Thirst Up(Date) / Preview
Hey folks.
Sorry for no news lately. IRL issues were taking a toll which resulted in limited productivity, among other aspects. Thankfully things are improving and we're ramping back up to proper daily productivity levels.
Jessie's on our standardized rig now, so no more time wasted on sculpting corrective shapes for every pose every time. Facial mocap compatibility and other neat features are in too, which'll save time and mental energy going forward
Right now we're going through the middle part animating secondary motions, adding variations. This part's intended as a gradual-ish build up from medium tempo action to something more fitting a proper Final Fantasy style bonking.
While at it it became quite obvious the climax part needed a rework. To keep up with an ever increasing tempo. Especially after playing some FFVIIR and noticing how mild our current climax part is, compared to how things usually go in this universe. Luckily no animation work was done for the part yet. Shit needs more oompf.
Here's some secondary animation examples being worked on right now. No pretty cloth simulations, facial animation or clipping fixes at this point. We've done pretty previews before, but an approach like that is generally a waste of time and a build up of simulations and animation layers for a single preview segment. Which will sit in there like a tower of layers and modifiers until everything else is finished. Extremely impractical and with Blender being Blender it will eat out on viewport performance even if everything is disabled.