I'm not defending him. I'm more trying to push you into do something you want other people to do. And giving up your name is not about fear, but about make yourself accountable. Once you make yourself accountable for accusations. Then you also make yourself open. What's the point in try edge other people into do something you don't want to do yourself?
Without even have an authorized accountant, you can't even run a business over here without get in deep shit. And if the accountant find things doesn't adds up they got a duty to report it further. Also wire transfers, paypal, it's still digital footprint of money. In reality, these days the only way to hand over money without leave a trace is to get money stuffed in your hand (through whatever means) that will never see the inside of an bank account, unless you want to start some process of launder them.
Also, you can't compare patreon with kickstarter. What GD does have is an incomplete game. All new Patreons he pick up get access to this game. That they likely have to look far, wide and long to see the end of it is another tale.
If you start a kickstarter project with the intent to just raise fund and scam the backers, that is a whole other story, they get nothing to show for what so ever. And the intent was all along to scam people, which is fraud. The more known to public of recent years, probably the couple that raised money for a homeless person through "Gofundme", now risking face up towards 4 years in prison. Due to such cases, gofundme been more prone to withheld funds when they suspect something fishy going on though.
Look at all the games around with abandoned tag on them, who's creators been on Patreon, or might still be and doing other games without complete previous ones. Shouldn't you go after them for fraud and scam as well? I'm sure you can build quite a hit list there.