if I had made Elvensang now
i definitely understand. lol this will always feel that way, because your skill keeps growing forever
but what you have created here is unique and very enjoyable, so I wouldnt change it. its only currently giving this slow vibe because the content hasnt progressed yet, but I think in time it will be very good. likely better than most VNs BECAUSE of the slow burn and intentional attention to immersion.
the problem with the solution most people take (as you mentioned) of having other lets say promiscuous starting characters is that it cheapens the experience by diverging from immersion a bit. not always, but often enough to be noticeable. Many VNs do exactly that, and the MC bangs a handful of targets casually before getting to the main targets that have more substance.
Im not saying it ruins the games but it does often feel cliché. I wouldnt change what you have done here, or at least if you were going to "spice up" the content you already have by adding in a few scenes, i think the artful way to do it might be to piggy back on something you were already doing, which is giving short windows into the lives of distant characters. Like when you showed the ranger talking to the brigands in their hideout. The MC not present, its just a valuable piece of lore the reader gets to experience. those i think are the ideal types of moments to throw in some lewd service in the early game to tide over the reader until they reach the more substantial stuff where the MC is involved as the story grows.
If you could deliver both interesting important lore and eye service at the same time, that would be royal
i think it would have more value than generically involving the MC in some casual sex (though there are always sum exceptions)
like.... getting a blowie from Ginny for example, could happen early, seem awkward intentionally, not feel cheap... BUT it would lessen the impact of that first private conversation MC has with her, which is satisfying because its unexpected.
Honestly, I would change nothing. and add very little, peppered in to the content that the story has already progressed through... provided most of what is added doesnt involve the MC.
hahaha really i just want the next chapter! ;P
that is the main risk or sacrifice that has to be made when venturing any slow burn content, it comes along with an automatic expectation that there will be a significant mass of content to eat through. its usually worth the wait though
in anycase, Elvensang is already in my top 10 of 100+ memorable VNs on f95, and it feels like its just begun. so good fucking job mate