It sort-of but I would still play it.i only played week1, does the lewdmas contain spoilers?
Sorry, I don't use Mac, however there is an alternative fix here.I give up, man. I'v'e got the lightly compressed version. Read every single post regarding the Mac terminal fix and tried it a thousand times. I'm basically illiterate with computers. Can I download the heavy compressed or the OG version for it to work on Mac?
Nois there a dark mind patch for this years lewdmas special
And none is there a dark mind patch for this years lewdmas special
Thanks for the report, I'll see if it can be fixed for the next main releaseAn annoying note on the penis name, the default is capitalized for each word (e.g. Long John or whatev it is) but making a custom one doesn't allow that. So even if you typed out the default one, it comes out as Long john.
Is it a new Lewdmas special? I only see one download for lewdmas and the main download of the OP looks to be Days 8-11.Only play the lewdmas special if you don't mind the use of drugs to make people horny, just sayin'
that's the new oneIs it a new Lewdmas special? I only see one download for lewdmas and the main download of the OP looks to be Days 8-11.
Halloween Special and Lewdmas/Lewdyear 2018 seems missing from the Halloween special included in the fapoween special? or are both the same?
It also includes days 8 and 9, despite the slightly misleading filename.DL for 'Day 8-11' only contains 10+11 as well, judging from file name.
Ah, thanks for the correction! Any idea if an uncompressed D10+11 or combined D8to11 has been released?It also includes days 8 and 9, despite the slightly misleading filename.
The links are uncompressed to my knowledge, the compressed is posted separately in another line and it's ~600Mb. It might seem odd that the inclusive 8-11 is just slightly bigger than days 8-9 but it's the uncompressed one.Ah, thanks for the correction! Any idea if an uncompressed D10+11 or combined D8to11 has been released?
D8+9 had an 'uncompressed' version released by Bluecat at 4.5GB vs its final 1.35GB v1.0 release.The links are uncompressed to my knowledge, the compressed is posted separately in another line and it's ~600Mb.
Ah, fair enough. Then no, I'm not aware if such a version exists.D8+9 had an 'uncompressed' version released by Bluecat at 4.5GB vs its final 1.35GB v1.0 release.