Good evening!
I have played the first 2 days more or less right when they got released but I haven't continued since then.
But today I decided to return to this marvelous game and I replayed the fitst dwo days while downloading the 2nd chapter with day 3 and 4. But now I can not transfer the saves. It says that there is no complete save after the final day 2 decision.
could someone help me.
Edit: I do have actually a working save file but it is from when I first played days 2&1 and I don't know if I had changed (probably have) some of the decisions. And my replay from today cannot be loaded...why?
If you are still having trouble, are you sure that you saved it at the right spot? It always tells you where to save if you are unsure.
If you did, try going back in and saving again.
If that still doesn't work, try manually moving the save from Day 2 to Day 4 if you haven't already.
If all that fails, try deleting the persistent file in both (make a backup first, just in case) in both the Day 4's save folder, and the Renpy folder in your Roaming folder.
If you do not know how to get to your Roaming folder, just type "%AppData% into the cortana search bar or "RUN" window. From there, navigate to Renpy, and then Ecchi Sensei.
Renpy keeps all of your saves from all games in that folder as a back-up, and to make moving from versions easier. It's how each day in Ecchi Sensei knows where your save file was.
If all else fails, you can always wait a week or 2 until the full first week release. Though you should probably use a fresh save for that unless they say we don't need to. But considering how much they are changing, it's probably a good idea.