
New Member
Aug 17, 2017
Upload that earlier save, I'll check on my end.
However, if something got broken because of version switching, it's most likely not fixable.
Ok, try my first idea - removing checks.
Awesome, that did the trick, loaded up no problem. Thanks a bunch


New Member
Nov 8, 2020
Hi,is there any sex scene aside himiko's?iv played l lot now and its a great game but iv seen only 3 or 4 scene and only with himiko


Mar 7, 2019
Hi,is there any sex scene aside himiko's?iv played l lot now and its a great game but iv seen only 3 or 4 scene and only with himiko
There are quite a few actually, as you progress and recruit more characters and grew closer to them, you will be rewarded with scenes. So just keep at it :)


Mar 25, 2022
I brought this game on special on JAST USA years ago but never played, came here and read on page 1 that there are differences in JAST USA compared to Fan Translation. Does the JASTUSA 1.4 PATCH add everything that is listed as missing from the Fan Translation?

Inept Monkey

Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2017
I brought this game on special on JAST USA years ago but never played, came here and read on page 1 that there are differences in JAST USA compared to Fan Translation. Does the JASTUSA 1.4 PATCH add everything that is listed as missing from the Fan Translation?
No, the JAST translation has less content than the fan translation. The JAST translation is the original Eroge-VN. The fan translation is the original Eroge-VN + scenes that are available in the pg-13 version of the game that was distributed on playstation.


Mar 25, 2022
No, the JAST translation has less content than the fan translation. The JAST translation is the original Eroge-VN. The fan translation is the original Eroge-VN + scenes that are available in the pg-13 version of the game that was distributed on playstation.
Thanks for the help, Yeah I read that in the Version Differences in the OP, but it also said "It's likely that someone will make a patch for the JAST USA version with this content" Then I saw in the downloads it has something called JASTUSA 1.4 PATCH was wondering what that was and if that added the content from Fan Translation.


Jan 16, 2019
There is a handful of people which have experience with ES engine (including me) and if they didn't make a patch yet, it realistically won't happen at this point.
Specifically, I didn't do it because it's a serious amount of work and at the time of Jast release nobody provided any convincing evidences that Jast translation is substantially better than ps3 +Surferdude"s one.


Mar 25, 2022
There is a handful of people which have experience with ES engine (including me) and if they didn't make a patch yet, it realistically won't happen at this point.
Specifically, I didn't do it because it's a serious amount of work and at the time of Jast release nobody provided any convincing evidences that Jast translation is substantially better than ps3 +Surferdude"s one.
Yeah makes sense no point putting work into something that already exists. What is the JASTUSA 1.4 PATCH then? What does that change?
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Jan 16, 2019
Yeah makes since no point putting work into something that already exists. What is the JASTUSA 1.4 PATCH then? What does that change?
It's the latest official patch for the JAST version of the game. Patch's readme doesn't have a changelog (nor the JAST's patches download page) so I can't tell what has been changed (probably some minor translation fixes). I think 1.01 fixed some real bugs, but that was a long time ago, I might remember it wrong.
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Jul 20, 2018
Ok... Soooo.... I'm confused about something. I've seen people here mention a "post-end-game", and there also seems to be a special dungeons that's meant to be fought after beating the final boss or some such...

However, I beat the game, got the True Ending, credits rolled, got sent to the main menu... How do you enter this supposed post-game mode or whatever where you can finish any unfinished side-quests and maybe try out that super-dungeon of whatever? Did I miss something? Given that a number of side-quests and stuffed open up while you're in the middle of war with Nyarla, it's kind of inconvenient to try and follow up on them when the enemy is getting stronger every turn and counter-attacking now and then on top of that.... which obviously limits how many troops you can use for Missions even IF you want to use all 4 action points for them.

So ugh... Dunno what to think.


Sep 10, 2022
Uh, ähm, ... I did replay the game recently but stopped just before the end, so my memory of the end is old ... but I am still pretty sure that there is NOT some post-end game.
Maybe people were once again discussing that other game (GOLD) in this topic here - there is one of those towers/dungeons where you can fight against enemy versions of your teammates (and yourself, too, iirc.), and which serves no real purpose, storywise or such.

Nah, I think you will need to load a save and do the sidemissions while you still can. or not, if you do not feel like *shrug*.
(that enemy getting stronger per turn should not really matter much)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
Well, I finished as much of this thing's content as I'm willing to see. I 100% opened up every CG and every scene in the gallery, as such, while there are more Missions that can be done for various reasons, I'm not particularly motivated in doing them.

Before I start on my usual "I finished the game so Imma jabber about it" rant, I have to say that I'm 80% NOT the target audience for this thing. The harem genre where the MC basically has no personality beyond "nice guy that wants to do good things for everyone and everything" and where there are literally NO other named male characters and where every girl falls on his dick for barely any reason at all, and of course all of them are virgins and for the most part pretty innocent... It's just kind of pathetic. On top of all that, this isn't really and H-game. It's a mixture of VN and Game with Hentai tacked on... but even if you remove all the Hentai or replace it with something else, it doesn't really change anything even on a narrative level.

Because of that, I'll likely be harsher about some things than this game deserves, simply because I personally dislike some things that are likely the driving factor for why some people choose it in the first place.

That said, I will praise the fact that the writer(s?) for this game actually gave some reasons for some of the things that happen in the setting, including why the MC is the way her is and a number of other things. So for all that this setting looks like the Fate Universe on crack in some aspects... it's actually more internally consistent than that particular mess. As such, the thing at least tries to be internally consistent, which is more than I can say of plenty of other settings, especially ones with hentai involved. About the only thing that remains nonsensical is the amount of bitches that want to trip and fall on MC's dick for no real good reason... but you can't have everything.

Speaking of bitches, let's talk about the H-content here... if only because there's not that much to say about it. The vast majority of it is pure vanilla and involves various girls losing their virginity for any number of convoluted reasons. Usually wanting to reward the MC for something or another. Pretty much all of the time, it's the girls that essentially initiate and the MC goes along with it. There's nothing really special in any of them, for all that they try to make it seem that way with some of them. Oh, and there's a random tentacle scene too, it's still the MC transformed into a tentacle monster. Also, hilariously, there's also exactly one tit-fuck in the entire game, I suppose partly because the majority of the girls that could give tit-fucks don't get sex scenes or just get one at best. It's the petite girls that get the most, so no double tit-jobs in this VN.

Hell, there's barely any threesomes, and generally only with girls that are associated with one another already... So if you think this ever feels like an actual harem? Hahahahaha. No. That doesn't happen. There's no real harem ending or anything.

This is, in a way, related to the VN's primary major issue... For all that it's a game and it presents certain choices... it's really more of an illusion of choice than anything else. What I mean by that is that actions don't influence other actions much, if at all. You don't have a true sandbox to operate out of and you're not given very solid reasons for it outside of "the plot demands it" or "event happens to force you to do things like this". Even when you do have choices, they don't really matter much because the game doesn't properly acknowledge them. Even character side-missions and affections are entirely locked by main story progression.

To give a concrete example. You eventually get the choice to invade Russia. Now, Russia's difficult to invade and beat, but you can do it at some point or another depending on how hard you try, and more importantly, you can do it before fighting in Europe at all. Does the game acknowledge this and allow you to invade through Russia? Pft. Nope. No can do fam. Same with Macedonia... and there's really a long list of things like this, where, if you do things "out of order" so to speak, you only get an item of questionable value, some assorted heroines, but rarely any strategic advantage.

On top of that, the game doesn't even acknowledge the fact that you took those characters in a different order in any real way... or acknowledge your faction's strength properly... so on and so forth. Seriously, you take over most of the world before facing the EU, having them surrounded from most sides, and the fucks act the same as always even though they're all but literally surrounded? Seriously?

Basically, in many ways, there's more of an illusion of choice than actual choice.

This extends to the gameplay too. You don't really have any real choice in terms of what units you get. The vast majority of them are obtained by taking over countries, wherein the defeated heroes will join your faction without issue or objection just because. They don't try all that hard to justify it tbh. There's no recruiting or anything. Items are gate-kept by your progress too, as you can't craft or grind even the most basic +1 stat items, so you'll pretty much always have more item slots than items in a 1st playthrough. Skills for your heroes (and item slots) depend on optional missions, which, you guessed it, depend on story progress...

Ultimately, this works out because the gameplay is actually very simplistic, and it's almost entirely influenced by numbers. If you can get those numbers high enough, even things like Type Advantage don't matter at all... Not to mention that type advantage is actually a very deceptive mechanic from the start. That is to say, if you can't wipe the entirety of the enemy fast enough, you'll just feed them Brave, and later in the game, this means they'll be able to use their Hero Skills easily and wreck your shit with them. Hell, sometimes, it's more convenient to bait them with stuff that the enemy has an advantage on (Like Rasputin) and have them feed YOU Brave while generating none of their own, and then YOU can wipe them with your uber skills while they can only cry in a corner. Also special shoutout to Michellangelo and her ability to leave Nyarla as an impotent tentacle monster that just cries on the side of the screen because no Brave for her.

On top of everything else, the game gives you PLENTY of opportunities to grind gold, and thus troops if you really want too. And later, you can use those items that increase victory rewards to grind HP for your Ancient Heroes too if you want too. I dunno what the harder difficulties do... but unless they make the AI significantly stronger and buff base stats too and not just troop/HP numbers, there's no particular reason why you can't roll over those too with enough grinding once you beat some initial hurdles.

I dunno... it's just... the game is very simple. Or maybe it feels like it to me as a veteran of Venus Blood games where dicking around on higher difficulties just gets you pain and where you can't do silly things like retry a fight over and over so crits work in your favor or something dumb like that. At least, not without an uncomfortable amount of save-scumming anyway. Here, every battle has a nifty retry button, so you can try the same battle in as many permutations as you can manage until you get the best possible result. Plus, there's not much real variety in terms of skills, combinations of skills and stuff like that. So there's plenty of units that feel "just like this other unit, but much worse". (Shoutout to Teach, Cook and Napoleon in particular for this category. Napoleon in particular. Who the fuck thought it'd be a good idea to put a skill that buffs units BEHIND a cannon unit? No. Seriously. Which dev was drugged when they came with that idea? On top of her crappy stats and her crappy skills...)

It's very rare that it matters THAT much which specific heroes you bring vs their unit typing, their stats and most important of all, how many troops they have. Need swords? Most sword heroes will do more or less the same thing. Need blunt? Same stuff. Need guns? You're probably gonna use Nobu the most anyway because she has the best spread of stats and skills (Columbus is slow as fuck, Billy has the shortest range, so while they're not BAD, they're not better than Nobunaga, the very 1st gun unit you get...) It's also very rare to get really unique skills on anyone. (Most of them are just variations of "hurt the enemy")

Shout out to Qin and her summon Terracota Warriors skills. That's pretty unique and has some interesting uses at times from an otherwise mediocre hero.

Oh, and debuffs are garbage 90% of the time. That's worth noting too. Same with buffs. About the only exception would likely be speed debuffs, because they get you more turns and whatnot.... Though even then, you'll likely only use them whenever you're using Galahad and her ice sword, plus her slow skill to remove 3 speed off of anything you don't kill faster.

Eh, it's not worth thinking about too much.

Now... this would be where I'd rant about the story under a big spoiler and whatnot... but... uh... I dunno if it's worth it. As I said before, I'll give them points for making it internally consistent when it comes to big things, but it's still way to linear and it's still way too easy to get the "true ending" or whatever it's supposed to be. I also assume that the Normal ending, whatever that is, actually gets undone by Nyarla and that's how you NG+ into the True Ending.

Meh, I can rant more about the story in a different post if I feel like it for some reason...


Sep 10, 2022
and thank you. For - at least on this particular forum - I mostly feel as "the only one" who'd argue that the no-sex Playstation-3 version of this game is actually better.

To me the sex scenes are mostly "meh". The writer (tmu. the same one as for Rance) is obviously very capable with establishing funny, silly, cute characters galore, and the sex scenes for me just do not tie in well. (not even speaking of the pedo content)
For example Jeanne d'Arc's last scene - the adult one is just another "virgin,-of-course" sex scene, this time in a church. The PS3 replacement scene is ... actually moving, it adds to the character, A LOT. Whoever did not like her until then definitely should then.

There'd be more to say about your "rant", (here I'd agree, there definitely not :-D ), but tonight I had a little too much of red wine, so ...

curious - did you play fan-translation, hard-mode?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2018
and thank you. For - at least on this particular forum - I mostly feel as "the only one" who'd argue that the no-sex Playstation-3 version of this game is actually better.

To me the sex scenes are mostly "meh". The writer (tmu. the same one as for Rance) is obviously very capable with establishing funny, silly, cute characters galore, and the sex scenes for me just do not tie in well. (not even speaking of the pedo content)
For example Jeanne d'Arc's last scene - the adult one is just another "virgin,-of-course" sex scene, this time in a church. The PS3 replacement scene is ... actually moving, it adds to the character, A LOT. Whoever did not like her until then definitely should then.

There'd be more to say about your "rant", (here I'd agree, there definitely not :-D ), but tonight I had a little too much of red wine, so ...

curious - did you play fan-translation, hard-mode?
You might be right about the no-sex version being better-ish. Maybe. Doesn't really change my main "beefs" with the game in terms of writing, but that's more of a "this genre isn't particularly compatible with me" sort of issue more than anything else. That doesn't necessarily make it bad... though it looks like it to me because it limits some of the details on the girls' personalities, as little of them as they have anyway. There being SO MANY girls also means that the amount of effort put into each one is not particularly great either.

Character bloat is absolutely a problem that this game has...

Just compare the amount of set-up, story and content that say, Nobunaga, Arthur and Seimei get to, I dunno, Caesar, who shows up super late in the game and barely gets any development and no real explanation as to why the new big tiddy blonde is all over the MC.

In any case, I played the Fan Translation, and finished it on Normal Mode, though I did dive into Hard for a while, primarily to see what the difference is from Normal... and... Y'know what it is? Hard Mode has 50% more troops/HP than Normal, and as far as I can tell, no other difference. No changes to base stats. No changes to army compositions. No changes to skills. Nothing. Unless those pop up much later in the game or something... I dunno, didn't mess with it for THAT long.

The thing is, as long as you can unify Japan, then everything after that point doesn't matter THAT much, because it'll be same-old same-old as on Normal, but with more troops and thus 50+% more grind. The same tactics that worked on Normal will work on Hard, with the only exception being that you'll probably need to cap all of your units to have an easy time, and then spam to get bandit missions so you can get Victory rewards to keep building over the 9999 unit cap, and of course farming bandits themselves will be harder because they start with higher unit counts... but it's not impossible if you're careful.

I compare this with Venus Blood, because Venus Blood changes... just about everything once you go over normal. Formations. Stats. Skills. AI behavior... Everything changes and becomes harder, so the exact same tactics do NOT work in higher difficulties and it's not just a matter of piling the numbers higher...

Of course, Venus Blood also has proper NG+ and other stuff, so it can afford to make things crazier in all aspects, but this game doesn't even really try. Higher difficulties only seem more tedious in this game, rather than more challenging. Unless of course you impose turn limits on yourself or some such....

On a different note, I'm not surprise to see a mention that Nightmare breaks the game. Russia with ~18k to ~21k Troops and then similar if not higher numbers in other fights means that you have to grind like mad to comfortably win. Well, that and/or do a metric tons of lower difficulty runs to acquire multiple copies of the stronger items out there to make at least some things easier... but it all comes down to pure grind for the most part anyway...
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