifter Prince is all about quality and custom content, which takes a lot of time to make. For example, it takes around 3 weeks for my artist to create a character model from scratch. To rig it properly, I have to invest approximately 2-3 weeks in it, depending on how busy I am with other stuff.

Everything just takes time, and I am going for less frequent, but significantly more exciting updates, so stay tuned :)

And lastly to make this post worth your time, here's a treat - a lingerie set concept art :)



Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Corvo Bianco
Keep it up, the images you do post look good and the info is a decent read.
I really like how the lingerie looks different than most anything you will see on other 3d models.
Also Merry Christmas.

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Hey there! The December update is here. A bit early, but I wanted to make it before the Holidays :)

Let me start with the most exciting thing I would like to share. To put my skills to the test, I created a character trailer . I wanted to make sure I can make good enough animation, and that it looks fine in the game. This is not a render, but a realtime scene in the game.

F95 won't allow me to insert a , so here's the link to it.

And an image preview so you know what to expect:


Fun fact: source file size of the video was 22gb, and it took a while to upload it :)

This particular scene won't be in the game, it is just a test, but it gives you a hint about what to expect in the alpha version of the game, which is scheduled to release at the end of spring 2020 (or the beginning of summer).

Besides making the video, I was busy working on the story for chapter 2 - I was writing dialogues, comics, lore, etc. While it is a long way till the chapter 2, I am doing it now, because I am waiting for a character artist to make the 3d model for MC (main character), and I can't make sex scenes without him.

Talking about sex scenes, I've updated game design documentation for it because I finally have a solid idea of how it will work. It took me a while to figure it out, but now I am confident in the design. I also took my time to come up with ideas for the sex scenes, because I want to fully utilize sci-fi setting (first chapter is in cyberpunk-ish sci-fi setting) to make something unique. Should be fun :)

Okay, this is it for now. The next update will be at the end of January. See you soon!

PS. Please consider following the project on :)
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Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Firstly I like it and congrats on getting this far.


The panning camera edges of things are very jagged

Her eyelids look odd (yes there is makeup) but they seem extremely large which I assume is also reflection, and unsure if her eyes are open or still closed when she sits up, but it is pure white.

smoother shadows would be nice, by this I mean weird jaggy shadows kind of looks like her right breast (screen left) had surgery towards the very end.

The movement is a bit lacking in smooth animation, a bit jerky mainly the sitting up portion

I guess last thing is those are some skinny legs, unless it is the shadows hiding it.

I can't tell how many light sources are in this scene.

Lastly I am unsure if she is really a cat girl or not, if so, her ears seem plastic.
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Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Thanks, guys :)

I will definitely try to solve the issues if possible for new scenes that will go into the game.


New Member
Jan 10, 2018
This looks really good, I can't wait to see the alpha version of this game. Found this page looking for a REAL game (1st or 3rd person shooter type) that is also a H-game. The VG novel games are getting old
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Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Hey, the January report is here :)

Let's start with the juicy stuff. We are in the process of making two 3d models: our main character and the first monster girl. Those are very important to get right, so we are taking our time with this :) The sculpts are mostly ready, and the next step is the retopology to convert high-poly meshes into low-poly suitable for the game engine.

As usual, I don't want to share too much at this point, but I will give a sneak peek at what we are working on :)

This month I've (totally) finished with the technical documentation and the story for the first alpha, and I made some adjustments to it to better suit the comics, which will be the primary source of the game's narrative. I've hired someone to fix errors in my writing because, as an ESL person, there is a limit to my abilities to see the issues with the text.

And finally, we are making the story comics. Those are the core tool to tell the story. Fully colored comics proven to be way too expensive, so I've decided to stick to black & white design. They will also be faster to draw.

This is it for the time being, see you around! :)

P.S. Feel free to join me on . I am not very active there right now, but the closer we are to the alpha release, the more stuff I will be able to share.

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Hello again! The monthly report is here! A bit early, but I know I will be extremely busy for the rest of the month doing freelance work, so why not deal with the report now? :)

The most significant achievement of this month is I've got the MC model finished. It is a noteworthy milestone for the project. Before this, my main focus was on the documentation, story, levels, and other stuff, but from now on I can start working on the things we all are here for :D


At this point, I will share only a small snippet of the model. I will share more once I get the animation rig for the character finished. It will allow me to pose him and make an excellent presentation. I think the rig will be ready by the end of March.

Besides the MC, there are a few other things I can mention.
  • We have nearly all story comics ready for the first episode.
  • The game now has a localization system.
  • All existing levels were polished once more: I've added a lot of props, and I've worked on optimization. For instance, the city level now has 19 lightmap textures instead of 149.
  • We now have two interior scenes to use for sex scenes.
  • And lastly, I've made a set of animations for the first erotic scene :)

Okay, this is it for now. I feel like we are picking up the pace, so stay tuned!
See you next month!

Corvo Bianco

Aug 1, 2019
Hello again, everyone. March is about to end, and this is just another monthly report ;)

The whole month was dedicated to character production. I now have a fully established animation pipeline, and I am sure I can correctly export two animated characters from my 3d app and then import them to the engine. There was a number of nasty issues on the way, but everything is going smoothly at last :)

I now have a fully functional rig for the main character. I spent a big part of the month working on it, discovered a couple of new things on the way, and then implemented this knowledge to improve the rig for the first girl.

Below you can see a little snippet of a character you are to expect in the future. There is also an HD version on in case you want a better look, hehe.
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