VN Ren'Py Dual Family [v1.22.1ce] [Gumdrop Games]

2.10 star(s) 189 Votes


Active Member
Dec 5, 2017
I like Romantic way, way more..
(To many naughty games already on this site, really rare to find a "good" romantic one.)

But i also like frequent updates, kept promises and truth..:p
I will give this game another try by the end of the year, not before that(haven't touched the new update though)
I really don't mind that the progress with the chars is slow, i like that as a matter of fact.
Not like other games ("this is my mother, she is hot... I really would like to get close to her...... 24 Hours later "don't cum inside of me son")
I like it when there is a "normal" progression rate with chars but as i said before(many times) i would also like a normal progression rate with the Dev..

So i have a sort of Love/hate relationship with this game.
Love the game and the potential of what it could be when it's finished by 2021.
"Hate" the dev because he is obviously milking the shit out of this and has more lies then my Prime Minister.

But i really do believe that when(or if) this game is ever going to be finished, it's going to be amazing..
I only think that it's NoT going to be finished because Pledgers will catch on to his BS and by the time that he really is going to lose money he will rush the shit out of this game to start a new one.
i think if dev wanna a romantic game he should keep focus on mom son relationship,dont waste time on karen or sis...

King Monkey Mon

The Perverted King of The Harem Masters
May 16, 2017
Yup. Haven't played Man of the House in quite some time though.
judging on the point of where you stopped at theres now hints in the contacts theres cheats theres scenes pictures and videos to review the videos are for the new animation
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Active Member
Jun 23, 2017
theres now hints in the contacts
Thank god for that, I'll definitly try it out sometime.

But back on topic, I've to ask... did anyone even bother with puzzles ? Just the thought of trying to find CLUES to find them kinda makes me want to vomit. But if he included them, there HAS to be some people who like that stuff... right ? Lord have mercy on their souls


Jun 7, 2017
Thank god for that, I'll definitly try it out sometime.

But back on topic, I've to ask... did anyone even bother with puzzles ? Just the thought of trying to find CLUES to find them kinda makes me want to vomit. But if he included them, there HAS to be some people who like that stuff... right ? Lord have mercy on their souls
I look them up in between releases when I'm really bored, but some of it is also the completionist in me that wants to get rid of the uncleared stuff...
It's definitely not a "do it because I love it" but more of a "gotta get rid of this" mentality when I go through them :oops:.


Nov 21, 2017
For Mac I don't get it... Why not use Wine?

I have mac and windows. But Whenever I am on a mac and want to play renpy games I just use Wine:/


Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
i think the cousin made the mom and son fuck and they dont remember it but of course cock blocking kyle did what he does best and didnt show the whole night
Nope. If you have focused on the dialogue, she only did that to frame them up intentionally baiting Dad into hating Mom which she needed to get closer to Dad.
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Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Well, my opinion about the developer is known, so I do not comment on some posts. You can like stuff, but dislike the people behind it.

The new update:
That we got it stiill in March, if a bit incomplete (no pics, puzzles and I do not think the relationship bars function correctly) seems to be a result of the grumpiness of the audience. Gumdrop might have his paladins surpressing critics on discord, but it seems he recognised that he was pushing it too far.

Until now I only had time to play the new stuff for the Dad route. As usually, some very nice renders, some strange ones considering the PoV of them and lot of blueballing where the main characters are concerned.
I said it before that it is great that they do not jump each others bones by part 3 already, but the progress is overly slow as far as the main four (and the two most wanted routes D-D and M-S) are concerned.
I think he overdoes it a bit as how mentally fraked up most characters are. Even mentally fully stable persons can get into strange situations, if circumstances are "right".

On the Dad route Cousin Karen is really a case for herself. I do not know how it is on other paths, but over the run of the game I chose the "platonic helper" and Karen is the first to tell the MC in the face that he has the hots for his daughter. and it´s get better! Towards the end of the new content if you keep on trying to help her, she tells you that the reason for the big fight with the Mom at the beginning of the new stuff was partly faciliated by Karen.
But the MC was not the one who should have seen it, that was an accident, the Daughter was the one it was for! Unspoken is that Karen wanted to push her closer to her Dad by straining her relationship with Mom and Bro.

More later on


May 8, 2017
I'm almost satisfied with this update, there was a decent amount of content added (the least you could expect since it took so long) and finally there was a little bit of action going on (again, the minimum amount to justify the label "adult game") even if it was a little weird, it still has all its flaws, in the son route there where many awkward angles that just looked like a good way to waste time rendering, too many dark images, character still too depressed and depressing, pace too slow.. but all in all after this one I'm a little more hopeful for future updates.


I trolled so N7 could soar.
Staff member
Jul 19, 2017
Added Mac to OP.

now to lurk thread to see who I can catch slippin' and hit with that banhammer
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Active Member
Oct 27, 2017
What everyone should note about this update is the escalation of the psychological impact of the separation and the general outline of the story. What makes Dual Family distinctive to any other adult games out there is how it realistically approaches the scenario of a broken family on a brink of incest. Spoilers ahead.

  • Karen already confirms the death of her friend, the girl on the balcony who committed suicide by some other means. Meaning, a bittersweet or perhaps a full depressive ending that ends with murder or perhaps suicide if not complete breakdown is not only possible but probably is where the story is aiming at. (Although the most depressive scenario is Kyle abandons the game.)

  • It's the first time Dad showed pathological, psychopathic manifestations previously known only to Son. Funny as it was, it's surprising he lays blame on Mom and not to his Son.

  • It's also the third time Son showed his abrasive...potentially abusing behavior. If the intended story is followed. He first almost killed Isaac, rapes his Aunt and chokes Maddy. This maybe the result of his aggressive Oedipus Complex but it worries me that if his relationship with Mom escalates. He might end up hurting her at some point. Remember, he's already invasive concerning her private space and pairing with his psychopathic skeleton friend manifestation, he's slowly rolling into a sweet, loving violent psychopath.

What's new to the story is Karen's scheming to acquire Dad's attention even to the point of framing Mom & Son. Damn it Karen, you missed the opportunity on Son squeezing Mom's instead of putting his arm around her. Jesus. Story-wise, Karen and Aunt scenes have far greater story potential than the boring melodrama the Dual Family (that's right, their surnames are "Dual") offers.

But at least we didn't get to see that stupid fucking skeleton, right?


Aug 13, 2017
This update showcases the best about GumDrop, and the worst about GumDrop. I’m only going to talk about the Son storyline to make more focused points.

The continuation of the previous night scene with Mom was brilliant. There was a lot of great dialogue, and character growth. All these negative the Mother has been putting out are finally paying off by having us be the catalyst to bring her out of that corner. This scene was so great, I wasn’t even mad when Mom left initially because there was a lot of progress made, and then the phone went off. I was hooked... I thought to myself “Oh man! Mom just sent me a text message, and we’ll probably start confessing more, or she’ll ask me if I want her to come back, or ask me to come to her!”.

But what happens?... It’s your cousin. Here lies this updates biggest problem. The cock teasing is OFF THE CHARTS. I’m gonna be brutally honest here. I couldn’t care less about this character. I always believed these characters were just canon fodder, and that couldn’t be more evident in this scene. It makes all the worse when I want nothing to do with this character, but it’s force upon me to cock block me even further. Mom ends up coming back, but my character is so busy fucking trying to hide the fact he has this bitch in his bed that instead of ending that night scene with a nice punctuation... it ends with a loud wet fart.

The update never really recovers after this, until Mom comes back in the picture during the ending dinner scene. What I’m trying to say is... please keep the Aunt/Cousin characters in the Dad arc. The cousin, and Aunt seem to be more interested in him, so keep them there. Keep the Mom, and Son separated from all this other crap, and let them grow. There were so many great scenes squandered, to hamfist these characters into the narrative.
2.10 star(s) 189 Votes