This game had potential, but it's become a bit of a mess and I really don't like where it seems to be going -I'm getting a kind of Big Brother vibe from it- which for me is not a good thing. I liked the character models of Big Brother, but detested the story and most of the characters (including the PC) so I ditched it long ago (there were more negatives than positives, so not enjoyable for me).
The things that I like(d) about this game were :
- the concept
- the daughters character model (the cousins model isn't too bad either)
Things I don't like :
- The mums face (I guess the aunts too to a lesser degree) and navel.
- The mums personality (or lack thereof). She just seems hard/cold. Lacking any real emotion/affection. Generally a bitch for no reason other than to be a bitch.
- The mum and daughters facial expressions. Mainly that they seem to be brooding at least 90% of the time
- The sons attitude. It just feels a bit excessive.
- The aunt feels like a madam/pimp. She gives me the impression that she's been whoring her daughter out (which is why the cousin is so broken) and has similar intentions for the daughter and mother. I find the idea of whoring out family (even in a fantasy setting) unpleasant (which is one of the reasons I ditched "Big Brother" long ago)
- The story. It's choppy without any real flow (especially in the sons route where there's a massive hole that is shopping with mom). The direction it seems to be heading in (evil madam/pimp aunt, severely broken cousin, etc.)
Overall (for me) there are far too many negatives with no real positives, so this will be joining Big Brother in the discarded pile.