Once again I've decided to post about this update, so sorry/not sorry to interrupt your regularly scheduled shitposting by actually talking about this game for anyone that cares. Like I've said before I think the only routes that mean anything are father-daughter, uncle-niece/Karen, and mother son. On the side of the father I figured out that the main split seems to be deciding to stay with Karen after you take her to her place or to head back home. Regardless of what you choose you eventually get to another choice about the dream sequence. If you choose not to confront the dream daughter says she guesses your not ready to face the truth and you wake up either in your bed at home or in Karen's bed at her place. If you go through with the dream sequence the pity door finally leads to the dream daughter shit talking Karen and her and Karen's mom getting ready to beat the shit out of dream Karen unless you chose to help Karen and stayed with her.
On the mother-son side like someone said earlier that this path's dream sequence has reached the end as well. And especially the mother-son route it seems like if you try to act like you dare to actually want incest in this incest game it's a bad terrible thing that only leads to misery, pain and death. Although this time I got both the father-daughter and uncle-niece routes one notch away from being able to upgrade to the romance path if that still means anything so maybe if the game ever advance enough to move toward that we will see less of the characters self-flagellating over how incest is wrong and they are evil, horrible pieces of crap for thinking like that. This is seems to be a problem adult games with slow burn stories, especially ones about taboo shit like incest, have where if you move too fast you ruin your chance with your target but this game in particular seems to want to beat you over the head about it.
Plus slow burn is a good excuse to drag out milking the game for as long as possible. Even if this dream shit is finally over it wouldn't surprise me if the next few updates are part of a painfully slow path to the dance that is supposed to be the end of Act 1. Anything like getting to Act 2(as opposed to the current Part II drug trip) and beyond will be a astonishing if they happen anytime in the next couple of years.