
Jun 6, 2017
Just started the game, very interesting. I love story-focused games like this. The girls are hot. I am already facing a conundrum with the elf archer you meet in the forest. I don't approve of her actions at all but at the same time, my character is an elf so I have to consider his perspective.


Jul 14, 2021

Hey everyone,

initially I wanted to keep this (monthly+?!) progress update fairly short, but somehow it turned into an essay, so I will first give a brief update on how work is progressing for those who are short on time/patience and then delve into a little ART TALK for anyone who might want to read me ramble on about art - and then we'll end things off with a little art preview.

Lately, I've mostly been drawing - with the script outline completed, I can thankfully draw plenty of scenes without worrying that I won't find use for the artwork. That being said, the script outline also suggests that there is an alarming amount of art I have to make for the next episode and with my state exams approaching in January, I can say now with confidence that the next episode will not come out before February 2023. I'm going to jump back on a regular schedule of posting progress updates from now on - they won't always be walls of text this long, but at least something to show a little life. That said, weekly updates might be too frantic for me now, so we'll start with bi-weekly at least until my exams are done.

On another note, since I will not be delivering the next episode before Christmas, I will at least leave a small present for Patrons in the form of an art sneak peek of the next episode (similar to the preview below). I am not sure how many pieces exactly, but something between 5-10 artworks that range from sketches to completed pieces sounds like a good number. And on the topic of Patron stuff, I will post the Sunny vs. Anasteya content poll either around next progress update or in the first week of 2023. Based on the preliminary poll held in Discord, it does not look good for Sunny - but that might be a good thing since she does seem to have twice the scenes in the next episode.

Now, onto the topic of ART...

In the past, I've often talked about trying to find the right workflow/drawing process that lets me draw efficiently without sacrificing the quality of the art. Sadly, it can be challenging to find the right direction (especially for self-taught artists) because figuring out the right workflow is basically figuring out how to draw something. You may have a few artists whose work inspires you, but unless they consistently show videos of their drawing processes, finished artwork is essentially like staring at an already built house while trying to figure out how to build one yourself.

While this is fundamentally something that beginners tackle the most, it gradually transitions from blindly following in the footsteps of a much better artist into the pursuit of finding your own artistic voice - an art style. I personally see art style as the outcome of a certain workflow/drawing process (and the artist's own drawing skills; the ability to execute the drawing process). I don't mean to get overly technical about this - the reason why I bring it up is because I've spent a very long time trying to find a workflow that would suit my needs (and drawing skill). As a result, the art style would more often than not be very inconsistent because I always arrived at the result with slightly different methods.

But as time goes on, I think I am finally reaching a point where my workflow is becoming very reliable - and also fairly flexible. There might still be some inconsistencies in both style and quality - either because the scene is not too important and so I spent less time on it or simply because I'm still a little shit and couldn't figure out how to draw it better.

Anyhow, those are just some unsorted thoughts of mine. Here's a snippet of what I mean with "workflow" - or at least a portion of it.
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The reason why I say "a portion" is because this first line art was preceded by a number of sketches, especially for the face; usually I have to sketch the face 10-20 times before I am at least somewhat happy with the result. It is not as time-consuming as it sounds, just a little tedious - and getting used to that tedium is just a part of "trusting the workflow". There's no reason to be frustrated if I can't sketch the face correctly the first time because I know I have to do it 10-20 times with incremental improvement. That being said, being able to perfectly nail the facial appearance of a character between scenes is still beyond me at this point.
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After the line art, I block in the shapes - the colors here are arbitrary, just separating individual layers (skin/clothing/hair). I usually put the head on a separate layer so I have an easier time shading the outlines of the face.
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And here are the real colors - sometimes I make the mistake of starting either too dark or too bright, but it's difficult for me to spot early on, which is why I tend to at least roughly figure out the background before painting the subject so I can see if the colors of one are harmonious with the colors of the other.
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Then, fine-tuning the colors, blending them together and of course, painting the face. I would say that the piece is close to finished as it is, but I plan to make more adjustments another time with "fresh eyes", such as improving the face/feet a little + removing overlapping lineart and such. As you may have noticed, I am playing around with ideas for making elven ears a little more "expressive", but we'll see if I decide to keep that...

Sunny's boobs are looking pretty large (and they definitely are for her frame), but I think it looks exaggerated because I wanted her to be leaning forward slightly and the cloth is clinging too tightly to her body under her breasts to properly convey that - something to try and fix later on as well. Then again, anyone who's played Elvensang knows that small breasts are a rarity among named characters, so maybe I should just own it and stop making excuses...

On average, the entire process from start to finish can take anywhere between 4-8 hours at this point. With recent works, it actually tends to be backgrounds that slow me down the most, but it depends on how complex it is. A top-down picture of someone laying in a bed is understandably much easier than a picture of someone standing in the middle of a village.

It might sound pretty straightforward when I lay it out step-by-step, but there's a lot of trial and error even with a "reliable workflow".

On another note, I imagine you've noticed the recent advent of AI generated images. While I am excited by the prospect of using AI for neat background images, I will admit that I have no intention to use it for characters - though it would provide very appealing results, using AI to spruce up images I've drawn feels like a terrible crutch that would suddenly make it unnecessary to get better. However, AI generated images do work great for artistic inspiration, and after running a few experiments, I did get a few ideas on how to make existing art more appealing with surprisingly easy steps.

But anyway, that's enough of rambling about art! Let me know what you think about the plans for the near future, i.e. the patron art preview and the Sunny vs. Anasteya content poll after. I think in the next progress log we could discuss some options for the scenes in the poll; bear in mind that these will always be just lore-friendly scenes that share a bit of insight into the character + extra unique artwork.

And that's it for now! Another post as well as the patron art preview will be coming before Christmas.

Love you all,



Apr 26, 2021
OK, idk if I missed the explanation for this, but how Trisha and her bodyguard managed to not only find the elves' house, but did so by not triggering any alarms on the way? Mind you, there were precautions because they were leaving Sunny alone and Trisha showed up completely unannounced.

It puts in perspective if there will be consequences for not being in good terms with Trisha, because it's kinda scary that she not only found your house but managed to do so quite easily. I don't think she is like Amaya who can straight up murder you if she wants, but Trisha is resourceful and probably can find a lot of ways to fuck with your life.


Game Developer
Dec 30, 2018
OK, idk if I missed the explanation for this, but how Trisha and her bodyguard managed to not only find the elves' house, but did so by not triggering any alarms on the way? Mind you, there were precautions because they were leaving Sunny alone and Trisha showed up completely unannounced.

It puts in perspective if there will be consequences for not being in good terms with Trisha, because it's kinda scary that she not only found your house but managed to do so quite easily. I don't think she is like Amaya who can straight up murder you if she wants, but Trisha is resourceful and probably can find a lot of ways to fuck with your life.
In the prologue, the MC's home is treated as being far away from Briarstead (like several hours) and most villagers wouldn't know where they live as a result. The problem with that was that the elves were so distant from Briarstead they wouldn't need to care about what's happening with the village - in fact, Briarstead could burn to the ground and they likely wouldn't even know for weeks after. On top of that, there's the issue of having to travel for hours for casual visits of their human friends and so on...

For those reasons I retconned the location of the home to being fairly close to Briarstead in later episodes - I imagine it'd be like a 15-30 minute walking distance at most, so most people in Briarstead likely have a vague idea of where the elven family lives.

And on the topic of traps, a forest path connects to the main road to Briarstead and that one would be free of any "noisemakers". The logic is that anyone with nefarious intentions would approach from the woods, not the neat forest path - both because of secrecy and because the forest path is facing away from No Man's Land where all the miscreants are.

Now that you mention it, I can think of at least one dialogue that I didn't change to reflect the retconn of the home location, but yeah - the home of the elves is not hidden or far away from Briarstead.


New Member
Sep 1, 2020
I don't know how many hours I have sunk into this, but its gotta be about 4-5, no porn so far just teasing. *edit* made it to the end, got the hj scene. Hopefully more content in the future as the relationships have developed more.
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Jul 14, 2021

Hey everyone,

Within a few hours I'll be posting the image pack for all Patrons as I mentioned earlier. There are not many pictures and they are all incomplete - far from anything extraordinary, but maybe you'll like the sneak peek. Aside from that, here is the plan for the next several weeks + some thoughts about the future.

Next progress log (in the first week of 2023), we'll have the Sunny vs. Anasteya content poll. Following that, I expect my activity to die down to a minimum with my state exams approaching, and then we'll resume again during the end of January.

I've drawn a lot of art for the next episode already, though I have to say it is still very little for the episode as a whole - mainly because I went overboard with a few scenes and drew multiple unique artworks for them; good for viewing experience, no doubt, but not the best for moving things along quickly.

Going forward, I will have to be more economical with how I approach drawing for scenes, especially scenes with multiple artworks. But best I do not derail this post into another lengthy art talk - suffice to say, the key is to make the art look at least good without spending several hours polishing it to make it look "perfect".

When it comes to the story, there is still a lot of ground to cover - and I do mean a lot. It may be particularly challenging with many side characters' stories (many of whom are yet to appear) and their romances unfolding at the same time, but it always comes back to the question of art - if I can draw the art quickly, it doesn't matter how many side stories are tangled in. That being said, they are "side" characters for a reason - and the main story is always the first priority. My general approach is that every episode has to push the main plot somehow, sometimes less and sometimes more, but it should always feel like the "core" is moving forward. Far from a novelty, I know, but it's all too easy to get carried away.

Just as it is easy to get carried away while writing short posts on Patreon, apparently!

Looking over the entirety of Elvensang's development, there are many things I would have done differently if I had to start over - but whether it is a dent in the narrative, a sloppy piece of art or a needlessly long expository dialogue, they are not mistakes I look back to with regret. After all, those mistakes--and the lessons they offered--are the reason why I can look to the future with confidence.

And with that, I'd like to give my sincere thanks to everyone who has stuck with Elvensang despite the lousy release schedule in the last year! Come hell or high water, I'll do better in 2023.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :)

Love you all,



Active Member
Jul 5, 2022
Extract the patch into the folder called game within the Elfsang Folder. I mistakingly just extracted it into the games directory (the main Elfsang folder).
but what does the patch actually change cause i’m not sure whether the patch is working or not?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2018
but what does the patch actually change cause i’m not sure whether the patch is working or not?
At the moment it unlocks a couple of extra scenes with the mother (her taking a bath and I think one or two others I can't recall right now) but will be more important in the future as the dastardly hacker who wrote the patch subverts Worlaix's game with his perverted incest mod. If you saw the scene with MC's mother in the bath, the patch is working as intended. It's just that, like the game in general, there isn't a lot of lewd content to be had yet. I'm sure that will change...


Active Member
May 5, 2017
At the moment it unlocks a couple of extra scenes with the mother (her taking a bath and I think one or two others I can't recall right now) but will be more important in the future as the dastardly hacker who wrote the patch subverts Worlaix's game with his perverted incest mod. If you saw the scene with MC's mother in the bath, the patch is working as intended. It's just that, like the game in general, there isn't a lot of lewd content to be had yet. I'm sure that will change...
So it's a fan patch? As in the incest themes and content aren't official?
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Active Member
May 5, 2017
Bruh you've been on this site long enough to know it can't be official because patreon gargles ballsweat
Well yeah but games that usually have such patches have had incest content at some point and have gotten them usually disabled or cut, so it's not total fanfic content. I was just curious if the Elvensang dev left such content within the game files for interested parties to enable em through a patch or is it totally new content created by the fans.


Feb 15, 2019
Well yeah but games that usually have such patches have had incest content at some point and have gotten them usually disabled or cut, so it's not total fanfic content. I was just curious if the Elvensang dev left such content within the game files for interested parties to enable em through a patch or is it totally new content created by the fans.
Usually if a game isn't meant to have the tag then it's not added to the game. This one has it so, take that as you will.
Case in point, Where The Heart Is has a Incest patch, but it's not added to the tags.
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Nov 24, 2018
Are there 'multiple' paths pr the like in this? Or would you have gotten all the scenes in a single playthrough. And yeah, great game with a good story. Pretty rare here lol.
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