One last thing I should note:
Anyone find it ironic it has an "Very easy" difficulty setting? And yet for most this has an ball-bustingly difficult set of segments that require split reaction time decision making regardless of what difficulty you're on?
This thing didn't even have adaptive difficulty, which is a mainstay of any game. Adaptive difficulty is there to make sure if a player is actually suffering they get an crutch for an few retries and if they are doing extremely well reward them with an increase in difficulty.
For this game that could be as simple as removing some crystal triggers, autosolving puzzles if you've been stuck on them for an good hour, removing certain enemies (a couple here you wouldn't realize are missing per se.)
It doesn't even have enemy CG... The only thing to look forward to were the bosses due to the checkpoints.
Oh and the human enemies with shields? Good concept, terrible execution. : The shields themselves are like an single pixel line, so lining your shots is extremely hard with their legs or heads. One has an straight up tower shield so he's guaranteed to hit you if you don't have enough MP, oh and he turns around fast. And if it wasn't annoying enough to have these enemies have an huge spawn leniancy (They spawn from really far away then just gang up on you, way offscreen up to 2 in a half extra screens) in which they gang up on you: Halfway into their home turf they can shoot back at you, and even have hyper versions of their archers who have no cool down for using special arrows:
doesn't that just sound fun? To be shot at for 5 minutes straight by enemies offscreen? Well, if you're a sucker for pain and agony and frustration: it must feel fantastic!
Honestly, I'm being harsh on this game cause it's a new title... And I'm more saying this out of passion for the dev to do better down the line... The concept of aiming and arching your shots is neat; I just don't think it was a good idea to center an entire game around that gimmick... like: at all... Gimmicks are usually bad game design coughSkywardSwordcoughcough. And in almost all cases if the gimmick isn't enjoyable coughcoughSkywardSwordcoughcough (Sorry, must have something in my throat) it should be avoided being used all the time coughcoughSkywardSwordSuckscoughcoughcough... Speakin' from personal experience, you could say.
(lodged 24+ hours into skyward sword ; fighting the controls all the way down while doing so. I know what makes an bad mechanic cause I personally experienced it firsthand.)